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Caledonia Wastewater Treatment Plant Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment

Through consultant J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd., we are undertaking a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) to determine the preferred wastewater treatment alternative to increase wastewater treatment capacity for Caledonia.

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Project background

A Draft Update to the Caledonia Master Servicing Plan (MSP) of 2006 was completed in 2020. The Draft MSP Update included land use and growth forecasts for the area that identified the need for near-term and future wastewater treatment alternatives.

This MCEA will re-evaluate the wastewater treatment alternatives identified in the Draft Update and confirm the preferred alternative. Design concepts for the preferred alternative will then be developed following studies of the area’s archaeology, cultural heritage and ecology.  

The study is being conducted per Phases 1 through 4 of the MCEA process to fulfill the requirements for Schedule C projects.

Status and updates

We are currently at the end of Phase 3. A Public Open House was held on November 19, 2024, to present the Phase 3 recommendations. 

During this phase, 3 potential design alternatives for the new wastewater treatment plant were evaluated based on financial, environmental, operational, and social considerations. The preliminary recommendations were presented at the open house including treatment options, proposed timelines, conveyance routes and environmental mitigation measures.

Feedback from the Public Open House will be incorporated into an Environmental Study Report (ESR) that will be placed on the public record for a 30-day review once finalized.

Five potential long-term wastewater servicing options were evaluated:

  • Alternative 1 – Do Nothing
  • Alternative 2 – Increasing wastewater treatment capacity at/or near the existing Caledonia wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)
  • Alternative 3 – A new south side WWTP with shared treatment with the existing Caledonia WWTP
  • Alternative 4 – A new south side WWTP and decommission the existing Caledonia WWTP
  • Alternative 5 – Pumping all or some wastewater to a new potential WWTP in Nanticoke

From the evaluation of the natural and cultural environment, technical environment, and economic environment, the chosen alternative was Alternative 3.

This alternative consists of the following infrastructure upgrades:

  • New WWTP south of the Grand River at 4300 River Road
  • New river crossing from McClung SPS to the new WWTP
  • New sanitary forcemain to direct flows from the existing WWTP to the new WWTP
  • Upgrades to McClung SPS, Nairne SPS and Main SPS

Even with the selection of Alternative 3, it is anticipated that the County will ultimately transition to a single plant (Alternative 4) when the existing Caledonia WWTP approaches the end of its useful life and requires major rehabilitation and repair.

Public engagement

The Public Open House for Phases 1 and 2 (Open House No. 1) was held on December 6, 2023, to present the recommended wastewater servicing alternative: constructing a new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).

After selecting the preferred treatment alternative, the Study continues to Phases 3 and 4 to develop and evaluate design concepts. 

A second Public Open House (Open House No. 2) was held on November 19, 2024, to present the Phase 3 preliminary recommendations including treatment options, proposed timelines, conveyance routes and environmental mitigation measures.  

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Project contacts

Please contact one of our team members if you have questions or comments, or would like to be added to the project mailing list:

Jane Wilson, P. Eng.
J.L. Richards & Associates Limited
107-450 Speedvale Avenue West
Guelph, ON N1H 7Y6
Phone: 226-780-7487

Philip Wilson
Manager, Water & Wastewater Engineering
Haldimand County
Phone: 905-318-5932 ext. 6431

What is a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment?

The Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) is an approved process that municipalities must follow under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. Class EA projects are classified in terms of schedules (A, B or C) depending on the degree of impact on the environment.

Schedule A projects include normal or emergency operational and maintenance activities. Environmental impacts of these projects are usually minimal and; therefore, they are considered pre-approved.

Schedule B projects involve improvements and minor expansions to existing facilities. There is some potential for adverse environmental impacts and; therefore, these projects go through a screening process including public consultation.

Schedule C projects involve the construction of new facilities and major expansions to existing facilities. These projects must go through the entire EA planning process.

  1. Identify problem/opportunity
  2. Identify alternative solutions
  3. Examine alternative design concepts for the preferred solution
  4. Prepare Environmental Study report

Phases by schedule

  • Schedule A projects only require the completion of Phase 1.
  • Schedule B projects only require the completion of Phase 1 and Phase 2.
  • Schedule C projects must complete all phases.

Contact Us

Engineering & Capital works
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Email Engineering
Phone: 905-318-5932

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