Election Protocol Policy
Policy number: 2003-07
Effective date: 2006-06-23
Last revision date: 2022-04-04
On this page
3. Policy
This policy sets out guidelines and expectations for staff, candidates and third party advertisers to follow during municipal election campaigns. As noted in the County Code of Conduct (Policy No. 01-19), staff are not to let any political activity interfere with the performance of his/her duties as an employee of the Corporation of Haldimand County.
3.1 Conduct
Staff are expected to discharge their duties in a professional, objective manner at all times. Given that the municipal operations are usually under more scrutiny in an election year, staff are expected to take extra care to ensure that they behave in a manner that residents, members of the existing County Council and potential candidates for election see as impartial, fair and unbiased. Outside of the work place, staff are expected to use discretion and good judgment when discussing election issues so that their comments do not call into question their professionalism or cause discredit to the County.
3.2 Communications with Councillors
Staff are to remember the formal relationship which exists between County staff and Members of Council. Council should address issues through senior staff at the manager, general manager or Chief Administrative Officer level. If a member of Council asks staff to complete work which has not been assigned to the employee through his/her job description, legislation, supervisor or through a Council direction or report, the employee is to request that the Councillor discuss the request directly with their Manager or General Manager.
3.3 Requests for Information
Public information related to Haldimand County business can be provided to anyone requesting the information. Staff are to advise their Manager or the Clerk if they receive any requests for information that is significant, especially during an election year.
3.4 Work of a Political Nature
Staff are discouraged from assisting with election campaigns outside of working hours due to a perceived conflict of interest based on their privileged position as an employee of the County. Candidates for the election are not to use the services of County employees for their election campaign during hours in which the employee is in the paid employment of Haldimand County.
3.5 Voting
At least three consecutive hours are required to be available to allow employees to vote either before starting or after finishing work. Based on the hours of polling stations as well as the availability of advance polls, the County’s normal business hours are such that employees should not have to leave work in order to vote.
3.6 Nominations
In order to keep staff apprised of candidates for the offices of mayor or County councillor, the Clerk will update the Election page on the County website upon receipt of completed nomination/registration forms and the appropriate fees.
3.7 Enforcement
This protocol must be strictly monitored and enforced by each employee, supervisor, manager, general manager, and ultimately the Chief Administrative Officer. Any concerns are to be brought to the attention of the Chief Administrative Officer immediately.
Contact Us
Haldimand County
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0
Phone: 905-318-5932
After hours (Road, Sewer, Water or Park & Public Facilities Emergencies): 1-888-849-7345