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Swimming Pool Enclosure By-Law

This consolidation is a digital reproduction made available for information purposes only. It is not an official version of the by-law and not an exact reproduction. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this consolidation up to and including the last amending by-law number noted below. 

Submit a request to the Clerks Division to obtain copies of the official by-laws.

For by-law enforcement-related inquiries or complaints please contact Municipal Law Enforcement at 905-318-5932 or submit a request online.

I. Definitions

1. In this By-Law,

(a) “Above Ground Swimming Pool” shall mean any such constructed or
fabricated pool used for swimming, wading, diving or bathing which could,
when filled, contain a depth of 450mm (18 inches) or more of water at any
point, and the top rim of which rises 600mm (2 feet) or more above the
surrounding soil, or other surface upon which it is placed.

(b) “By-Law Enforcement Officer” shall mean a person authorized by Council to
enforce the by-laws of Haldimand County.

(c) “Chief Building Official” shall mean the Chief Building Official appointed by
the Council under Section 3 of the Building Code Act, S.O. 1992, Chapter 23,
as amended, and includes, the Chief Building Official’s designate for the
purposes of this by-law;

(d) “Constructed” shall mean the erection, installation or fabrication of a material

(e) “Council” shall mean the Council of The Corporation of Haldimand County.

(f)  “Deck” shall mean any structure forming an exterior floor system above

(g) “Double Leaf Gate” shall mean any part of a pool enclosure that contains two
gates adjacent to one another; with at least one gate being capable of being
permanently affixed and the other being equipped with a self closing device
and a self latching device suitable for a locking device.

(h) “Effective Ground Level” shall mean the highest level of the ground at a
particular location taking into consideration the surrounding ground level for a
horizontal distance of 1.2 metres (4 feet) of the location being considered.

(i) “Enclosure” shall mean a fence, wall or other structure or combination
thereof, including doors and gates surrounding an outdoor swimming pool to
restrict access thereto.

(j) “Fabricated” shall mean constructed or manufactured.

(k) “Fence” shall mean a barrier constructed to enclose an outdoor swimming
pool. The wall of another structure may be incorporated to complete the

(l) “Gate” shall mean any part of a swimming pool enclosure which opens on
hinges to provide access to the swimming pool; excluding a service gate.

(m)“Grade” shall mean the level of finished ground surrounding an outdoor
swimming pool measured at a distance of 900mm (3 feet) from the wetted
wall of the swimming pool.

(n) “In Ground Swimming Pool” shall mean any such constructed or fabricated
pool used for swimming, wading, diving or bathing which could, when filled,
contain a depth of 450mm (18 inches) or more of water at any point, and the
top rim of which rises less than 600mm (2 feet) above the surrounding soil, or
other surface upon which it is placed.

(o) “Locking Device” shall mean a device which prohibits the latch from being
actuated. The locking device shall actuated by key, combination or other
means approved by the Chief Building Official.

(p) “Maintain” shall mean to carry out repairs of any or parts of a swimming pool
enclosure so that it can properly perform the intended function in accordance
with the provisions of this by-law.

(q) “Municipality” shall mean the Municipality of the Corporation of Haldimand

(r) “Owner” shall include the owner, lessee or tenant in possession of the
property, as well as anyone having care and control of the property, on which
a privately owned outdoor swimming pool is located.

(s) “Self Closing Device” shall mean a mechanical device or spring which returns
a swimming pool enclosure gate to its closed position after it has been

(t) “Self Latching Device” shall mean a mechanical device or latch which is
engaged each time the swimming pool enclosure gate is secured to its closed
position; which will not allow the swimming pool enclosure gate to be
reopened by pushing or pulling, and which will ensure the swimming pool
enclosure gate remains closed until unlatched by either lifting or turning the
device itself directly or by a key.

(u) “Service Gate” shall mean a secondary gate, comprised of a section of
fencing with a width greater than 1.8 metres (6 feet) and its purpose is to
allow access to the pool for the purpose of maintenance only and it is to
remain locked at all other times.

II. Scope / Applications

2. This by-law shall apply only to privately owned outdoor swimming pools,
including temporary and inflatable above ground swimming pools but does not
include hot tubs, ornamental ponds, farm ponds and naturally occurring bodies of

3. Any owner in possession of a permit for a swimming pool enclosure where the
construction of the pool did not occur prior to the final reading of this by-law is
hereby exempt from the provisions of this by-law and shall comply with the
provisions of the former Town of Dunnville By-law 27-74, former Town of
Haldimand By-law 760-89 and the former City of Nanticoke By-law 45-98 and
any amendments thereto.

4. Any outdoor swimming pool enclosure existing prior to the passage of this by-law
are exempt from the provisions of this by-law provided that said existing
enclosure conformed to the requirements of the applicable former municipal bylaw in force and that such enclosures maintained in accordance with the
provisions of those by-laws.

5. The provisions of this by-law shall apply to all privately owned outdoor swimming
pool enclosures erected following the date of passage of this by-law.

6. Where the previously permitted swimming pool enclosure in Sections 3 and 4 is
subsequently replaced, the replacement enclosure is instead subject to the
requirements of this by-law, including the application for a permit, fee and the
requirements and standards specified.

7. Where this by-law provides both metric and imperial measurement for the same
item, the imperial measurement is provided for convenience only and is

III. General Provisions

8. No person shall place, permit or cause excavation for, erection of, construction or
placement of a swimming pool and or required swimming pool enclosure without
obtaining a swimming pool enclosure permit from the Chief Building Official.

9. Every owner of an outdoor swimming pool shall erect an enclosure completely
surrounding such pool in accordance with the provisions of this by-law.

10. All enclosures shall be maintained in such a condition so that the enclosures and
gates continue to be in compliance with the provisions of this by-law.

11. No person shall place water or permit the placement of water in a swimming
pool, until a swimming pool enclosure has been erected in compliance with the
provisions of this by-law and received approval from the By-law Enforcement
Officer for such enclosure prior to the placement of water.

12. Every owner of an outdoor swimming pool shall notify the By-Law Enforcement
Officer of the completion of a swimming pool enclosure and shall arrange for an
inspection of and receive approval for such enclosure prior to the placement of

13. The owner and every adult person in control of an outdoor swimming pool shall
erect and maintain an enclosure surrounding the entire swimming pool area in
conformance with this by-law.

14. Every owner and every adult person in control of an outdoor swimming pool shall
ensure that every gate and every door providing access to such outdoor
swimming pool shall be kept locked at all times when the pool is not in use or
there is more than 450mm (18 inches) of water in the pool and a responsible
person is not present and supervising the pool.

IV. Permit Application and Approval

15. (a) Every owner who wishes to construct or erect a swimming pool and/or a
swimming pool enclosure shall submit to the Chief Building Official plans
showing details of the proposed swimming pool enclosure. All such
applications shall be accompanied by the following:

i. An estimate of the value of construction of the pool, pool enclosure
and any attached construction (e.g. decks, trellises etc),

ii. The required fee as set in the applicable Building By-law,

iii. Dimensioned, scale plans showing the location(s) of the proposed
swimming pool including all swimming pool enclosures, together
with full details of each entrance, showing the location of all
proposed swimming pool equipment such as filters, slides and
heaters; and

iv. Plans showing the grading and drainage. If the property is subject
to a lot grading plan, conformation of compliance with the original
plan must be received from the Engineering Division.

(b) Upon being satisfied that the items required in sentence 16(a) meet the
requirements of this by-law and other applicable laws the Chief Building
Official shall prepare and issue a permit.

(c) Upon completion of the swimming pool enclosure the owner is required to
contact the Municipality to request a final inspection. 

(d) A permit is not required in the case of a swimming pool which has been
dismantled and is being reconstructed in the exact same manner and in
the exact same position, provided a permit was obtained for the original
swimming pool enclosure and provided that the enclosure is not being
altered in any way.

(e) Refunds for permit fees will be issued only upon written request as per
the building by-law.

V. Temporary Enclosures During Construction

16. Where it is necessary during construction to permit the entry of construction
equipment into the swimming pool enclosure, a portion of the approved
swimming pool enclosure may be replaced by temporary fencing provided it
meets the following requirements.

(a) the fencing material must be snow fencing or an approved alternate; and

(b) the fencing must be a minimum of 1.2 metres (4 feet) in height and
adequately supported; and

(c) the fencing must be in good repair with no openings greater than 100mm (4
inches); and

(d) the fencing must enclose the swimming pool area whenever the area is not
under competent supervision; and

(e) the temporary fencing must be replaced by the approved permanent
swimming pool enclosure immediately upon completion of the pool.

VI. Fencing Requirement for Outdoor Swimming Pools

In ground swimming pools and above ground swimming pool with fencing

17. Sections 18 through 25 refer to in-ground swimming pools or above ground
swimming pools where the enclosure is not part of the pool and/or pool decking.

18. Every owner of an outdoor swimming pool shall erect and maintain an enclosure
with a minimum height of 1.2 metres (4 feet) above grade.

19. Any enclosure constructed in accordance with this by-law shall be erected to
have no more than a 50mm (2 inch) clearance under the said enclosure.

20. Any enclosure constructed in accordance with this by-law shall not have any
attachments or bracing on the exterior facing of the enclosure within a height of
1.2 metres (4 feet) of the grade level that may facilitate climbing. 

21. Any enclosure constructed in accordance with this by-law shall not be located
any closer than 1.2 metres (4 feet) from any building or tree or any other
projection, where any of these could facilitate climbing over the swimming pool

22. Except for decks, the wetted edges of an in-ground swimming pool shall not be
located any closer than 900mm (3 feet) from any enclosure, building or structure.

23. The wall of a building or structure may be used in place of a portion of a required
enclosure provided that it meets the height requirements for fences contained
herein, does not facilitate climbing and any opening through such wall can be
locked in accordance with this by-law.

24. A boundary fence may be used as a part or all of the required enclosure provided
for in this by-law provided that it meets the requirements of a swimming pool

25. Every owner of an outdoor swimming pool will ensure than no person shall place
or store materials against the outside of a swimming pool enclosure.

Above ground swimming pools with attached protection

26. Sections 27 through 31 refer to Above Ground Swimming pools where a
separate enclosure is not provided as per sections 18 through 25.

27. An above ground swimming pool may have an enclosure attached to such pool
provided that the enclosure provides a height of 1.2 metres (4 feet) above the
grade level and does not facilitate climbing.

28. Any enclosure constructed as part of an above ground swimming pool in
accordance with this by-law shall not have any attachments or bracing on the
exterior facing of the enclosure within a height of 1.2 metres (4 feet) of the grade
level that may facilitate climbing. 

29. All above ground swimming pools having a deck or walkway higher than 600mm
(2 feet) above the effective ground level shall have their deck or walkways
enclosed with an outer guard conforming to the provisions of this by-law and the
Ontario Building Code.

30. Where a deck is erected as part of or around an above ground swimming pool,
the deck shall be enclosed and gated and such deck enclosure and gates shall
conforming to the provisions of this by-law of the Ontario Building Code and so
as not to facilitate climbing from either side. 

31. An above ground swimming pool which has its enclosure attached to the pool
shall have the wall of the pool structure, attached bracing, attached deck or any
other component of the pool or its enclosure at least 1.0 metres (3 feet 3 inches)
from a property line, building, or tree, or any other projection where any of these
could facilitate climbing onto the attached bracing, attached deck or any other

32. Notwithstanding Section 27 of this by-law, an owner of an above-ground outdoor
swimming pool is not required to erect a enclosure surrounding said structure
provided the following provisions are met:

a) the wall of the pool structure, provided that there is no deck, is at least
1.2 metres (4 feet) in height above grade,

b) The wall of the pool structure, provided that there is no deck is at least
1.0 metre (3 feet 3 inches) from a property line, building or tree or any
other projection, where any of these could facilitate climbing into the

c) there is no exterior horizontal or vertical or diagonal bracing on the
swimming pool structure that may be used as a foothold or handhold and
facilitate climbing,

d) there are no footholds or handholds which reduce the effective height of
the wall to less than 1.2 metres (4 feet),

e) where any stair, ramp, walkway or ladder are used to enter the aboveground outdoor swimming pool, an enclosure and gate both of which are
at least 1.2 metres (4 feet) in height shall enclose the stair, ramp,
walkway or ladder and further any gate shall comply with the
requirements contained within this by-law, and

f) that any pump or accessory appurtenance or structure shall be located at
such a distance and in a manner so as to not facilitate its use as a
foothold or handhold or shall be protected in a manner so as to satisfy
the enclosure requirements as per Section 9 of this by-law, and

g) where a deck is constructed at or near the rim level of the above-ground
swimming pool, it shall comply with the provisions of Sections 29, 30 and
31 of this by-law.

33. A swimming enclosure shall not:

(a) Use or incorporate barbed wire or other features designed to cause injury;

(b) Be electrified by any means;

(c) Restrict access to the main building exit, utility meter or a furnace oil filler
pipe or like appurtenance which requires periodic inspection or
attendance by utility or service personnel.

VII. Acceptable Materials for the Construction of Fencing 

34. An enclosure erected under this by-law may be of chain link, vertical board, metal
picket, vertical rod or angle irons construction or any other material deemed to be
acceptable by the Chief Building Official.

VIII. Requirements for Chain Link Construction

35. The mesh of a chain link enclosure shall have no openings greater than 40mm
(1-1/2 inch).

36. The chain link enclosure shall be constructed of galvanized wire no less than No.
12 gauge diameter or minimum No. 14 gauge steel wire covered with vinyl or
other approved coating forming a total thickness equivalent to No. 12 gauge
galvanized wire.

37. The chain link enclosure shall have top and bottom rails firmly fastened to the
upright posts, made of minimum 32mm (1 ¼ inches) galvanized steel pipe or
steel pipe covered with vinyl or other approved material. A galvanized steel
tension rod 6mm (¼ inch) diameter may be substituted for the bottom rail.

38. The chain link enclosure shall be supported on substantial steel posts not more
than 3 metres (10 feet) apart and at least 900mm (3 feet) below grade and to be
encased in concrete at least 100mm (4 inches) thick all around the post.

39. No material shall be woven through or attached to the mesh so as to render the
enclosure climbable.

XI. Requirements for Vertical Board Construction

40. The vertical boards shall be of not less than 19mm x 64mm (1 inch x 3 inches)
and spaced so as to prevent the passage of a spherical object having a diameter
of 100mm (4 inches).

41. The vertical boards shall be attached to horizontal members spaced vertically at
a distance of no less than 1.2 metres (4 feet) apart so as not to facilitate a
handhold or foothold unless said members are on the pool face side of the
enclosure and the vertical members have an opening no greater than 40mm (1-
1/2 inches).

42. The vertical boards shall be supported on substantial posts placed not more than
2.4 metres (8 feet) apart and installed at least 900mm (3 feet) into the ground
and any portion of wood posts below grade shall be treated with a wood
preservative or be of a material that naturally resists decay (e.g., cedar).

X. Requirements for Vertical Metal Rods or Metal Angle Construction

43. The vertical metal rods or metal angle shall be no less than 13mm (½ inch) in
diameter or of equivalent strength.

44. The vertical metal rods or metal angle shall be no less than 13mm (½ inch) in
diameter or of equivalent strength.

45. The vertical members shall be attached to horizontal members spaced vertically
at a distance of no less than 1.2 metres (4 feet) apart so as not to facilitate a
handhold or foothold unless said members are spaced so the opening between
them is no greater than 40mm (1.5 inches) 

XI. Gate Requirements

46. Every gate erected in an enclosure around an outdoor swimming pool shall
conform to the following requirements:

(a) every gate shall be of construction and height requirements equivalent to
that required for the enclosure; and

(b) every gate shall be supported on substantial hinges that are self-closing;

(c) except for a service and the affixed leaf of a double leaf gate, every gate
shall be equipped with a self-latching device at the top (at least 1.07m (3
feet 6 inches) from the bottom of the gate) and inside of the enclosure
and fitted for a locking device; and

(d) every gate shall be closed and locked when the outdoor swimming pool is
not in use; and

(e) when an adult person is not present supervising the pool, the gate or
gates shall be kept closed and locked; and

(f) no person shall construct or maintain a double leaf gate as part of a
swimming pool enclosure without one of the two gates being able to be
permanently affixed and the other having a self closing device and a self
latching device fitted for a locking device.

XII. Orders

47. If after an inspection, a By-Law Enforcement Officer is satisfied that in some
respect an outdoor swimming pool does not conform to this by-law, he or she
may issue and serve an order to the owner and such other persons affected by it
as the By-Law Enforcement Officer determines: 

a. requiring the owner or occupier of the land to conform and comply with
any provisions of this by-law; or

b. requiring the owner or occupier of the land on which the contravention
occurred to correct the contravention; and 

48. An order under Section 47 shall:

a. state the municipal address or the legal description of the property; and

b. give reasonable particulars of the contravening activity, or the required
work or alternatively that the swimming pool be drained or removed and
the land left in a graded and leveled condition; and

c. indicate the time for complying with the terms and conditions of the order
and give notice that, if the repair or clearance is not carried out within that
time, the municipality may carry out the repair or clearance at the owner’s
expense; and

d. be served or caused to be served,

(i) by personal service; or

(ii) by prepaid registered mail sent to the last known address of the
person to whom notice is to be given or to that person’s agent for

49. If the By-Law Enforcement Officer is unable to effect service under Section 48,
he/she shall place a placard containing the terms of the order in a conspicuous
place on the property and the placing of the placard shall be deemed as sufficient
service of the order on the owner or other persons. 

50. Where an order has been issued pursuant to this by-law and the owner of the
outdoor swimming pool or property owner fails to erect or maintain a enclosure or
gate around the swimming pool or places water in the pool, or causes, permits or
allows the water to remain in the pool where an enclosure or gate is not erected
or maintained, the By-Law Enforcement Officer may immediately at the persons

(a) erect or repair a temporary enclosure during construction in
accordance with Part VI of this by-law; or

(b) erect or repair the swimming pool enclosure; or

(c) remove the water to a depth of less than 45 cm (18 inches) from
the swimming pool until the required swimming pool enclosure is
erected or maintained in accordance with this by-law.

51. Haldimand County may recover the expense incurred in doing the work
described in Sections 50 and 52 by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting
them in the same manner as property taxes.

52. Despite any other provisions of this by-law, if upon inspection of a property, the
By-Law Enforcement Officer is satisfied there is non-conformity with the
standards prescribed herein to such extent as to pose an immediate danger to
the health or safety of any person, the By-Law Enforcement Officer may make an
order containing particulars of the non-conformity and requiring remedial repairs
or other necessary work to be carried out forthwith to terminate the danger in
accordance with this by-law.

XIII. Enforcement

53. This by-law shall be enforced by a By-Law Enforcement Officer.

54. Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law, is guilty of an offence
and upon conviction is liable to the penalties prescribed under the Provincial
Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.33, as amended.

55. In the event that any of the provisions of this by-law are deemed ultra vires by
any Court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms and provisions shall
remain in full force and effect.

56. A By-Law Enforcement Officer or other appointed agent shall have the right to
enter onto any property containing an outdoor swimming pool, during reasonable
hours, for the purpose of inspecting the enclosure.

57. Each day a violation of this By-law continues shall constitute a separate and
distinct offence under this By-law.

58. For the purposes of this by-law, persons who are employed or appointed as Bylaw Enforcement Officers by Haldimand County, or employed as Property
Standards Officers or Building Inspectors for Haldimand County, and the Chief
Building Official are all deemed appointed and entitled to enforce the provisions
of this by-law.

59. Every adult person in occupation or control of any land in Haldimand County, on
behalf of or with or without the consent of the owner, is subject to all of the
obligations of the owner for the purposes of this by-law.

60. For contravention of sections of this by-law for which a short form wording is provided in Column 2 of
Schedule “A” (where Column 3 is the corresponding Section reference), an authorized by-law
enforcement officer or other agent as appointed by Council may issue an Offence Notice (in
accordance with Section 3 of the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.33) with the
associated fine value shown in Column 4 of the Schedule. The Offence Notice shall be in the form
as prescribed in Ontario Regulations made under the Provincial Offences Act.

XIV. Repeal

61. That the former Town of Dunnville By-law 27-74, former Town of Haldimand Bylaw 760-89 and the former City of Nanticoke By-law 45-98 and any amendments
thereto are hereby repealed in their entirety.

XV. Enactment

62. This By-law comes into effect and into force on 9th day of March, 2009.

63. The short title of this By-law is the Swimming Pool Enclosure By-law.

Read a first and second time this 9th day of March, 2009.

Read a third time and finally passed this 9th day of March, 2009.


Set Fines

Item Short Form Wording Provision Creating or Defining Offence Set Fine
1 Erect a swimming pool without obtaining a permit Section 8 $150.00
2 Construct a swimming pool without obtaning a permit Section 8


3 Placement of a swimming pool without obtaining a permit  Section 8  $150.00
4 Failure to erect an enclosure surrounding swimming pool Section 9 $150.00
5 Failure to maintain an enclosure in compliance with bylaw Section 10 $150.00
6 Failure to ensure door is locked when pool not in use Section 14 $150.00
7 Failure to erect temporary fencing  Section 16 $150.00
8 Failure to erect an enclosure with minimum height of 1.2
Section 18 $150.00
9 Failure to ensure no attachments or bracing on exterior of
enclosure within height of 1.2 metres that may facilitate
Section 20 $150.00
10 Failure to close gate when outdoor swimming pool not in
Section 46(d) $150.00
11 Failure to lock gate when outdoor swimming pool not in
Section 46 (d) $150.00

Contact Us

Haldimand County
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Phone: 905-318-5932

After hours (Road, Sewer, Water or Park & Public Facilities Emergencies): 1-888-849-7345

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