- 83% of residents rated their quality of life as very good or good.
- 64% of residents agreed their quality of life had improved or stayed the same in the past 5 years.
- Top drivers contributing to a positive quality of life score were:
- living in a friendly, rural, small town community,
- living in close proximity to services required, and
- having access to green space and nature.
- Provision of efficient and cost-effective services ranked lowest in quality of life factors (only 64% agreed) and will require improvements to increase the score in the future.
- Top issues identified include:
- Affordable housing
- Growth and development
- Public safety and crime
- Recreation opportunities
Resident Satisfaction Reports
Our Resident Satisfaction Surveys provide Haldimand residents the opportunity to share their thoughts on their quality of life in the County, identify their top issues, and rate their level of satisfaction with County services and programs.
We measure resident satisfaction levels every two years to create a larger picture of service delivery across the county and enable more efficient, cost-effective and accessible services for all residents.
Results from the survey help to shape future corporate strategic goals and prioritize areas for improvement so that we can meet targeted service delivery standards.
On this page
2022 Resident Satisfaction Survey
Staff collected online 369 survey responses from September 19 to October 28, 2022. Since the survey sample was self-selected, the data is not statistically representative of Haldimand County. If margin of error could be reported on this sample, it would be +/-5%.
Summary of findings
2024 Resident Satisfaction Survey
Deloitte Canada was contracted to conduct our 2024 Resident Satisfaction Survey. They collected 301 telephone interviews from September 19 to October 23, 2024. They also collected 385 online survey responses from October 7 to 20, 2024. The margin of error for the study was calculated at +/-5.649% using a 95% confidence interval. Results were weighted to the exact proportions of the population by age and ward (Census 2021 Statistics Canada).
Survey timeline
- September: Random sample telephone interviews
- October: Online survey open
- November: Draft report with analyzed data for review
- Early 2025: Final report and presentation to Council
Summary of results
Contact Us
Customer Experience and Communications
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0
Email Customer Experience and Communications
Phone: 905-318-5932