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Tax Rates and Rebates

Tax rates determine how much property tax you pay, based on the assessed value of your property. The rate varies depending on the class of property you own.

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How property taxes are calculated

Property taxes are calculated by multiplying the value of your property (assessed independently by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation by the tax rate. 

The tax rate is established by Haldimand County annually in June through the tax policy report. The tax rate changes each year based on the value of all properties and how much funding is needed to provide services.

VIDEO: how property values affect your taxes

For example: In 2024 the residential tax rate is 0.01306904%. For an average home (valued at $284,640) in Haldimand, this works out to about $3,719.97 per year in property taxes.

2024 final tax rates

The total tax rate for Haldimand County includes both the Haldimand tax portion and the Education tax portion. The Province of Ontario establishes the Education tax rate.

2024 property tax rates

Property class

Tax class






0.01153904 0.00153000 0.01306904

Residential Farmlands Awaiting Development


0.00865428 0.00114750 0.00980178



0.02307808 0.00153000 0.02460808

Multi-Residential (New Construction)


0.01153904 0.00153000 0.01306904

Commercial (Occupied)

CT, ST, GT, (CG, CP, DP)

0.01953444 0.00880000 0.02833444

Commercial (Occupied – PIL Education Retained)

(CF, CJ, CH, GF)

0.01953444 0.01163509 0.03116953



0.01953444 0.00880000 0.02833444

Commercial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands


0.01953444 0.00880000 0.02833444

Commercial Excess Lands/ Vacant Lands (PIL Education Retained)


0.01953444 0.01163509 0.03116953

Commercial (New Construction)


0.01953444 0.00880000 0.02833444

Commercial (New Construction – Vacant Lands)


0.01953444 0.00880000 0.02833444

Commercial Small-Scale On-Farm Subclass

C7, C0

0.00488361 0.00220000 0.00708361

Industrial (Occupied)


0.02685596 0.00880000 0.03565596

Industrial (Occupied – PIL Education Retained)

(IH, II, LH, LI, LN, LS)

0.02685596 0.01250000 0.03935596

Industrial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands


0.02685596 0.00880000 0.03565596

Industrial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands (PIL Education Retained)

(IJ, IK, LK)

0.02685596 0.01250000 0.03935596

Industrial Farmland Pending Development


0.00865428 0.00114750 0.00980178

Industrial (New Construction)


0.02685596 0.00880000 0.03565596

Industrial (New Construction – PIL Education Retained)


0.02685596 0.00980000 0.03665596

Industrial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands (New Construction)


0.02685596 0.00880000 0.03565596

Industrial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands (New Construction – PIL Education Retained)


0.02685596 0.00980000 0.03565596

Industrial Small-Scale On-Farm Subclass

I7, I0

0.00671399 0.00220000 0.00891399



0.01718624 0.00880000 0.02598624



0.00288476 0.00038250 0.00326726

Managed Forests


0.00288476 0.00038250 0.00326726

Past tax rates

For earlier tax rates, contact our tax team.

Tax rebates

Seniors who receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement and people who receive support through the Ontario Disability Support program can apply for a property tax deferral.

We accept applications to cancel or reduce property taxes in these circumstances:

  • A property could not be used for its normal use because of repairs or renovations for at least three months a year
  • The use of a non-residential property has changed since the return of the last revised assessment roll
  • A property has exempt status after the return of the last revised assessment roll
  • There has been a fire or demolition in a building
  • There is a gross or manifest error in the assessment

To make an appeal, complete a tax appeal application form [link: tax appeal application] and submit it by the end of February in the following year. See the application form for further details and conditions.

In the case of a gross and manifest error, you can appeal taxes from two years prior to the current tax year.

Learn more about the appeal process on the MPAC website.

Eligible charities occupying commercial or industrial property in Haldimand County may apply for a tax rebate.

Along with the Charitable Rebate Application form, you must also provide proof of:

  • status as an eligible organization (e.g. letters patent or confirmation from Revenue Canada of charitable status)
  • lease payments that include a portion of property taxes or additional payments made to the landlord for a proportionate share of property taxes.

Applications must be received by Haldimand County by the last day of February of the year following the taxation year.

Contact Us

Property Taxes
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Email Property Taxes
Phone: 905-318-5932

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