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We offer a wide variety of recreation activities for all ages and abilities, from swimming lessons and camps to certifications and workshops.

On this page

Account creation on ActiveNet requires preapproval. Please create an account early to avoid missing out on programming spaces!

Seniors' Programs

Sit to be Fit

Hosted by the Haldimand Abilities Centre, this free program works to improve cardiovascular health, balance, weight and muscle strength.

The program runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Caledonia Arena.

Minds in Motion

Geared toward residents with early- to mid-stage dementia, the Minds in Motion program encourages meaningful and beneficial socialization and stimulation through a number of targeted activities.

The program runs on Wednesdays at the Cayuga Arena.

Financial assistance

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to participate in recreation programs. To help with this, we accept subsidy funding for our recreation programs where eligible. Learn more on our Financial Assistance page

Haldimand County Affiliate Program

Not-for-profit organizations can apply to receive assistance from the County for initiating, planning, developing, organizing and evaluating recreational and/or cultural activities within the community. Groups affiliated with the program may also make use of designated schools for programs and/or meetings organized by the group.

Criteria for Affiliate Groups

  • Groups must identify a purpose and objective and how it serves the community.
  • Groups must be of a recreational and/or cultural nature, with aims and objectives compatible with those of the Community Development & Partnerships Division.
  • Groups must be a non-profit organization.
  • Membership to the group must be available to all residents in the community taking into consideration limiting factors such as geographical location, age and facility limitations.
  • Groups that are denied approval of affiliation may appeal in writing to the Community Development & Partnerships Division for further consideration.

Special services available to all approved affiliation groups

  • Affiliated groups through the Joint Use Agreement between the Community
  • Development & Partnerships Division and The Board of Education may make use of designated schools (following the required procedures as established by the Boards of Education) for programs and/or meetings organized by the group.
  • Affiliated organizations are aware that Community Development and Partnership staff are here as a resource for the groups.

Obligation/responsibilities of affiliated groups

  • The services, activities and programs, which are offered by the groups, should be in response to the needs of the citizens in the community.
  • Groups should be involved in training of its members and participants, in order to insure continued growth and development of the individuals and group.
  • Groups should publicize the activities to the general public in order to make their programs accessible.
  • Groups must assume responsibility for their own liability insurance coverage for all the group’s activities.
  • Groups must renew their Affiliation on an annual basis.
  • It is strongly recommended that all groups working with children, youth, special needs and seniors must implement a volunteer screening program, which includes a criminal records and vulnerable sector check.
  • Groups are responsible for ensuring all bills and fees associated with the programs or activities are paid in full.

Program cancellations and refunds

For closures and cancellations due to weather, maintenance, or emergency, subscribe to Facility, Sports Field and Pool Closures on our news subscription page and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

There are no make-up classes for those cancelled due to the circumstances noted above or for classes missed due to absence. Refunds will be granted for classes cancelled by Haldimand County only, or if a participant is unable to attend due to medical reasons (documentation required). For more information on refunds, contact our recreation team

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