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Fields and Parks Management Program

Policy number: 2019-04

Effective date: March 4, 2024

Last revision date: March 4, 2024

On this page

  1. Purpose
  2. Policy
  3. Definitions
  4. Responsibilities
  5. References
  6. Schedules

1. Purpose

To provide a comprehensive partnership model for Haldimand County’s Field and Parks Management Groups which operate and maintain the municipality’s fields, parks and recreational amenities for the benefit of residents and visitors. The policy will ensure a fair, clear and consistent approach to identifying and evaluating partnership opportunities and address process related to both operating and capital matters. It is the intent of Haldimand County to encourage, support and maximize these partnership opportunities through the implementation of this policy.

Among the principles to be considered in determining a partnership and related funding:

Equity - Organizations will be treated in a fair, clear and consistent manner. Funding levels for operating assistance will be applied according to the size of the field, park and/or amenities which are being maintained.

Efficiency - Haldimand County appreciates the importance of community groups as partners in the efficient delivery of service to residents, families and visitors. The County will address matters related to the delivery of service at fields and parks managed by community partners in a time-sensitive and coordinated manner to ensure the health, safety and enjoyment of those assets.

Relevance - In order to ensure the policy continues to meet the above-noted principles and remains in line with related legislation, it will be reviewed and/or updated every three years.

2. Policy


Through corporate restructuring in 2010, the groups with which Haldimand County partners to deliver Fields and Parks Management services were moved from the Leisure Services Division (now known as Facilities, Parks, Cemeteries & Forestry Operations) to the newly-created Community Development & Partnerships Division (CDP). CDP was created in recognition of the important role played by community volunteers and community groups in the delivery of services and programs to residents and visitors.

As part of Haldimand County’s new commitment to proactive community engagement, CDP developed the Community Partnership Program (CPP), the means by which the municipality assesses potential partnership relationships and projects taking place on public property in a fair and equitable manner to maximize resources and support community-driven desires while meeting County and legislated objectives.

Partnerships are an effective strategy to achieve the County's goals, such as:

  • Developing meaningful relationships and engagement with community groups;
  • Maximizing municipal resources; and,
  • Meeting strategic objectives to the benefit of residents and visitors.

As such, the CPP provides standardized approach to partnership development which assists the County in identifying and prioritizing appropriate projects where partnerships are suitable, a mechanism to fairly and equitably assess potential and existing partnerships and a means to make decisions related to partnering with outside interests.

The intent of the Fields and Parks Management Policy is to create a framework to address the following:

  • Tools to assess when Haldimand County would like to enter into a Fields and Parks Management partnership with a community group;
  • Roles and responsibilities of Haldimand County Staff and the Fields and Parks Management Groups in the ongoing operations of the County’s fields, parks and other recreational amenities;
  • Funding parameters to support the activities of the Fields and Parks Management Groups including ongoing operations and maintenance as well as capital projects (Appendix A);
  • Risk management, including volunteer health and safety, insurance, inspections, training, operating standards and public conduct and rentals.

3. Definitions

3.1.    Partner/Community Group

A community-based volunteer Group on behalf of a not-for-profit, incorporated group or organization or an established community association or group.

3.2.    Active Sports Fields

An active sports field is a park/field asset which is maintained to be used for a specific sport or activity on a regular basis, likely by multiple users.

3.2.1.    Softball/Baseball Complex

A softball/baseball complex is considered to be an active field with at least one ball field and may include other passive park amenities.

3.2.2.    Soccer Complex

A soccer complex is considered to be an active facility with at least one full soccer pitch and may include other half or mini-pitches.

3.3.    Passive Sports Fields, Parks and Trails

A passive sports field or park is one which is maintained to a standard equal to that of a County-maintained passive park. There are no formal booking arrangements required and the field/park promotes general leisure, active play and recreational activities. Inspections of field/park assets will be undertaken by the Fields and Parks Management Group and County staff, in collaboration, in early spring and fall for potential repairs or major maintenance work. Trail is one which is maintained to a standard equal to that of a County-maintained trail. Promoted for general walking and cycling uses by residents and tourists.

3.4.    Operating Grants

Operating grants refer to the approved funding levels for Fields and Parks Management activities conducted on County-owned land. There are two parts to the grant amount: (i) funding to support operating costs such as labour, utilities, gas, diesel, etc.; and, (ii) funding to support equipment costs related to the purchase, insurance, maintenance, repair and replacement of capital equipment for the appropriate care of the field/park.

The operating grant is based upon 35% of the cost for the County to operate and maintain the assets and amenities at the Field/Park (during a 26-week season) and 35% of the actual utility costs (based upon the previous year’s actual costs). The equipment funding is based upon an annualized percentage of the lifecycle and replacement cost of that piece of equipment. The grant calculation is approved annually by Council.

3.5.    Capital Funding

Haldimand County uses the definition of Tangible Capital Assets from the Public Sector Accounting Board. As well, the County utilizes principles to determine when an item should be deemed a capital asset for financial reporting purposes.

3.6.    Capital Funding for Maintenance Equipment

Grant funding for capital equipment to maintain the Fields/Parks is based upon the replacement cost of that item divided by its anticipated lifecycle.

3.7.    Capital Funding for Structural Integrity

Haldimand County will be 100% responsible for the inspections, maintenance, repairs and replacement of items related to the structural integrity (e.g. foundations, roofs, HVAC, windows, etc.) of any field or park facility/asset as well as any legislated items (small drinking water systems, fire safety and suppression, etc.).

3.8.    Capital Enhancements

Capital enhancements are assets or services which are not considered to be part of an operating standard or currently provided by Haldimand County. Fields and Parks Management Groups may apply for support for capital enhancements through the County’s Community Partnership Program (Policy 2011-01).

3.9.    Insurance

Insurance is a contract—represented by a policy—in which an individual or entity receives, from an insurance company, financial protection or reimbursement against losses. Insurance policies are a ‘hedge’ against the risk of financial losses that may result from damage to the insured and/or their property or from liability for damage or injury caused to a third party. There are many types of insurance, including property, general liability, contents, etc.

3.10. Inspection and Maintenance Documentation

This is a key activity to assist in the management of County assets. Inspections ensure assets continue to comply with various Provincial legal codes and County standards (e.g. fire code, water quality, etc.). Maintenance is a more general term and can include inspection and work to keep assets in normal operating condition outside of strict code compliance requirements.

3.11. Partnership Parameters

The guiding principles by which Haldimand County determines eligibility of potential partners.

3.12. Partnership Criteria

The details by which Haldimand County assesses potential partners and their proposals.

3.13. Project Need or Benefit

Wide Scope of Interest -  An initiative or asset which affects more than one user group or has identified value for tourism and/or economic development. This project would have a positive effect to the community-at-large or the County as a whole.

Narrow Scope of Interest -  An initiative or asset which affects only the user group or proponent, or a specific segment of the community.

3.14. Project Proposal

A detailed outline of the proposed initiative or asset, including all required resources (financial and human, including volunteer time and equipment), timelines, implementation, sustainability and reconciliation. The Proposal should further address the community need or benefit in implementing the initiative/asset.

3.15. Project Review & Implementation:

Projects will be reviewed by the Community Partnership Program Staff Review Team with a view to helping the proponent group—as much as possible—succeed with its vision. While the County will use a rigorous evaluation and pre-consultation process to ensure the need, benefit and viability of the project, it will also help community groups identify and source relevant financial and other supports to maximize the success of the project.

3.16. Reporting/Reconciliation

All community groups which receive funding of any kind from Haldimand County (operating or capital) are required to provide financial reporting information related to the funding in a timely manner.

3.17. Appeals Process

The process through which community groups have an opportunity to appeal a decision recommended by County staff.

4. Responsibilities

4.1.    Scope

This policy applies to partnerships with the Fields and Parks Management Groups including service agreements and grant funding for operations, maintenance and capital matters such as equipment and facility enhancements.

4.2.    Partnership Principles – Determining Appropriate Partners

This policy aligns with the Community Partnership Program principles, including:

(1)  That all potential partnership proposals are assessed through one entry point and process in the County;

(2)  That partnership opportunities take place on County/municipal property;

(3)  That the County only partners when the proposed project and/or agreement is in alignment with Council’s strategic objectives and one or more of the strategic plans and priorities for the County;

(4)  The project responds to a demonstrated community need and/or is supported by a well-researched and sound financial plan;

(5)  That all potential partners are able to demonstrate a positive impact (short- and long-term) of the project in terms of measuring outcomes, benefit and/or value added in the community and methods of evaluation;

(6)  That all potential partners (public and private) must demonstrate capacity to fulfill the roles and obligations outlined in the project agreement including organizational capacity, functional capacities and financial accountability (short- and long-term)

4.3.    County and Fields and Parks Management Group Roles and Responsibilities

Haldimand County is committed to developing meaningful and strong partnership relationships with community groups, including the Fields and Parks Management Groups. As such, it is important for both the County and Fields and Parks Management Groups to be clear about their roles and responsibilities within the partnership.

Capital Repairs/Replacements:

County - The County is responsible for capital inspections,  maintenance,   repairs  and replacement related to structural integrity, health and safety and other legislated matters. This includes playground equipment, pavilions, concession kitchens, fire extinguishers, range hoods, cisterns and water testing, gating systems, culverts and bridges etc.

The County is also 100% responsible for the replacement of amenities core to service delivery within that field, park or trail such as back stops, fences, bleachers, players benches, lights, playground equipment, etc. as long as the conditions giving rise to the repairs did not result from default or neglect by the operator.

Group - Groups are responsible for—within their funding envelope—minor repairs and maintenance related to capital assets considered core to their service delivery, e.g. fencing, back-stops, batting cages, bleachers, players benches, pitches, tennis and multi-use courts, skate parks, concessions, picnic tables, scoreboards, etc.

Capital Enhancements:

Requests for new capital enhancements will be assessed through the County’s Community Partnership Program/Capital Projects.

Replacement of capital assets which are not considered ‘core’ to the activities of the field/park—and not the responsibility of Haldimand County—will also be assessed through the CPP and, if approved, funded at up to 35%. These projects include, but are not limited to, batting cages, scoreboards, etc.

Requests for new capital assets which are not considered ‘core’ to the activities of the field/park (e.g. batting cages, scoreboards) or relate to the delivery of service by a user group (e.g. breakaway bases, ice dividers) are 100% the responsibility of the Fields and Parks Management Group, although the purchase/installation of these items must first be approved by Haldimand County.

Ongoing Operating:

County - The County is responsible for site inspections in the spring (to determine capital work required before the season start) and fall (to determine potential projects related to the County’s Capital and Operating budgets for the following year).

Commercial general liability insurance coverage for third-party liability is provided to Fields and Parks Management Groups—as volunteers— through the County’s general policy. As well, the County—as the property owner—is responsible for insurance related to the property, including

buildings and structures. The County does not provide insurance for equipment or contents as this is the responsibility of the Groups.

Rental/user agreements are provided to the Fields and Parks Management Groups by the County to ensure consistent contracts and relationships.

Where there are no permanent washrooms, the County will provide seasonal portable washrooms.

Group - The Group is responsible for all ongoing operating and maintenance costs such as utilities, grass cutting, grooming, snow plowing (where applicable), garbage pick-up, parking lot maintenance, washrooms, etc.

The Group is responsible for securing insurance for equipment and contents.

The Group is responsible for and will manage all rentals and uses of the fields and parks in accordance with all related municipal, provincial and federal by-laws and legislation, and will use the County-provided Rental Agreements for each rental/use.

4.4.    Funding Parameters

Haldimand County provides an annual grant to Fields and Parks Management Groups to support the management and operations of the field or park in question. There are two parts to the grant: (i) funding to support operating costs such as utilities, gas, diesel, etc.; and, (ii) funding to support all costs related to the purchase, maintenance, repair and replacement of capital equipment for the appropriate maintenance of the field/park. The operating grant is based upon 35% of the cost for the County to operate and maintain the assets and amenities at the Field/Park. The capital equipment funding is based upon an annualized percentage of the lifecycle and replacement cost of that piece of equipment. The grant, which forms part of Haldimand County’s Tax Supported Operating Budget, is reviewed annually, adjusted in line with the Consumer Price Index and approved by Council.

4.5.    Risk Management

Fields and Parks Management Groups are required to comply with all County policies and procedures related to risk management, including completing required inspections and training related to the management of the related field/park. Haldimand County will provide Fields and Parks Management Groups with standards of maintenance and care in order to ensure the safety and longevity of assets; inspection reports must be provided to County staff upon completion along with documentation that any maintenance or repair required as a result of the inspection has been completed.

5. References

5.1.    Haldimand County Accessible Customer Service Policy (2009-02)

5.2.    Haldimand County Community Baby Friendly Policy (2014-07)

5.3.    Haldimand County Community Partnership Program Policy (2011-01)

5.4.    Haldimand County Community Partnership Program – Community Beautification Policy (2011-03)

5.5.    Haldimand County External Advertising and Marketing in County Facilities and Properties Policy          (2011-04)

5.6.    Haldimand County Facility Booking and Ice Allocation Policy (2007-01)

5.7.    Haldimand County Festival and Event Policy (2015-02)

5.8.    Filming in Haldimand County Policy (2007-04)

5.9.    Haldimand County Flag Protocol Policy (2004-05)

5.10.  Haldimand County Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy (2013-04)

5.11.  Haldimand County Naming of Corporate Assets Policy (2010-02)

5.12.  Haldimand County Parks By-law

5.13.  Haldimand County Parks & Recreation Service Plan (in development)

5.14.  Public Conduct on Haldimand County Property (Policy 2014-02)



Summary of Roles & Responsibilities - Fields and Parks Management Capital Program

Summary of roles and resonsibilities
Category Description Examples Funding Notes
1. Structural Integrity and Public Safety/ Legislated Matters Capital Repairs or Replacements to major fields and parks assets, building systems and element that relate to public safety or which are required by legislation (building code, fire code, water safety, etc.)

Foundations, Load-bearing walls

Roofs, Eaves troughs, windows

HVAC systems

Water Quality Matters (e.g. cisterns, septic systems, sewers, wells, water pumps

Fire safety matters (e.g. extinguishers, range hoods, fires suppression/ alarm systems)

100% County


System and elements identified through the Countys' capital planning program (planned works)

Emergency repairs - where major components have failed in advance of their planned repair/ replacement and adversely impact the safe and proper functioning of the field/ park

Capital Maintenance

Repairs and Replacements of systems or elements which are not part of Category 1

Comprises both Major and Minor Maintenance

Majory Repairs:

Exterior facade, front entrance,

Replacement of appliances or kitchen and bathroom fixtures

Parking lot maintenance/ repairs

100% FPM Group

Major repairs have to be discussed and reviewed by the County prior to the Fields/ Parks Management (FPM) Group undertaking the work as these may have long-term implications for the County's capital asset management

Grops may request (through Council) an interest-free loan to complete work if it is necessary to support operations/ safety

Contact Us

Haldimand County
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Phone: 905-318-5932

After hours (Road, Sewer, Water or Park & Public Facilities Emergencies): 1-888-849-7345

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