TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of Haldimand County passed By-law 2588/25 pursuant to Section 222(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, to adjust the ward boundaries in the municipality;
AND TAKE NOTICE that By-law 2588/25 divides the existing six (6) wards into seven (7) wards;
AND TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to subsection 222(4) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) if they have an objection to the by-law passed by the municipality. Appeals must be filed within 45 days of the by-law being passed. The last day for filing an appeal is Thursday, March 27, 2025.
Any appeals of By-law 2588/25 must be filed with the Municipal Clerk, Haldimand County, 53 Thorburn St. S., Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0, setting out the objections to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objections accompanied by the prescribed fee in the form of a certified cheque or money order made payable to the Minister of Finance.