Swimmers who've taken lessons
If a swimmer has completed lessons with Haldimand County, you can view their report cards online to see their current level using your Swimmer ID number.
If you’ve lost your Swimmer ID, contact our recreation team.
If you have completed lessons with another organization, review the charts below and match the level to your child’s ability.
New swimmers
For new swimmers, review the charts below and match the level to your child’s ability. If you are unsure, contact our recreation staff by email or call 905-318-5932, ext. 8383 and we can help you determine which level to sign up for.
You can also visit one of our pools for a public swim and ask upon checking in to be observed by a staff member.
Swimmer skill chart
Use the chart below to assess your child's skill and find their swim level.
If your child is 4 months to 3 years old:
Skill level | Register in | Red Cross Equivalent |
Your child is ready to learn to swim and enjoy water with a parent. | Parent and Tot | Starfish, Duck, or Sea Turtle |
If your child is 3 to 4 years old:
Skill level | Register in | Red Cross equivalent |
Your child is just starting to swim out independently or has participated in Parent & Tot. | Preschool A | Sea Otter |
Your child can get in and out alone, jump into shallow water, float and glide in a PFD on their front and back, blow bubbles and get their face wet. | Preschool B | Salamander |
Your child can get in and out alone, jump into shallow water, submerge and exhale underwater and, with a buoyant aid, move through the water on their front and back. | Preschool C | Sunfish |
Your child can jump into chest-deep water and deep water wearing a PFD, recover objects from waist-deep water, move through water on their front and back while wearing a PFD. | Preschool D | Crocodile |
Your child can jump into deeper water and get out; tread water wearing a PFD, open eyes underwater, recover an item from the bottom in chest-deep water, front crawl and flutter kick in a PFD. | Preschool E |
If your child is 5 to 14 years old:
Skill level | Register in | Red Cross equivalent |
Your child is new to lessons and just starting or requires assistance to float. | Swimmer 1 | Swim Kids 1 |
Your child can jump into deeper water wearing a PFD, open eyes underwater, float and move through water on their front and back. | Swimmer 2 (Shallow) | Swim Kids 2 |
Your child can jump into deeper water with and without a PFD, open their eyes and exhale underwater, get objects off the bottom, tread, float and move through the water on front and back. | Swimmer 2 (Deep) | Swim Kids 2 |
Your child can jump into deeper water, fall sideways into water wearing a PFD, support themself at the surface without an aid, do a whip kick and swim 10–15 m on front and back. | Swimmer 3 | Swim Kids 3 |
Your child does cannonballs, dives and rolls into deep water, can tread water, swim underwater, swim a front and back crawl and endurance swims of 25–50 m. | Swimmer 4 |
Swim Kids 5 Swim Kids 5 |
Your child can do dives and a stride entry, an eggbeater kick, foot-first surface dives, front and back crawl, a whip kick, breaststroke arms with breathing and endurance swims of 50–100 m. | Swimmer 5 | Swim Kids 6 |
Your child can do shallow dives, an eggbeater kick, foot-first sculling, surface dives with an underwater swim, front crawl/back crawl/breaststroke over 50 m, sprint 25m and endurance swims of 100–200 m. | Swimmer 6 | Swim Kids 7 |
Your child can do compact jumps, eggbeater kicks for 1 minute, head-up front crawl or breaststroke over 25 m, 100 m front crawl/back crawl/breaststroke and endurance swims 200-300 m. |
Swimmer 7/8/9 "Swim Patrol" |
Swim Kids 8/9/10 |
If your child is 14 years and older:
Whether you are just starting or want help with your strokes, our Teen & Adult swim is the program for you! Set your own goals - learn to swim or improve your current swimming ability and water fitness. You'll develop water confidence and improve your skills. We incorporate Lifesaving Society Water Smart education.