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Tree Maintenance

Haldimand residents are not permitted to plant, prune (trim), remove or injure trees located on Haldimand County-owned property including cemeteries, facilities, parks, along roads and trails without prior approval from Haldimand. 

For questions or concerns about a Haldimand County-owned tree, please contact our forestry staff or submit a Tree Maintenance Request. We can assist you with:

  • Determining if a street tree is located on Haldimand or private property
  • Assessing the health and structural condition of a Haldimand County-owned tree
  • Maintaining Haldimand County-owned trees through pruning, removal and stump grinding
  • Planting new street trees on Haldimand property adjacent to your property

On this page

Tree pruning

County-owned trees are pruned by certified arborists on seven-year cycle across seven zones. Proper pruning helps to develop trees with strong structures that are more resilient to damage during storms, extending the tree’s life and reducing future maintenance costs.

Tree removal

We remove Haldimand County-owned trees if they die or become a hazard to public safety. New trees are planted through resident requests and the Haldmand’s infill planting program. The majority of trees that are removed by Haldimand are Ash trees infested by Emerald Ash Borer.

Stump grinding

Stumps that are located within areas of maintained lawns are ground out and replaced with topsoil/grass seed the year following the removal of the tree. We do not remove stumps within unmaintained or forested areas.

Tree marking

Trees that have been identified for maintenance by Haldimand County will be marked with green paint. Hydro One uses orange and green paint to mark trees that are scheduled for maintenance on both public and private trees near hydro lines.

Haldimand County markings

  • Green dot: prune.
  • Grey dot: pruning work has been completed.
  • Green ‘X’: remove.
  • Green line on the stump: stump removal.
  • Green ‘X’ and line may be combined for tree and stump removal.
  • Green circle on grass: new tree to be planted.

Hydro One markings

  • Green dot: Prune
  • Red/orange ‘H’: Remove

Tree maintenance along Highway 3 and Highway 6

The maintenance of trees located along Highway 3 and Highway 6 that are outside of the urban boundaries of Caledonia, Cayuga, Hagersville and Jarvis, is the responsibility of the Ministry of Transportation (MTO).

Hydro One tree maintenance

Hydro One is responsible for pruning and removing trees located on both Haldimand and private property that may impact hydro transmission lines (typically running parallel to the road). Hydro One performs tree maintenance on an annual cycle.

Pruning around service lines that run from the transmission line to a home is the responsibility of the tree owner.

Haldimand prunes Haldimand County-owned trees to provide clearance around service lines on a seven-year cycle.

Submit a tree maintenance request to Hydro One:

Contact Us

53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Email Forestry
Phone: 905-318-5932, ext. 6503

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