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Stay Informed

Depending on the type of emergency, information may come from different authorities or agencies. Stay informed in an emergency by knowing who to follow and contact.

On this page

Haldimand County services

Stay informed by visiting the Haldimand County website or following us on social media.



Ontario 211 – connects you with social services and assistance during a community or personal emergency.

Ontario 511 for a live map of road closures. View closures online, download the app or sign up for text and email alerts. Dial 511 (in Ontario) to hear live updates.

Alert Ready – Ontario’s emergency alert system. This is a tool that provides timely and accurate information to Ontario residents, businesses and visitors during an emergency. The system allows Ontarians to receive three types of warnings – Red Alerts, Emergency Information Advisories and Tornado Warnings. Alerts are sent through radio, TVs, and compatible wireless devices. Visit their site to ensure your cellphone carrier is compatible.

Follow provincial emergency services accounts on X (formerly Twitter):

Who to call

If you are facing an emergency, dial 911


911 is for police, fire or medical emergencies when immediate action is required. During a flood, dial 911 only if you feel your safety is at risk.

Some contact numbers and methods vary depending on the day and time. See below to make sure your information gets where it needs to go. 

Regular business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

To report:

Roadway obstruction (such as a downed tree, water over the road, or debris)

Sewer, water, facility or park emergency

Downed power lines caused by a storm or accident

Maintain a distance of 10 metres or more and contact both:

Power outage

You can view Hydro One’s live outage map which includes restoration time information.

Contact Us

Emergency Services
11 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, ON, N0A 1E0

Email Emergency Services
Phone: 905-318-5932

In case of emergency, call 911

Non-emergency OPP phone: 1-888-310-1122

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