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Curbside Collection
We offer curbside waste collection services to eligible properties throughout Haldimand in line with our Curbside Collection By-law. The collection of recyclable materials has transitioned from the County to Circular Materials Ontario.
On this page
- Garbage collection
- Recycling collection
- Other curbside programs
- What goes where
- Apply for curbside collection
Garbage Collection
The County provides weekly curbside garbage collection for properties throughout Haldimand through our contractor, Norfolk Disposal.
For questions or concerns about your collection, contact Norfolk Disposal at 1-800-616-0347 or by email at
Materials not collected curbside may be disposed of through other diversion programs or brought to the Canborough Waste Management Facility.
Collection details
Garbage collection occurs every week and is managed by Norfolk Disposal.
Limit: Maximum of 3 receptacles per household and 10 receptacles per business or group home
Acceptable containers: bags or cans
Maximum weight: 18 kg (40 lb)
Did you receive an Oops! sticker on your garbage?
Here are some steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again:
- Check the sticker to see what went wrong
- Review this page to confirm where your item(s) should go
- Place materials out correctly the following week
Recycling collection
Circular Materials Ontario is now fully responsible for the residential curbside collection program for recycling in Haldimand with collection managed by their contractor Modern Landfill.
Recycling collection occurs every week and is serviced by Modern Landfill.
For questions or concerns about your recycling pickup, contact Modern Landfill at 1-844-624-3126 or by email at
Blue box
Limit: No limit
Additional containers: place extra items in another rigid, reusable container with handles
Maximum weight: 18 kg (40 lb)
Black box
Limit: No limit
Additional containers: place extra items in another rigid, reusable container with handles
Maximum weight: 18 kg (40 lb)
Other curbside collection programs
In addition to garbage and recycling, curbside collection is also offered seasonally in our urban areas for leaf and yard waste and can be arranged year-round for bulky items.
Bulky item collection
You can arrange to have bulky items such as furniture and mattresses picked up with your regular curbside collection. Learn more about the bulky item collection program.
Leaf and yard waste collection
Residents in urban areas in Haldimand can have their leaf and yard waste picked up seasonally with their regular curbside collection. Learn more about the leaf and yard waste program and your options if you live outside of an urban area.
Tree stumps and large branches are not accepted curbside. You can bring these to our waste depot.
Apply for curbside collection services
Owners of townhouses, condominium complexes, multi-residential structures, trailer parks and privately owned roads can apply for curbside collection service through Haldimand.
Before applying for curbside collection services, you must ensure your property meets the minimum standards for waste collection and waste storage systems. Read our guidelines below and then click the button to submit your application.
In addition to the requirements noted below, property owners must also adhere to Municipal site plan requirements, the Curbside Collection By-law, building and fire codes and any other applicable regulations.
Email us if you would prefer PDF versions of the guidelines and application forms.
Technical guidelines for collection services on private property
The minimum requirements are noted in our technical guidelines below. Please note that even when a property meets minimum requirements, Haldimand County will discuss each application in person to ensure site-specific needs are addressed.
Contact us for more information, or help with our technical guidelines.
Contact Us
Solid Waste Operations
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0