Composting and Food Waste
Backyard composting is a simple way to reduce the amount of waste that you place at the curb each week. Composters are available for purchase through Haldimand.
On this page
Getting started with composting
Composting is a process that turns kitchen and yard waste into a dark, nutrient-rich soil called humus. The soil that is produced can be used to promote weed and erosion control, protect plant roots from sun/wind damage, conserve water, increase water retention in sandy soils, aid drainage in clay, and reduce soil diseases.
Composting can take 3 to 18 months, depending on how well the pile is maintained. Compost is ready when its texture is crumbly and it has a pleasant, earthy smell.
Backyard composters
Backyard composters can be purchased at the Canborough Waste Management Facility located at 499 James Road, Dunnville for $36 each. Residents are responsible for managing their composting. Composters are not collected through any curbside programs.
Tips for successful composting
- Avoid thick layers of any material (such as grass)
- A one-inch layer of finished compost or garden soil spread on top of kitchen scraps will speed things up
- Bury fruit and vegetable trimmings at least 6 inches deep
- Smaller pieces decompose faster
- Never add meat, fish or dairy items
- Continue composting during the winter – the freezing and thawing process helps to break down materials
- For a bad odour: turn to aerate and add dry materials to the pile if it is too wet
- If the center of the pile is dry: moisten it with water and turn the pile
A composter will smell if it is not getting enough air or it is too wet. To prevent this, make sure you turn your compost regularly and add dry materials (such as leaves) to absorb moisture. Finished compost has a pleasant earth-like smell.
What to know about food waste
Approximately 35% of curbside waste in Haldimand County is food waste, which contributes to bad odours and increased vermin.
There are some basic techniques that you can do within your household that can significantly reduce the impact that food waste has on our environment, such as:
- Plan and make a list before shopping
- Avoid buying in bulk
- Prepare smaller portions
- Save your leftovers
Get more tips on how to make food go further and how to reduce food waste at Love Food Hate Waste or the Ontario Food Collaborative.
Contact Us
Solid Waste Operations
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0