VI. Fencing Requirement for Outdoor Swimming Pools
In ground swimming pools and above ground swimming pool with fencing
17. Sections 18 through 25 refer to in-ground swimming pools or above ground
swimming pools where the enclosure is not part of the pool and/or pool decking.
18. Every owner of an outdoor swimming pool shall erect and maintain an enclosure
with a minimum height of 1.2 metres (4 feet) above grade.
19. Any enclosure constructed in accordance with this by-law shall be erected to
have no more than a 50mm (2 inch) clearance under the said enclosure.
20. Any enclosure constructed in accordance with this by-law shall not have any
attachments or bracing on the exterior facing of the enclosure within a height of
1.2 metres (4 feet) of the grade level that may facilitate climbing.
21. Any enclosure constructed in accordance with this by-law shall not be located
any closer than 1.2 metres (4 feet) from any building or tree or any other
projection, where any of these could facilitate climbing over the swimming pool
22. Except for decks, the wetted edges of an in-ground swimming pool shall not be
located any closer than 900mm (3 feet) from any enclosure, building or structure.
23. The wall of a building or structure may be used in place of a portion of a required
enclosure provided that it meets the height requirements for fences contained
herein, does not facilitate climbing and any opening through such wall can be
locked in accordance with this by-law.
24. A boundary fence may be used as a part or all of the required enclosure provided
for in this by-law provided that it meets the requirements of a swimming pool
25. Every owner of an outdoor swimming pool will ensure than no person shall place
or store materials against the outside of a swimming pool enclosure.
Above ground swimming pools with attached protection
26. Sections 27 through 31 refer to Above Ground Swimming pools where a
separate enclosure is not provided as per sections 18 through 25.
27. An above ground swimming pool may have an enclosure attached to such pool
provided that the enclosure provides a height of 1.2 metres (4 feet) above the
grade level and does not facilitate climbing.
28. Any enclosure constructed as part of an above ground swimming pool in
accordance with this by-law shall not have any attachments or bracing on the
exterior facing of the enclosure within a height of 1.2 metres (4 feet) of the grade
level that may facilitate climbing.
29. All above ground swimming pools having a deck or walkway higher than 600mm
(2 feet) above the effective ground level shall have their deck or walkways
enclosed with an outer guard conforming to the provisions of this by-law and the
Ontario Building Code.
30. Where a deck is erected as part of or around an above ground swimming pool,
the deck shall be enclosed and gated and such deck enclosure and gates shall
conforming to the provisions of this by-law of the Ontario Building Code and so
as not to facilitate climbing from either side.
31. An above ground swimming pool which has its enclosure attached to the pool
shall have the wall of the pool structure, attached bracing, attached deck or any
other component of the pool or its enclosure at least 1.0 metres (3 feet 3 inches)
from a property line, building, or tree, or any other projection where any of these
could facilitate climbing onto the attached bracing, attached deck or any other
32. Notwithstanding Section 27 of this by-law, an owner of an above-ground outdoor
swimming pool is not required to erect a enclosure surrounding said structure
provided the following provisions are met:
a) the wall of the pool structure, provided that there is no deck, is at least
1.2 metres (4 feet) in height above grade,
b) The wall of the pool structure, provided that there is no deck is at least
1.0 metre (3 feet 3 inches) from a property line, building or tree or any
other projection, where any of these could facilitate climbing into the
c) there is no exterior horizontal or vertical or diagonal bracing on the
swimming pool structure that may be used as a foothold or handhold and
facilitate climbing,
d) there are no footholds or handholds which reduce the effective height of
the wall to less than 1.2 metres (4 feet),
e) where any stair, ramp, walkway or ladder are used to enter the aboveground outdoor swimming pool, an enclosure and gate both of which are
at least 1.2 metres (4 feet) in height shall enclose the stair, ramp,
walkway or ladder and further any gate shall comply with the
requirements contained within this by-law, and
f) that any pump or accessory appurtenance or structure shall be located at
such a distance and in a manner so as to not facilitate its use as a
foothold or handhold or shall be protected in a manner so as to satisfy
the enclosure requirements as per Section 9 of this by-law, and
g) where a deck is constructed at or near the rim level of the above-ground
swimming pool, it shall comply with the provisions of Sections 29, 30 and
31 of this by-law.
33. A swimming enclosure shall not:
(a) Use or incorporate barbed wire or other features designed to cause injury;
(b) Be electrified by any means;
(c) Restrict access to the main building exit, utility meter or a furnace oil filler
pipe or like appurtenance which requires periodic inspection or
attendance by utility or service personnel.