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Paying Your Property Taxes

We charge property taxes in four instalments each year, with several different methods to pay. Find out more about how your property tax rate is calculated.

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Looking for your roll number?

There are 3 easy ways to find it:

Ways to pay

We offer five convenient ways for you to pay your property taxes.

We offer two pre-authorized payment plans (PAP) for property taxes:

  • Instalment plan – Taxes are split into four instalments throughout the year, deducted on the approved tax due dates. Applications for new instalment PAPs must be submitted at least 15 days before the due date.
  • Monthly plan – Taxes are split into 12 payments deducted on the first of each month. Applications for new monthly PAPs need to be received on the 15th of the month (or the first business day after). Payment amounts are recalculated during interim and final billing each year.

Apply for pre-authorized payments

Cancel an existing pre-authorized payment plan


Your tax roll balance must be up-to-date to enroll in a pre-authorized plan. If you’re currently behind on your taxes, contact us to discuss a payment plan for your outstanding amounts before setting up a PAP.

Moving or changing property ownership

Pre-authorized plans do not transfer to new properties automatically. If you’ve purchased a new property, you will need to submit a new application. If you’ve sold your property, you will need to cancel your existing PAP.

Supplementary billing

Any supplementary tax bills for new construction or improvements will not be withdrawn through a monthly pre-authorized payment plan. You must pay these bills separately. 

Your monthly pre-authorized payment plan will be cancelled if you fail to pay your supplemental tax bill. 

You can pay online with a credit card through our property tax form.

You will need:

  • Your property tax roll number
  • The balance owing on your tax bill
  • Your credit card (VISA or Mastercard)

Paymentus charges a non-refundable transaction fee of 2.50%.

You can pay your taxes through your bank at the teller, through the ATM, or using online or telephone banking.

To pay online, you’ll need to add Haldimand County as a payee. Search for “Haldimand County Taxes” to add us as a payee. ​Your account number is the 19-digit roll number found on your tax bill, entered without periods or dashes.

Please allow several business days for Haldimand to receive your payment. We recommend checking with your financial institution to confirm their processing and cut-off times.

Please allow several days for mail delivery, and make your cheque or money order payable to Haldimand County.

Post-dated cheques are no longer accepted.

Haldimand County
53 Thorburn St. S.
Cayuga, ON
N0A 1E0

Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like a receipt.

You can make your payment in person at the Haldimand County Administration Building during regular business hours. Cheque, debit, cash, and money order payments are accepted. We are no longer accepting post-dated cheques for property tax payments.

You can also drop off a cheque or money order (payable to Haldimand County) after hours in our drop box at the side of the Haldimand County Administration Building off Chippewa Street. Please do not deposit cash.  

Please allow sufficient time for payments to reach us by the due date, or penalty and interest charges will apply.

Getting your bill

Tax bills are issued based on the billing type. New accounts get paper bills in the mail by default. Paper bills automatically stop when you sign up for our online billing service. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve you from paying taxes – if you believe you’re missing a bill, contact our finance team.  

If you need to change the mailing address where you receive your tax bill, complete a Tax Roll Mailing Address Change.

Due dates

If you don’t submit taxes through a mortgage company, you must pay your tax bill by the following due dates.

Property tax due dates
Payment type First instalment Second instalment
2025 interim billing  March 31, 2025 May 30, 2025
2025 final billing - tentative dates August 29, 2025 October 31, 2025

Billing types

There are three different types of tax bills.

Interim bills cover taxes due for the first six months of a year, paid in two instalments. Bills are mailed out in February with payments due in March and May.

Amounts are estimated based on 50% of the previous year's property taxes.

Final bills cover taxes due for the last six months of a year, paid in two instalments. Bills are mailed out in July, with payments due in August and October.

Final bills are calculated using the current year's assessment and tax rate, less the amount on your interim bill.

Supplementary tax bills are issued throughout the year to owners of newly built or significantly altered properties.

To determine what property 'change events' may trigger new tax bills, visit the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) website.

If you are currently enrolled for monthly pre-authorized payments, supplementary tax bills will not be automatically withdrawn from your financial institution account. Please see the payment options above for paying your supplementary tax bill by the due date.

Late payments

We apply a penalty and interest charge to your account of 1.25% of the outstanding amount on the first day past the due date. Interest will then continue to be charged on the first day of each calendar month that the amount remains outstanding.

Penalty and interest charges cannot be waived. Bills that remain unpaid for more than two years can ultimately result in a tax sale of the property.

Insufficient funds

The NSF/Returned Payment fee for 2025 is $41.


If your cheque payment was returned due to insufficient funds, we will reverse your payment and apply an NSF/Returned Payment fee.

Pre-authorized payments

If your pre-authorized payment fails, an NSF/Returned Payment fee will be added to your account. If you do not pay before the next pre-authorized withdrawal, the total amount withdrawn may include the previous bill payment amount, the NSF fee, and the current amount.

After two unsuccessful PAP payments, you will no longer be eligible to remain in the pre-authorized plan and your plan will be cancelled.

Contact Us

Property Taxes
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Email Property Taxes
Phone: 905-318-5932

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