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Festivals and Events

We're proud to support local groups who enrich our community through high-quality festivals, events and tournaments.

On this page

View our Event Calendar for a current listing of community events.

Already familiar with our event process? Skip to the Festival and Event Application Form to get started.

Planning an Event

If you are organizing a festival or event on Haldimand County property, we are here to assist you. Our dedicated staff can guide you through the process to ensure your event runs smoothly and complies with all relevant by-laws, policies, and procedures.

Before You Apply

Please review the following information before submitting your Special Event Application:

If you have any questions about the policy or the application process, please contact our special events staff for assistance before submitting your application.

Festival and Event Approval Process Guidelines

The guidelines below are intended to help you understand your responsibilities as an event organizer and to assist you in the process of obtaining the approvals necessary to hold your event on Haldimand County property.


Our Festival and Event Policy defines an event as an organized gathering with a planned program oriented towards arts, culture, sport and entertainment, charitable or educational activities, that occurs within a defined period that:

  • Requires County approval(s) under the Festival and Event approval process
  • May require the approval of outside regulatory agencies such as the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit
  • May incorporate activities not normally expected with the use of Haldimand County property that may require risk mitigation such as alcohol consumption, carnivals, tents, fireworks, etc.

Each year, we receive many requests from community volunteers and groups to operate events on Haldimand property. The events vary in scope, purpose, size, cost and complexity and require the coordinated efforts of staff to ensure safe event operation and adherence to applicable by-laws, policies and procedures.

Haldimand County retains the right to determine whether or not an applicant may hold an event on Haldimand County property. Applicants are responsible for meeting all of Haldimand County’s requirements including by-laws, policies and fees and any regulatory approvals required by outside agencies.

Application process

1.  Review the information outlined in these guidelines. Complete and submit the Festival and Event Application Form and all other forms as required. The event organizer must adhere to all policies, legislation, by-laws and regulations outlined in these guidelines.

2.  The following submission timelines will allow the event organizer and Haldimand County staff the time necessary to ensure that the event is safe and that all the required approvals are in place. Each request requires a varying amount of planning for approval.

  • New or Significantly Modified Events (require Council approval): the completed application must be received a minimum of 60 days before the scheduled start of the event
  • Returning Events: the completed application must be received a minimum of 30 days before the scheduled start of the event to process an Event application
  • A completed Festival and Event application must accompany all Major Festival and Event Enhancement Grants.

3.  Our staff will provide assistance to review applications and general requirements. We will distribute the complete application to all divisions and external partners for review. Additional information may be required depending on the organizer’s plans.

4.  Event organizers may be required to meet with staff to review the application and discuss details.

5.  Event organizers are required to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance following the specifications in this guide.

6.  Event organizers must acknowledge the support of Haldimand County in all print and publicity material for the festival (such as literature, advertising, banners or on-site signs).

7.  An event permit will be issued to the event organizer once all associated regulatory approvals have been met and provided.

8.  The event organizer will sign a final approval permit acknowledging they will adhere to all policies and procedures, legislation, by-laws and regulations as outlined in the guidelines and specifically in the permit.

9.  Following the festival or event, event organizers may be contacted to provide information regarding the event such as estimated attendance, feedback and suggestions associated with the approval process, festival or event improvements for the next year.

Activities and Requirements

1.  Activities: A schedule of all events and activities planned must be listed on the application.

2.  Additional Costs and Fees: The event organizer is responsible for any additional costs associated with the festival or event such as licensing fees, Special Occasion Permit fees, etc.

Additional fees may be charged to the event organizer for extra supplies, overtime, damage, etc. This is at the discretion of Haldimand County and will be determined with the event organizer’s involvement.

3.  Air Bounce/Inflatables: a Certificate of Insurance from the vendor in the minimum amount of two million ($2,000,000) dollars with Haldimand County and the event sponsor named as additional insureds on the policy for the duration of the event will be required.

4.  Alcohol: Where a festival or event requires a Special Occasions Permit (SOP) as per AGCO regulations, the event must be designated to be of 'municipal significance.' This designation allows advertising for, and fundraising from alcohol sales, where the event is being held by a group that is not a registered charity under the Income Tax Act, or a non-profit association or organization.

The municipal designation is required in the form of a Council resolution or a letter issued from the Municipal Clerk or the General Manager of Community and Development Services based on an evaluation of the following criteria:

  • The festival or event is accessible to and provides broad access and participation to all residents of the County and/or tourists and has a significant profile;
  • The liquor sales activity is ancillary to the main festival or event function and is to raise funds for the festival or event or to raise funds for charitable purposes and objects that benefit the public at large;
  • The festival or event is intended to encourage and promote community involvement and provides a venue for local businesses, organizations and residents to participate in the activities;
  • The festival or event organizer has submitted and received approval for an alcohol management plan from the County. Considerations will include:
    • The size of the alcohol service area and the projected number of participants
    • How the alcohol service area will be delineated (such as tents, barricades or fencing)
    • The qualifications that will be required by the organizer for all person(s) serving alcohol
    • The duration and hours of the alcohol service area
    • The impact of the alcohol service area upon neighbouring properties and other facility users or festival or event participants
    • Public health, safety and liability considerations for participants and the County

For-profit events can not be designated a municipally significant event as per the AGCO. Organizers for these events are encouraged to partner with a non-profit charitable organization or third party in order to obtain an SOP.

A reoccurring festival or event that has been designated of municipal significance shall maintain that designation unless it is rescinded by the County.

Alcoholic refreshments must not be provided to the public in glass containers.

5.  Amplified Sound: The event organizer must ensure compliance with the Haldimand County Noise By-law.

The sound system components should be located to minimize the potential impacts on adjacent property.

6.  Amusement Rides: If amusement rides are part of the event, the event organizer must provide the following documents:

  • Amusement Devices Act - Ontario License for the current year from the company.
  • Mechanical Fitness Permit issued by the Technical Safety Standards and  Safety  Authority under the Amusement Devices Act for the current year for each amusement device in operation.
  • A Certificate of Insurance from the vendor in the minimum amount of $2 million with Haldimand County and the event sponsor named as additional insureds for the duration of the event.

Inspection approvals will be required.

7.  Banners & Cross-road Installation: all banner hanging requests must be included in the event application. Please include:

  • Description of what the banner is advertising
  • A listing of the dates and locations requested
  • This activity must be included on the required Certificate of Insurance

Locations for Banner Cross Road Installations are Caledonia (1), Cayuga (1), Dunnville (2), Hagersville (1), and Jarvis (2).

There is a cost incurred by the County every time a banner is installed and removed. In an effort to ensure cost efficiencies, the actual timing of the banner installations and removals is done with consideration of all banner installation requests. It has been past practice to hang banners two weeks before the event.

8.  Clean Up: The event organizer is responsible for clean up during and immediately following the event.

9.  Community Event Trailer: Haldimand County staff will assist with setting up and taking down the Community Event Trailer. The event organizer/delegate must be present during setup.

  • The use of the Community Event Trailer must be included on the required Certificate of Insurance
  • A Certificate of Insurance for the company/individual moving the trailer must be provided to Haldimand County prior to pick up. See the application for details.

Details of use must be included in the festival and events application.

10.  Damage or Loss to Property and/or Equipment: additional costs may be charged to the event organizer due to damages or loss, etc. A pre-event site visit is recommended to note pre-event conditions.

11.  Event Promotion:  Major events held on County property may be added to Haldimand County's online events calendar.

Information regarding your event may also be included on the digital/reader boards located outside of the Caledonia, Cayuga and Dunnville Arenas. Submit a completed Digital Reader Board Announcement Request Form. Please note: the duration of display time and the space available for the digital reader board may be limited and cannot be guaranteed.

Tourism Events:  If your event has the potential to draw a significant audience from outside the County, Tourism Haldimand can assist with marketing support. The Tourism event calendar may feature eligible events. High-impact events that bring significant visitor interest might also receive special promotions on the Tourism Haldimand website and social media channels.

Tourism Haldimand works with local businesses and organizations to develop and promote unique tourism experiences. A tourism experience is geared toward smaller groups and is more than just an activity – it’s about creating meaningful, memorable moments that connect visitors with the heart and soul of Haldimand County. Whether it’s a hands-on workshop with local food tasting, a guided tour, or a special seasonal event i.e. Harvest Dinner in a Greenhouse, we can help you craft and showcase your offerings to attract new audiences.

Let us help you share what makes Haldimand County special. Connect with us to learn more about how we can support your event or tourism experience! Contact Tourism Haldimand

12.  Fireworks/Pyrotechnics: setting off or holding an event with “display fireworks” requires permission from the Haldimand County Fire Department and certification that a Display Fireworks Supervisor is in full charge of the display.

  • Fully operational fire extinguishing equipment is to be provided and maintained at all times.
  • A “display fireworks” application must be provided by the contractor of the fireworks event to the Haldimand County Fire Department a minimum of 6 weeks before the event.
  • The Display Fireworks application must meet the requirements of the Explosives Regulatory Division of Natural Resources Canada.

The event organizer must ensure the fireworks are in compliance with the Haldimand County Noise By-law.

This activity must be included on the required Certificate of Insurance.

13.  Food Providers: if the event includes temporary food establishments, the event organizer will need to complete and submit the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit Event Organizer’s Application Package at least sixty (60) days before the event

The event organizer must follow guidelines on potable water, wastewater, garbage receptacles, and proper food handling and storage.

Each food provider will be required to complete and submit the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit Event Food Provider’s Application Package at least thirty (30) days before the event.

The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit must approve all food and refreshment food providers before the event.

These applications will be distributed to the appropriate departments for inspection purposes.

14.  Games of Chance, Lotteries, Raffles, etc.: if the event involves raffles, duck races, bingos, wheels, etc., the event organizer must contact the licensing officer to ensure they comply with AGCO requirements. Licences are issued through Haldimand County.

The event organizer must provide proof of compliance before the event can be approved.

15.  Haldimand County EMS: generally, first aid at events is provided by agencies such as St. John’s Ambulance. However, transportation of patients to a hospital, as per the Ambulance Act, can only be completed by an ambulance service that has been certified by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. For Haldimand County, the County is the certified delivery agent.

To prevent delays and reduce liability, the event organizer may wish to book Haldimand County paramedics for the event. View current fees for this service.

A request for bike medics can also be made to Haldimand County EMS and will be considered based on the type of event, size of the crowd and increased/potential risks. Once reviewed, EMS will determine if the bike medic team is warranted and will communicate with the event organizer. Generally, bike medic deployment is reserved for festivals or events with large crowds.

16.  Haldimand County Facilities and Parks: all municipal facilities, arenas, parks, pavilions and pools are to be booked by the Facility Booking Clerk. To secure your date “tentatively” please contact the Facility Booking Clerk at 905-318-5932 ext. 6507, A Facility Rental Application for Events must be completed and submitted to book a facility.

Picnic tables and garbage cans may be available upon request. However, quantities are limited. It will be the event organizer’s responsibility to obtain additional tables for events if required.

Haldimand County staff will schedule a park clean-up before the event.

17.  Haldimand County Fire Department: Event Organizers are required to also complete and submit the Special Event Fire Safety Requirements for events with outdoor cooking equipment and tents or temporary structures.

The Fire Department may:

  • Inspect all food and refreshment vendors after set up to ensure compliance with fire safety regulations and have the authority to remove vendors accordingly
  • Inspect tents, stages and other temporary structures for compliance with fire safety regulations

18.  Haldimand County OPP: the Ontario Provincial Police will provide feedback to the Supervisor of Community Programs and Events during the application review process to provide guidance on ensuring a safe environment for all those participating in or impacted by a festival or event.

Contact the OPP Cayuga Detachment at 905-772-3322 if paid duty officers are required or if you wish to use any special equipment or vehicles (such as motorcycles, ATVs, or roll-over simulators).

To learn more about these services, visit the OPP website.

19.  Historical Precedent: event organizers in good standing, shall be given first right of refusal for the use of a County facility or road allowance on the same date the next year, upon receipt of a completed application and staff approval. Tentative bookings must be obtained from the Facility Booking Clerk at 905-318-5932 ext. 6507.

20.  Hold Harmless Agreement: the event organizer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Haldimand County harmless from and against any liability, loss, claims, demands, costs or expenses, including reasonable legal fees, occasioned whole or in part by any negligence or acts or omissions during the use of County property. The event organizer will need to sign and return the Hold Harmless Agreement with the event application. Failure to return the signed Hold Harmless Agreement may result in an event not being permitted to proceed.

21.  Inspections: may be required by the Haldimand County Fire Department, the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, and/or our Building and Municipal Enforcement Division.

Inspections will take place during the set up or throughout the event. The departments listed above have the authority to suspend/cancel an event on site if the amusement rides, inflatable/air bounce devices, musical entertainment, stages, bleacher, tents, etc., are deemed unsafe or do not meet the inspection requirements regardless of the approval letter from the County.

Food Providers will be prohibited from operating, if deemed unsafe or if they do not meet the inspection requirements regardless of a previously issued Special Event Permit from the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit.

22.  Insurance Requirements: The event organizer will be responsible for providing a Certificate of Insurance (COI) prior to the start of the event. The insurance described in the COI shall be maintained in full force and effect throughout the duration of the event and shall contain the following requirements:

  • Commercial General Liability for not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000)
  • Occurrence Based Coverage
  • Cross Liability & Severability of Interest Clauses indicated as included
  • Haldimand County named as an additional insured
  • Description of the events/activities for which the insurance applies
  • Dates and times of events
  • 30 days' notice of cancellation or alteration
  • Policy number, policy period, name and address of Insurer
  • Liquor Liability Coverage if the event involves the sale, service or consumption of alcohol
  • Signature of Authorized Representative (insurance provider or broker)

Please have your insurance representative review the checklist above before issuing the Certificate of Insurance.

The County reserves the right to request Commercial General Liability insurance over $2,000,000 where the nature of the event exposes the municipality to potentially greater liability. All insurance documents must be acceptable to the County before the event.

Please note: It is the responsibility of the event organizer to collect a Certificate of Insurance, meeting the same mandatory requirements, from each vendor that is providing services at the event (food, entertainment, rides, fireworks, etc.)

All insurance documents will be required 30 days prior to the event. Failure to provide a Certificate of Insurance in compliance with the requirements may result in an event not being permitted to proceed.

23.  Open Air Burning: The event organizer must meet the requirements of the Open Fire Burn By-law.

24.  Outside Tournaments with Alcohol: the tournament organizer must complete and submit the Tournaments Only Application Form, provide a Certificate of Insurance per the requirements, and sign the Hold Harmless Agreement and the Event Agreement. A completed Facility Rental Application will be required to reserve the playing field. For tournaments with alcohol, please refer to section 4 for additional requirements.

All new tournaments must apply a minimum of sixty (60) days prior to the tournament to ensure there is time to obtain Council approval.

25.  Parade Entries: each person or organization entering a motorized vehicle including farm or construction equipment and/or a float, in a parade is responsible for maintaining the vehicle and/or float in a safe operating condition.

The parade organizer is responsible for collecting proof of liability insurance from entrants such as vehicles, floats, farm equipment, horses, etc.

26.  Parades Routes: please see Section 30 or details.

27.  Performance Bonds: the event organizer may be required to post a performance bond, 10 days before the event if Haldimand County deems it necessary.

28.  Parking: the event organizer must indicate the parking facilities and/or the methods of control to be used on the event application.

29.  Petting Zoos: if the event includes a petting zoo or animal exhibit, the event organizer should contact the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit for further information in regard to participant safety. This activity must be included on the required Certificate of Insurance.

30.  Road Use and Closures: for both partial and full street/road closures, the applicant must provide a map/drawing and specific details of the closure request (road/street names, dates, times, businesses/property owners that may be impacted by the street/road closure and/or other pertinent information before approval is granted).

The event organizer must complete the Roads Operations Division Festival and Event Request Form to request a temporary street/road closure for any event where traffic flow is anticipated to be interrupted, such as parades, walks and runs.

Closing a County road for a festival or event is a complex process involving and affecting many people. Haldimand County must prioritize public safety when closing down roads to ensure that traffic can safely flow while events are taking place. It will be the responsibility of the event organizer to provide notice of a road closure in a timely fashion to those residents directly affected. A copy of the notice must be submitted for review by County staff before being distributed to residents.

The blocking or temporary closure of a major highway such as Highway #3 or #6 requires the organizers to seek permission from the Ministry of Transportation having jurisdiction where the event is being held.

It is the responsibility of the event organizer to pick up and return all barricades and/or pylons to the appropriate Roads operations yard. Equipment must be returned on the first business day following the event.

When the equipment is picked up, the event organizer or representative and a Roads Operations employee will sign that the equipment was received in good condition. Upon return of the equipment, signatures will also be required to confirm that all equipment was returned and in good condition.

If any equipment is not returned or is damaged while in use or during transport to or from the event, the event organizer will be held responsible and will be invoiced accordingly. Failure to compensate for any losses may result in the suspension of the event the following year.

31.  SOCAN: is the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada. When live or recorded music is included in the event activities, the event organizer is responsible for the SOCAN license fees.

32.  Site Plan: the event organizer is required to submit an overall site plan. A meeting may be scheduled to review the exact locations for all activities, equipment, tents, etc.

33.  Tents: the Ontario Building Code (OBC) requires a building permit be obtained for a single tent or group of tents whose aggregate area exceeds 60 square metres (646 square feet), is attached to a building or is constructed closer than 3 m (10 feet) from other tents or structures. (Division C, Section 1.3.and Division B, Section 3.14 of the OBC outlines requirements).

To obtain a building permit, the event organizer will need to:

  • Complete a building permit application.
  • Provide two (2) copies of a site plan showing the proposed location and the clearance to other tents, buildings and structures on the property and access from a roadway.
  • Provide a sketch plan showing exit locations, fire extinguisher locations and table layout.
  • If the tent exceeds 225 square metres (2,420 square feet), provide a drawing stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer verifying the structural adequacy and anchorage of the tent, the event organizer shall bear the costs associated with this requirement.
  • Provide a Certification of Flame Resistance to Can/ULC-S109 or NFPA 701.
  • The certification label must be attached to all components (Tent, walls, etc.) of the tent. If there is no Certification attached, then the installation will not pass inspection and must be removed.

Payment will be required for the Building Permit. View the current rates.

After the erection of the tent, we will require the following:

  • Inspection by the Fire Department.
  • Inspection by the Building and Municipal Enforcement Division.
  • If the tent exceeds 225 square metres (2,420 square feet), a final inspection by a Registered Professional Engineer prior to occupancy.

For further information, please contact the Building and Municipal Enforcement Division at 905-318- 5932.

34.  Washroom Facilities: For events with food, event organizers must provide public access to washrooms. The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit requires a specific number of washrooms based on expected attendance and/or activity. This information can be found in the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit Event Organizer Application Package. It is the Event Organizer’s responsibility to make all arrangements for portable washroom facilities if required.

35.  Water Activities: for activities such as duck races, canoe races and boat races planned on the Grand River, the event organizer is responsible for the notification to the Grand River Conservation Authority.

36.  Zoning By-laws: all events must conform to the requirements of the zoning by-laws. A zoning compliance letter may be required.

Applications and approvals

All event organizers must obtain a Special Event Permit, which must be displayed at the event. The total number of approvals required before a permit can be issued varies by event.

All events are required to submit the following:

Additional applications and approvals may be required depending on the nature and location of your event. Consult with our team to confirm additional requirements.

This is not an exhaustive list, be sure to confirm with event staff that you have submitted all the necessary applications based on your event.


Be sure to submit all required applications (with any applicable approvals) within the following timelines.

Event application submission timelines
Event type Timeline
New or significantly modified events (requires Council approval) At least 60 days before the scheduled event
Returning events At least 30 days before the scheduled event

Keep in mind that these timelines refer to complete applications only. If you require additional approvals for your event (such as food, alcohol, road closures, etc.), be sure to obtain them before submitting your Festival and Event Application or build more time into your event planning to ensure your event deadline can be met.  

Promoting your event

If you are running a community event, you can apply to have your event listed on our event calendar. You may also be eligible to have your event listed on digital signage at the Caledonia, Cayuga, and Dunnville arenas.

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