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Bulk Water Depots

We operate bulk water depots in Dunnville, Hagersville and Jarvis. You must sign up for a bulk water account before accessing any of our depots.

On this page

Setting up an account

If you wish to setup an account to access bulk water, you must apply in person at the Haldimand County Administration Building in Cayuga

  • All active accounts will be charged a monthly administration fee as well as for consumption at the current bulk water rate
  • All rates and fees are governed by the Water and Wastewater Fees and Services Charges By-law 
  • Water volumes are measured in cubic metres – 1 cubic metre is equal to 1,000 litres (approximately 220 gallons)
  • Any bulk water accounts with no activity during the calendar year will automatically be deactivated on January 1 of the following year
  • Any bulk water accounts that are not paid within 40 days of the invoice date will be deactivated until the account is paid in full, including interest
  • All overdue payments will be transferred to the property owner's tax account after 60 days or referred to a collection agency 
  • All deactivated accounts will be subject to a reactivation fee to continue use

Once your account is activated, you will be issued a vehicle number and an operator number. Both of these numbers are required to access the water system and should be kept confidential.

For more information, or for help setting up an account, call our customer experience team at 905-318-5932.

Paying your bulk water bill

We offer several convenient ways to pay your bulk water bill.

You can pay online with a credit card through our third-party provider, Paymentus. 

You will need:

  • Customer ID (noted on your bill)
  • The balance owing on your bulk water bill
  • Your credit card (VISA or Mastercard)

Paymentus charges a non-refundable transaction fee of 2.50%.

Pay your bulk water bill online.

You can pay your bulk water bill through your bank at the teller, through the ATM, or using online or telephone banking.

To pay online, you’ll need to add the Haldimand County as a payee. Search for “Haldimand County A/R” to add us as a payee. ​Your Customer ID, found on your bill, is your account number.

Please allow several days for mail delivery, and make your cheque or money order payable to Haldimand County.

Haldimand County
53 Thorburn St. S.
Cayuga, ON
N0A 1E0

You can make your payment in person at the Haldimand County Administration Building during regular business hours. Debit, credit card, cheque, cash, and money order payments are accepted.

You can also drop off a cheque or money order (payable to Haldimand County) after hours in our drop box at the side of the County building off Chippewa Street. Please do not deposit cash.  

Please allow sufficient time for payments to reach us by the due date, or penalty and interest charges will apply. Any bulk water accounts that are not paid within 40 days of the invoice date will be deactivated until the account is paid in full, including interest.

Bulk water depot locations

All three of our bulk water depots are open 24/7.




Filling instructions

Our bulk water depots use a touch keypad at all locations, similar to a bank machine keypad.

To access water, follow the below steps. Be sure to wait until prompted before continuing to the next step.

  • Press #
  • Enter your 4-digit vehicle code number, then press #
  • Enter your 4-digit operator code number, then press “c”
  • Enter pump number 1 or 2
  • Press “d” to begin filling the tank
  • When the tank is nearly full, press and hold the “stop” button to stop the transaction

Failure to turn off the hose will result in an overflow of your tank, which will count toward your consumption costs.

Usage rules

  • Once the water leaves the control of Haldimand County, risk and responsibility are assumed by the individual user
  • All users are responsible for ensuring that the connection port remains clean for all users
  • It is expected that private hoses, tanks and other equipment will not contaminate the site
  • Tanks used for anything other than potable water are strictly prohibited
  • Contamination of the site by any user may result in the loss of depot privileges

Contact Us

Haldimand County
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Phone: 905-318-5932

After hours (Road, Sewer, Water or Park & Public Facilities Emergencies): 1-888-849-7345

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