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Curbside Collection

We offer curbside waste collection services to eligible properties throughout Haldimand in line with our Curbside Collection By-law. The collection of recyclable materials has transitioned from the County to Circular Materials Ontario. 

On this page

Garbage Collection

The County provides weekly curbside garbage collection for properties throughout Haldimand through our contractor, Norfolk Disposal.

For questions or concerns about your collection, contact Norfolk Disposal at 1-800-616-0347 or by email at

Materials not collected curbside may be disposed of through other diversion programs or brought to the Canborough Waste Management Facility.

Collection details

Garbage collection occurs every week and is managed by Norfolk Disposal.  

Limit: Maximum of 3 receptacles per household and 10 receptacles per business or group home

Acceptable containers: bags or cans

Maximum weight: 18 kg (40 lb) 

Yes No
  • Bristol board
  • Greeting cards
  • Wrapping paper
  • Ceramics (such as dishes, teapots)
  • Lawn edging and garden hoses
  • Paper coffee cups and drink cups
  • Pet food bags
  • Woven onion/seed bags
  • Bubble wrap
  • Chip bags
  • Juice or soup pouches
  • Food waste
  • Coffee grounds and filters
  • Coffee pods
  • Tea bags
  • Paper napkins, tissues and towels
  • Paper plates
  • Microwave popcorn bags
  • Fats, oils and grease
  • Automotive parts (including tires)
  • Construction, demolition and renovation materials, such as siding, doors, fencing, drywall, wood and shingles
  • Dead animals
  • Electronics
  • Grass clippings, sod, soil and rocks
  • Household hazardous waste
  • Propane or helium cylinders 

Did you receive an Oops! sticker on your garbage?

Here are some steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again:

  • Check the sticker to see what went wrong
  • Review this page to confirm where your item(s) should go
  • Place materials out correctly the following week

Recycling collection

Circular Materials Ontario is now fully responsible for the residential curbside collection program for recycling in Haldimand with collection managed by their contractor Modern Landfill. 

Recycling collection occurs every week and is serviced by Modern Landfill

For questions or concerns about your recycling pickup, contact Modern Landfill at 1-844-624-3126 or by email at

Blue box

Limit: No limit

Additional containers: place extra items in another rigid, reusable container with handles

Maximum weight: 18 kg (40 lb) 

Yes No

Glass bottles and jars

  • Only clear or coloured food and beverage glass bottles and jars
  • Remove lids and rinse containers
  • Place both lid and container in the blue box 

Plastic food and beverage bottles, laundry jugs, cleaner, soap and shampoo bottles with the #1-7 recycling symbol

  • Empty and rinse all containers
  • Discard sprayers and leave lids on


  • Rinse all Styrofoam cups and takeout containers

Plastic flower pots and trays

Gable top cartons

  • Milk, cream, juice, egg substitutes, sugar

Tetra pack boxes

  • Juice, soup, broth boxes

Spiral cardboard tubes

  • Frozen juice containers, chip cans, chilled dough

Metal containers

  • Aluminum and steel cans and lids
  • Aerosol cans (must be empty)
  • Paint cans (must be empty and dry)
  • Lightbulbs
  • Mirror or window glass
  • Broken glass
    • Place broken glass into a cardboard box, tape it shut, label it "broken glass" and set it out with your garbage
  • Drinking glasses
  • Ceramics (plates, mugs)
  • Motor oil or chemical containers
  • Plastic bags or bubble wrap
  • Toys
  • Water cooler bottles
  • Take out coffee cups
  • Straws
  • Plastic wrapping (black box)
  • Foil or foil-lined bags (such as pet food) or cardboard lids
  • Stand-up pouches (juice, soup)
  • Aluminum foil with food or liquid residue
  • Hangers, metal posts or baking sheets
  • Partially full aerosol cans
  • Propane cylinders


Black box

Limit: No limit

Additional containers: place extra items in another rigid, reusable container with handles

Maximum weight: 18 kg (40 lb) 

Yes No


  • Tie bundles of cardboard no larger than 91 cm x 91 cm x 20 cm (3 ft x 3 ft x 8 in)
  • Remove inside bags, packing materials or liners

Items that are 100% paper

  • Magazines
  • Catalogues
  • Junk mail
  • Paper bags
  • Office papers
  • Clear bagged shredded paper
  • Envelopes
  • Plain Kraft paper


  • Remove hard covers

Newspaper and flyers

  • Stack them in your black box or tie them in bundles
  • Remove plastic wrap


  • Cereal boxes
  • Shoe boxes
  • Egg cartons
  • Paper towel centres

Plastic bags and stretchy plastic outer wrap

  • Bag your bags - stuff all plastic bags and stretchy wrap into one bag, tie and place in the black box
  • Remove all food residue and receipts


  • Waxed cardboard
  • Cardboard contaminated with food or oil
  • Milk cartons or juice boxes
  • Photographs
  • Construction or tissue paper
  • Wrapping paper and greeting cards
  • Coated paper bags (such as pet food bags)
  • Paper beverage cups
  • Frozen food packaging (paper ice cream cartons, frozen food boxes)
  • Paper towels or tissues
  • Plastic wrap other than plastic bags or stretchy outer wrap
  • Cookie, cereal or cracker box liners
  • Resealable sandwich and freezer bags

Other curbside collection programs

In addition to garbage and recycling, curbside collection is also offered seasonally in our urban areas for leaf and yard waste and can be arranged year-round for bulky items

Bulky item collection

You can arrange to have bulky items such as furniture and mattresses picked up with your regular curbside collection. Learn more about the bulky item collection program.

Leaf and yard waste collection

Residents in urban areas in Haldimand can have their leaf and yard waste picked up seasonally with their regular curbside collection. Learn more about the leaf and yard waste program and your options if you live outside of an urban area.

Tree stumps and large branches are not accepted curbside. You can bring these to our waste depot. 

What goes where

If you have an item not listed above or aren't sure how to dispose of it, search the Recycle Coach app to find out. Download the app on your phone to access your collection schedules and disposal information on the go.

Apply for curbside collection services

Owners of townhouses, condominium complexes, multi-residential structures, trailer parks and privately owned roads can apply for curbside collection service through Haldimand. 

Before applying for curbside collection services, you must ensure your property meets the minimum standards for waste collection and waste storage systems. Read our guidelines below and then click the button to submit your application. 

In addition to the requirements noted below, property owners must also adhere to Municipal site plan requirements, the Curbside Collection By-law, building and fire codes and any other applicable regulations.

Email us if you would prefer PDF versions of the guidelines and application forms.

As part of your application, you will be required to confirm the following checklist items. Ensure you can address these items.

1.  Are the access and the internal roadway a minimum of 3.048 metres (10 ft.) in width with a minimum of 13 metres in turning radii and is the approach to the Collection Point designed with a minimum of 18.0 metres straight approach?

2.  Does the private property provide a continuous drive-through access and exit? 

3.  Where the requirement for continuous drive-through access and exit cannot be met, is there a "T"-type turnaround designed that includes the length of the collection vehicle plus the length of the Collection Point according to the specifications in Attachment 1?

4.  Can collection vehicles drive out onto the street and not need to reverse out to turn around?

5.  Does the Collection Point need to be clearly marked as a NO STOPPING or NO PARKING area?

6.  Do the Roadway and Collection Point provide an overhead clearance of 7 metres from obstructions such as wires, balconies and trees?

7.  If submitting on behalf of a trailer park, is the MPAC assessment that determines eligible properties included?

8.  Are Roadways constructed of a suitable material and structurally adequate to prevent damage and support a fully loaded waste collection vehicle?

9.  Are the Roadways free of potholes and snowplowed/salted/sanded as needed?

Technical guidelines for collection services on private property

The minimum requirements are noted in our technical guidelines below. Please note that even when a property meets minimum requirements, Haldimand County will discuss each application in person to ensure site-specific needs are addressed.

Contact us for more information, or help with our technical guidelines.

Our Technical Guidelines For Waste Collection Services On Private Property are provided to ensure owners of townhouses, condominium complexes, multi-residential structures, trailer parks and privately owned roads within the County are familiar with appropriate waste collection and storage systems.

The County is pleased to provide waste collection services to our residents, businesses and other property owners. However, to continue to provide safe and efficient service, the County requires that some minimum standards be met. These guidelines outline the minimum requirements only and the County will work with existing properties or development projects to gain optimum efficiencies for both the property owners and the County. In addition to these requirements, Municipal and County site plan requirements, the Curbside Collection By-law, Building and Fire Codes and any other applicable regulations are also required.

When planning, consideration should be given to a design that encourages recycling and other waste reduction programs. This must be easy to use and readily accessible to all residents. Building and site plans for multi-residential developments should also provide adequate and efficient waste handling and storage facilities for all wastes, which should be located conveniently within the building structure or on the property site for easy and barrier-free access by residents and collection vehicles.

As each property will have specific needs and will require detailed reviews, the County will discuss each application in person. Onsite meetings can be held to discuss details of the application for collection services. Haldimand County wants to provide all property owners with efficient and effective Waste collection systems which respects both the property needs and the responsibilities of the County.


a.  “Collectible” means any residential waste materials which may be collected according to County and/or Municipal by-laws.

b.  “Collection Point” means a location fronting a property as close as possible to the edge of the roadway; or that part of a property As Designated by the County as the Collection Point for that property.

c.  “Common Collection Points” means any areas for multiple property owners, whose driveways do not front onto a public roadway or residents living on inaccessible private roads, to set out waste materials on their designated collection day where it is to be collected by the County.

d.  “Contractor” means any person or business which has entered into a contract with the County for the collection of waste materials on behalf of the County.

e.  “County” means the Municipality of the Corporation of Haldimand County or its authorized representative.

f.  “Garbage” means all non-hazardous, solid, residual waste which, for the Curbside collection by-law, includes Kitchen Wastes and Organic Material.

g.  “Multi-residential Building” comprises up to six (6) dwelling units and includes Secondary, Tertiary, and Garden Suites as well as buildings with six (6) or fewer dwelling units that are considered vertical, row or town housing or condominium housing on ground level.

h.  “Multi-residential Structure” comprises seven (7) or more dwelling units and may include, but is not limited to: condominiums, nursing homes and retirement homes.

i.  “Municipality” or “Municipal” means the Municipality of Haldimand County.

j.  “Owner” includes an occupant, lessee, tenant or any other person in charge or control of an eligible property or premises.

k.  “On-site Waste Collection” means the collection of waste from containers on private property.

l.  “Recyclable Materials” means any material included in the Blue Box program.

m.  “Roadways” include private roads, streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, squares, driveways and or parking lots.

n.  “Rural Area” includes all areas within the County not defined under Urban Area.

o.  “Set Out” means to place, or permit to be placed, waste at any location on private property for waste collection.

p.  “Street” means any public highway, road, street, avenue, parkway, lane, alley or square.

q.  “T-turnaround” means a “T” shaped area that allows vehicles to reverse direction through a 3-point turn.

r.  “Turning Radius” means the minimum area required for a vehicle to turn around.

s.  “Waste” means residential Blue Box recyclables and residual Garbage materials.

The following are general conditions for the collection of Waste materials. Applicants should refer to the applicable Municipal and County By-laws for additional or specific collection requirements.

a.  Property owners are responsible for the design and construction of proper and safe residential waste handling systems for their residents on private property, in both urban and rural settings. This includes access routes, storage facilities, and Collection Points with direct access to a municipal street that do not require the collection vehicle to reverse onto the municipal street;

b.  Property owners are responsible for ensuring all private roads are maintained in good repair which includes but is not limited to repairing potholes, ensuring roads are plowed and sanded/salted during winter months, removing overhanging tree branches that may interfere with the collection vehicles, etc. The County reserves the right to suspend collection services to any residential, industrial, commercial or institutional development that does not ensure that all private roads are maintained in good repair, until the roads are brought back to a state of repair satisfactory to the County;

c.  The design of the Collection Point and access road, as outlined in this document, shall be provided exclusive of any onsite parking spaces;

d.  All residential waste containers that are set out on the public right of way, shall be set out at curbside or approved Common Collection Point no earlier than 5 p.m. the night before the day of collection and before 7 a.m. on the day of collection;

e.  All emptied residential waste containers, and uncollected materials, that are set out on the public right of way, shall be removed from the curbside or approved Common Collection Point by 7 p.m. on the collection day;

f.  Waste information and collection procedure signs must be installed in appropriate locations to ensure a safe and clean environment around the waste Collection Points and access routes. Property owners are responsible for actively promoting Blue Box recycling as a means of reducing Garbage waste;

g.  Seasonal collection is scheduled for all private trailer parks and will be determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) report submitted for individual trailers on the property;

h.  The property owner is exclusively responsible for any damage on private access roads and/or storage areas from waste collection vehicles, except losses, costs, damages, or expenses caused by the County’s negligence;

i.  The property owner is responsible for moving all waste containers out to the designated Collection Point on the designated collection day;

j.  The property owner is responsible for the collection, processing, haulage and disposal of all waste from the property until the site is approved for collection services;

k.  The County reserves the right to revoke collection services to any residential, industrial, commercial or institutional (multi-unit) development that does not meet the guidelines outlined here or the County’s Curbside Collection By-law;

To ensure site plans have incorporated all guidelines as they pertain to Waste collection services, applicants must include information that describes the following:

    1. Proposed waste handling system for Garbage and Recyclable Materials;
    2. Access routes for waste collection vehicles on private property;
    3. Waste Collection Point;
    4. Garbage rooms, containers and storage facilities;
    5. Recycling rooms, containers and storage facilities;
    6. Size, number and type of waste containers/totes to be used;
    7. Above-ground features such as parking areas in relation to the access route;
    8. The number of dwelling units and number of stories.

1. Access Routes

a.  The internal roadways must be a minimum of 3.048 metres (10 ft.) in width, have a minimum of 13 metres turning radius and the approach to the Collection Point is to be designed with a minimum 18.0 metres straight approach;

b.  Along the collection access route and in the Collection Point, an overhead clearance of 7 metres must be provided from all overhead obstructions such as wires, balconies and trees.

c.  Private access roads must be constructed of a suitable material and be structurally adequate to prevent damage by and support a fully loaded waste collection vehicle;

d.  Where the requirement for continuous drive-through access and exit cannot be achieved, a “T” type turnaround will be permitted.;

e.  Collection vehicles must be able to safely drive out of private property and onto a municipal street, not reverse onto a municipal street;

f.  For those properties that do not meet the Technical Guidelines, a Collection Point or Common Collection Point will be predetermined by the County that can be easily accessed by the curbside collection contractor(s).

2. Collection Point (in order of preference)

a.  Door-to-door Collection Points serviced from the public right of way, ensuring ownership of each Collection Point and that waste collection by-law is adhered to;

b.  Door-to-door Collection Points serviced from private property with direct and safe access for collection vehicles, ensuring ownership of each Collection Point and waste collection by-law is adhered to;

c.  Common Collection Points serviced from private property with direct and safe access for collection vehicles, to minimize illegal dumping;

d.  Common Collection Points serviced from the public right of way.

e.  All Collection Points and Common Collection Points must be kept clear of obstructions and may require clear marking as a “No Stopping” or “No Parking” area upon the request of the County.

Contact Us

Solid Waste Operations
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Email Solid Waste Operations
Phone: 905-318-5932

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