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Recruitment Policy

Policy number: 2001-14

Effective date: June 7, 2001

Last revision date: May 13, 2002

On this page

1. Purpose
2. Policy
3. Addendums

1. Purpose

To establish a policy for Recruiting and Selection: Philosophy, Policy Statements and Processes.

2. Policy

Policy Statement

It is the intent of the Corporation of Haldimand County to be fair and equitable in the application of policies and to develop and maintain a reputation as an excellent employer. It is the policy of the Corporation of Haldimand County to achieve and maintain understanding with respect to the rights, privileges and benefits of employment with the Corporation in order to ensure all employees work effectively, safely and in harmony with one another. The policies and work culture support the view that Haldimand County's human resources are it's most important asset and resource, and the policies are intended to establish an environment that treats the employees with respect, consideration and consistency, and supports the personal development of our human resources in meeting our Corporate goals and objectives. As a major employer in the geographic Haldimand County, we recognize our responsibility to ensure fair and consistent employment practices.

Our Recruitment Philosophy

The Corporation of Haldimand County (referred to as “the Corporation” or “Haldimand County” in this document) recognizes that its effectiveness as an organization is determined to a great extent by the quality of its workforce. Impartial and objective recruitment and selection ensures:

    1. the employment of qualified staff; and
    2. compliance with employment standards defined by Federal or Provincial legislation, Haldimand County by-laws and current collective agreements or other policies relating to terms of employment

Haldimand County is an employer which provides opportunity for employment, consistent with the candidates ability to do the job and without discrimination based on race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, age (18 to 65), record of offences, marital status, sexual orientation, family status, or handicap and will not tolerate acts of discrimination or favourtism in the selection process.

Explanation of Various Terms used in this Document and in the Recruiting Process

“Hiring supervisor” -  The non-union supervisor to whom the successful candidate will report.

“Relative” -  In staffing matters, “relative” is deemed to include:

first-degree family relationships such as a spouse (either through marriage or common law), same-sex partner, father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, step-mother, step-father, step-son, step-daughter; and
second-degree family relationships such as current in-laws, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew.

“Internal Candidate” -  An applicant who is currently employed by the County in the employee group, i.e. union local or non-union, in which the vacancy exists.

“External Candidate” -  An applicant who is not employed by Haldimand County OR is not currently employed in the employee group in which the vacancy exists.

“Employment Status” -  Each position (and its incumbent) is assigned an employment status as defined below:

Permanent Full-Time:  continuous employment in a full-time position (full-time hours are determined by the Corporation in order to meet service requirements; normally, 35 or 40 hours / week are “full-time” hours).

Permanent Part-Time:  non-union - continuous employment in a non-union position where the normal (regularly scheduled) weekly hours of work are less than 35
union – continuous employment in a union position where the normal (regularly scheduled) weekly hours of work are less than 24, or as defined in the collective agreement.

Probationary Employee:  one who has not completed their probationary period as defined by the respective Collective Agreement or Non-Union Policy Manual.

Temporary:  employment which is not expected to be of a continuous nature and is for a specific period of time. Temporary employees may be required to work up to 40 hours per week. Temporary vacancies are to be filled in accordance with the respective Collective Agreement, or Non-Union Policy.

Casual / On-Call:  employment which does not have any pre-determined hours.

Contract:  employment for a specific period of time and with specific terms and conditions of employment. All employment contracts must be discussed, reviewed and created in consultation with Human Resources to ensure all legislative and legal requirements are met.

Co-op Placement:  responsibility of accepting department to coach, mentor and develop candidates with advice and guidance from Human Resources staff.

Student:  a person over the age of 16 years entering or enrolled as a full-time student in a recognized educational institution who intends to return to school at the end of his / her period of employment OR a person who is between the ages of 18 – 30, is enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis in a recognized post-secondary educational institution and who intends to return to school at the end of his/her period of employment.

Policy Statements

Position Vacancies  
Positions within a bargaining unit that become vacant will be filled in accordance with the current collective agreement. Concurrent internal/external recruitment may be possible. Contact Human Resources for further discussion regarding this possibility.

After review by Senior Management, Non-Union vacancies may be filled using either the internal or external recruiting process, or both.

Employment of Relatives  
In fairness to other families in the community, Haldimand County will not favour the employment of relatives over others.

Employment will not be permitted where the potential employee would be subject to either direct supervision or to supervision from the next higher level where the employee could exert influence or could be perceived to exert influence over the work of the supervisor in such matters as promotion, salary, performance or conduct, or vice versa.

If employees become related to one another during the course of their employment, employment may continue. In this situation, however, Human Resources will attempt to secure alternative employment within the Corporation for one or the other employee.

A student who is a relative of an Haldimand County employee will be considered for summer employment opportunities if that student meets the criteria established for such positions.

Hiring of Students  
Refer to Addendum #1 of this document for details.

Candidate Testing 
Testing of candidates may take place as part of the recruiting process if so agreed by the hiring department and the Employment Services Coordinator. The requirement for testing will be discussed with the Employment Services Coordinator prior to arrangements being made. Testing or assessments will be scheduled to take place after the team interview is conducted whenever possible, but prior to the actual start date.

Refer to Addendum #3 of this document for details.

Orientation of New Employees  
The hiring supervisor or designate will ensure that the successful candidate is provided with appropriate orientation to the department and the division.

Human Resources will provide a brief corporate orientation along with the relevant Health & Safety training as provided or arranged by the Staff Development / Health & Safety Coordinator. This includes WHMIS, First Aid, CPR training as required by legislation or the function. Cost of some training may be the responsibility of the incumbent.

Documentation Relating to Recruiting 
All applications received at various County offices are to be forwarded to the Employment Services Coordinator for inclusion in the appropriate recruiting file or for retention.

Unsolicited applications for employment with the County will be accepted and retained by the Employment Services Coordinator for a retention period of at least three months.

Applications from candidates within the Corporation for specific vacancies will be filed in his/her personnel file once the vacancy is filled.

Recruiting Procedures

Initiating the Recruiting Process  
A Request for Staff requisition must be completed for all hiring as it acts as authorization to fill a vacancy. The Request for Staff requisition form is available (as at June 11, 2001) on the “S” drive.

When a vacancy occurs (within the approved complement), the hiring supervisor will complete a Request for Staff requisition and draft the posting using the template on the “S” drive. Both documents will be forwarded to the Employment Services Coordinator who will confirm the request with the appropriate General Manager and review the posting prior to its distribution.

Approval for addition to budgeted complement must be obtained through Committee and Council prior to the initiation of the recruiting process. All reports to Council relating to staffing changes/recommendations are to be copied to the Employment Services Coordinator prior to being presented to Council for consideration. Decisions of Council related to these reports are to be provided to the Employment Services Coordinator as soon as they are available.

Requisitions for postings received by the Employment Services Coordinator on Monday or Tuesday will be posted for five (5) working days beginning the following Monday. Requisitions received by the Employment Services Coordinator on Wednesday or Thursday will be posted for five (5) working days beginning the following Wednesday.

Internal Search 
The Internal Job Posting will be generated to reflect the requirements defined in the current job description and to ensure the posting requirements of the Collective Agreement(s) are met.

General - All Vacancies 
All vacancies will be listed on the “Job Line” and posted on the website , both of which are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Reference to those information sources will be listed in the weekly County information advertisement which appears in local newspapers.

All applications relating to any vacancy are to be forwarded to/received, listed and identified as internal or external by Human Resources.

Following the identified closing date, the hiring supervisor will review all applications received and create a short list of candidates who meet or exceed the identified entry-level qualifications. The shortlist and resumés are to be provided to the Employment Services Coordinator for review prior to interviews being arranged.

External Search
In the event that it has been determined that there are no qualified internal candidates, an external search will be initiated.

The Employment Services Coordinator or designate will develop a draft advertisement. Advertising via various publications or professional associations as agreed to by the hiring supervisor and the Employment Services Coordinator is the responsibility of the hiring department for placement arrangements and related costs. A copy of the final advertisement will be provided to the Employment Services Coordinator.

The Internal and External Searches may be conducted concurrently when deemed necessary by the hiring department and with the concurrence of the Union Local.

Internal postings are optional for temporary and casual positions unless required under the terms of the current collective agreement for the specific employee group in which the vacancy exists; however, a Requisition for Staff must be completed and forwarded to the Employment Services Coordinator.

The Internal Posting will be provided by e-mail or fax to the following staff for distribution to County work sites in their respective department and vicinity:

•  Customer Service Representatives at Cayuga, Caledonia, Hagersville, and Dunnville
•  Secretary to the Administrator, Grandview Lodge
•  Physical Services Staff (Townsend / Kohler groups)
•  Administrative Assistant to the Fire Chief for distribution to Fire Halls

Human Resources will ensure that current internal postings are posted in the Cayuga Administration Lunch Room, the Human Resources bulletin board and on the County web site and job line.

The Interview
After the Employment Services Coordinator has reviewed the shortlist, the hiring department will arrange and organize the interviews and provide the members of the interview team with the final agenda and resumés. When interviews are being scheduled, each candidate will be asked to provide copies of their credentials and references prior to or at the interview. References should include a supervisor and a peer.

The interview team should consist of a minimum of two / up to three management / non-union staff. A Human Resources representative and a technical expert will be available to participate, if requested.

The Employment Services Coordinator will develop an interview package, which will include appropriate technical questions developed and submitted by the hiring department.

At the interview, each candidate must be asked to sign a “Release of Information” form giving Human Resources or another designated representative of the Corporation authorization to check the personal references provided.

Candidates will be advised that the successful candidate must: 1) provide a current Criminal Reference Check, at their expense, to the Employer, if required; 2) obtain a pre-employment medical examination prior to his/her start date, if the position so requires and 3) participate in any required skills assessment. These documents must be provided prior to the incumbent’s start date, or the offer of employment will be / may be rescinded.

After the Interview
When interviews are completed, the interview team will collectively agree upon the successful candidate, considering all information available, and using the established assessment method (scoring of dimensions). This candidate will then be required to undergo the testing requirements relevant to the position.

If a second round of interviews is required, the interview team may be comprised of different representation from the hiring department and / or Human Resources; however the second team must include at least one member of the original team. The interview package will be amended by Human Resources as needed.

Reference Checks
The hiring supervisor will conduct at least two reference checks. Forms providing the types of questions to ask will be available through Human Resources.

The Employment Offer
Upon receipt of positive reference checks, the hiring supervisor will make a verbal offer of employment, consistent with current non-union policy or the applicable Collective Agreement, to the successful candidate. This verbal offer will be followed by a written offer prepared by the Employment Services Coordinator (two originals) and signed by the General Manager or designate (specifically, the appropriate hiring Manager), forwarded to the potential employee and copied to the hiring Manager and Manager of Human Resources. A signature space will be provided on the offer letter so the candidate may sign it back, indicating his / her acceptance of employment.

The hiring supervisor will be responsible for sending a letter to all unsuccessful candidates. Copies of sample letters are available through Human Resources.

Human Resources will periodically distribute a list of successful candidates to all work sites which normally receive copies of internal postings and to Council (for information).

The successful candidate will be advised to contact the HRMS/Benefits Coordinator to arrange a convenient time to initiate and “sign on” for employment with Haldimand County.

Finalizing the Recruiting Initiative
When a vacancy has been filled, all documentation relating to that vacancy, including but not limited to applications, interview notes, reference check information and any other related correspondence will be returned to the Employment Services Coordinator.

All documentation related to the successful candidate including, but not limited to resumé, interview notes, reference check information, letter of offer, criminal reference check, pre-employment medical checks, copies of credentials, is to be forwarded to the Employment Services Coordinator to initiate “sign on” and payroll processes and to establish the employee’s official hard copy personnel file.

Hard copy personnel files are the property of the Corporation and will be retained by the HRMS / Benefits Coordinator on behalf of the Corporation. These files contain personal information and access is restricted to those with a determined need to know. Duplicate personnel files held within departments other than Human Resources are not considered “official” personnel files and the establishment of duplicates is strongly discouraged.

Human Resources is to be notified in writing when an employee resigns, retires or finishes a work term and will no longer be a part of our organization and the offer of an exit interview by the Human Resources Division must be made by the hiring supervisor to the affected employee.

The exit interview will be conducted by an Human Resources representative as arranged by the Employment Services Coordinator and will serve as an opportunity to acknowledge the employee’s effort and wish him / her well in future endeavours. It will also provide the opportunity for feedback relating to the County as the employer, the management style, supervision, policies and other aspects of employment within our organization.

Prior to the exit of the employee, an “Exit Checklist” must be completed by the employee’s immediate non-union supervisor to confirm return of all County property, such as keys, cell phone, lap top computer, palm pilot, uniforms, etc. This form is available from the Employment Services Coordinator.

The supervisor will advise the Manager, Information Systems of the employee’s last day of work to ensure that access to all Corporate computer systems is cancelled in a timely manner. The Manager, IS will confirm the cancellation of computer privileges to the Manager, Human Resources, when the cancellation is complete.

Completion of an “Exit Interview” form will assist with improving our work environment. All notes relating to the exit interview are to be forwarded to the attention of the Employment Services Coordinator immediately following the interview for review and action if and as required.

3. Addendums

Addendum #1 to “Recruiting & Selection: Philosophy, Policy Statements and Processes”

Hiring Students
By January 31st of each year, each division / department will provide the Employment Services Coordinator with a list of all student employment opportunities (existing and proposed) for the coming year.

All student employment opportunities and hiring will be coordinated with the Employment Services Coordinator.

Any department with Council approval (through budget or specific report) to hire students will provide the Employment Services Coordinator with a completed Request for Staff requisition, a description of qualifications, and all information relating to the work to be undertaken by the student.

Students to be considered for technical/developmental work experience must be enrolled in a related discipline. The candidate(s) must provide appropriate documentation to confirm his / her enrolment in the related discipline, if requested.

Hourly rates for paid student work will be consistent and fair across the Corporation and will be based any of the following factors: applicable collective agreement; job to be performed; available funding (student grant programs, budget, etc.); and Corporate wage schedules.

At the end of the work term, supervisors of students will provide a brief written assessment of the student’s work performance for his / her personnel file. Subject to satisfactory performance review, a student may be rehired for subsequent summer work terms.

Addendum #2 to “Recruiting & Selection: Philosophy, Policy Statements and Processes”

Student / Employment Grants
The Employment Services Coordinator will investigate funding opportunities available for employment and will work with the hiring department to ensure that every opportunity is pursued. The Employment Services Coordinator will be the primary contract with funding agencies, and will liaise with those agencies on behalf of the Corporation.

The hiring department will complete and submit grant applications from HRDC or any other body with available funding for student employment opportunities and will provide the following information to the Employment Services Coordinator:

•  the original completed grant application 
•  hourly rate for each position 
•  qualifications required 
•  duties and responsibilities of position (if this description has not previously been provided to the Employment Services Coordinator) 
•  specific number of students requested for each position 
•  completed Request for Staff requisition

The Employment Services Coordinator will review all applications for Corporate consistency, will ensure that Union concurrence has been received, if required; and will submit the grant application to the appropriate agency. Grant applications will be prioritized in consultation with the hiring departments, if necessary.

The Employment Services Coordinator will ensure the development of or develop postings for all student employment opportunities for distribution to the Simcoe and Dunnville HRDC Student Employment Centres; to local High Schools and Post-Secondary Educational facilities. The filling of each position will be dependent on funding being received.

Confirmation of funding and other correspondence will be directed to the Employment Services Coordinator who will keep the hiring supervisor apprised of the status of the application and advise the hiring supervisor of particulars of approved funding (amount, approved duration of employment, etc.)

Addendum #3 to “Recruiting & Selection: Philosophy, Policy Statements and Processes”

Candidate Testing
Clerical Tests or Assessments:

A corporate standard for keyboarding skills is recognized as a valid requirement for positions that are identified as having responsibility for word processing and / or other types of keyboarding, including data entry, computerized drafting.

The corporate standard is 55 wpm with 90% accuracy for those responsible for regular, recurring word processing and / or data entry. For positions identified with this requirement, an assessment of skills will be part of the interview process.

For positions that utilize word processing, spreadsheet or other types of department specific software, or require a specific level of computer expertise, a skills assessment may be conducted. Appropriate assessment tools may be developed in-house, purchased or contracted to outside experts as decided by Human Resources in consultation with other departments. Results will be reviewed by the Employment Services Coordinator and discussed with the hiring supervisor.

In-house clerical tests or assessments will be conducted by one of the following designated test administrators:

•  Administrative Assistant, Human Resources 
•  Administrative Coordinator, Physical Services 
•  Office Manager, Community & Leisure Services 
•  Administrative Coordinator, Planning & Economic Development/Corporate Services 
•  Secretary to the Administrator, Grandview Lodge

Test results will be retained and considered current for six months following the date of the test. If, during that six month retention period, the candidate applies for another position for which testing is required, the results of the first test will be referenced, or if the candidate chooses, testing will be administered to provide a more current assessment.

Other Testing:

Pre-employment medical examinations or other tests may be required for the position(s) being filled.

If a written test is required, it will be developed by the hiring department and reviewed and approved by the Employment Services Coordinator prior to the interview. Arrangements will be made by the hiring department to have the written test administered. Completed tests will be reviewed, and if necessary, graded by the hiring department. Acceptable grades will be established by the hiring department and approved by the Employment Services Coordinator.

If other testing is determined to be required or beneficial to the selection process, Human Resources will be consulted prior to such testing being initiated, however, the hiring department will assume responsibility for any costs associated with this additional testing.

Contact Us

Haldimand County
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Phone: 905-318-5932

After hours (Road, Sewer, Water or Park & Public Facilities Emergencies): 1-888-849-7345

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