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Sign By-law

This consolidation is a digital reproduction made available for information purposes only. It is not an official version of the by-law and not an exact reproduction. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this consolidation up to and including the last amending by-law number noted below. 

Submit a request to the Clerks Division to obtain copies of the official by-laws.

For by-law enforcement-related inquiries or complaints please contact Municipal Law Enforcement at 905-318-5932 or submit a request online.

By-law number: 1064-10

Enacted: February 18, 2010

Last date passed at Council: June 11, 2018

Amending by-laws: 1123-10, 1161-11, 1203-11, 1940-18

County service area: Building and Municipal Enforcement

Being a by-law for regulating or prohibiting signs and other advertising devices.

Section 1 - Scope of By-law

1.1 Short Title of By-law - This By-law and any amendments thereto shall be known as the “Haldimand County Sign By-law.”

1.2 Purpose of the By-law

1.2.1 The purpose of this By-law is to:

a) regulate private and public signs placed on lands, buildings, and other structures
within the corporate limits of Haldimand County;

b) implement the policies of the Haldimand County Official Plan.

1.3 Legislative Authority - This By-law is passed by the Council of the Corporation of Haldimand County pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, as amended.

1.4 Area of Applicability - This By-law applies to the lands in Haldimand County.

1.5 Compliance with By-law - No person shall hereafter erect or display a sign except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law.

1.6 Contents of By-law - All references in the By-law to sections, regulations, exceptions, tables, figures,
schedules and maps, refer to those in this By-law unless otherwise indicated.

1.7 Lawful Non-Complying Signs - The provisions of this By-law shall not apply to a sign or the use of an existing sign that was lawfully erected on or before the day this By-law comes into force if the sign is not
substantially altered and the maintenance and repair of the sign or a change in the
message displayed is deemed not in itself to constitute a substantial alteration.

1.8 Relation to Other Government Requirements (Compliance with Other Restrictions)

1.8.1 This By-law shall not be construed so as to reduce or mitigate restrictions or regulations
for any sign that are lawfully imposed by the County, or by any governmental authority
having jurisdiction to make such restrictions or regulations.

1.8.2 Compliance with this By-law does not relieve a property owner from complying with the
requirements of:

a) the Ontario Building Code;

b) any federal, provincial, or municipal legislation

Section 2 - Interpretation of By-law

2.1 Measurements and Dimensions - All measurements and dimensions in this By-law are expressed in metric.

2.2 Definitions - Terms defined in this By-law are italicized and underlined for the purposes of
convenience only. If a term defined by this By-law is not italicized and/or underlined, the
definitions provided by the By-law shall apply when consistent with the context.

Section 3 - Definitions

3.1 The terms set out below shall have the following meanings:

“Alter” means any change to a sign including the removal and replacement of the sign, the
addition or removal or rearrangement of parts of the sign, but excluding the changing of copy or
the replacement of parts of the sign with similar parts for maintenance purposes. Alteration shall
have the same meaning as alter.

“Attic” means the portion of a building situated wholly or in part under a roof, but which is not
a storey or a one-half storey.

“Basement” means the portion of a building between two floor levels that has less than 50%
of its height below the average finished grade of the lot on which the building is located. The
term basement shall not include a cellar.

“Bed and Breakfast” means the provision of temporary accommodation for the traveling
public, as accessory to a permitted single detached dwelling and in accordance with the
provisions of the Municipality’s zoning by-laws.

“Building” means a structure used for the shelter, accommodation or enclosure of persons,
animals, goods, materials or equipment that is supported by columns or walls, has one or more
floors, is covered by a roof and is permanently affixed to the land.

“Business” means an establishment in which one or more persons are employed in
conducting, managing, or administering an endeavor or means of livelihood. The term business
includes the administrative offices of a government agency, a non-profit organization, or a
charitable organization.

“Canopy” means any structure which projects from the exterior face of a building wall and
extends across part or all of that exterior face of a building wall or is a self-supporting
unenclosed structure.

Cellar” means the portion of a building between two floor levels that has 50% or more of is
height below the average finished grade of the lot on which the building is located. The term
cellar shall not include a basement.

“Charitable Organization” means an association of persons that has charitable status
under the laws of Ontario or Canada.

“Community Association” means a group of persons organized for the advancement of
activities of a civic, social, cultural or recreational nature and whose activities are not conducted
for monetary profit.

“Community Bulletin Board” means a bulletin board erected by the County for the
purpose of providing a display surface for posters.

“Conservation Authority” means a conservation authority having jurisdiction in
Haldimand County. 

“Copy” means the wording, letters, numerals, graphics, logos, and artwork of a sign, on the
display surface and is either permanent or removable.

“Council” means the Council of the Corporation of Haldimand County.

“County” means the Corporation of Haldimand County.

“Display Surface” means the surface of the sign, upon, against, or through which the copy
of the sign is displayed.

“Driveway” means that portion of a lot designed to provide motor vehicle access from the lot
to the traveled portion of the street, private road or lane.

“Erect” means display, attach, affix, post, alter, construct, place, locate, install or relocate.

“Façade” means the exterior wall of a building facing a street or private road.

Farm” means the use of land, buildings, or structures for apiaries, aviaries, the growing of
field crops, horticultural crops, ornamental crops, tobacco, ginseng or mushrooms; the breeding,
raising, boarding, sale or training of horses; the breeding, raising or sale of cattle, goats, sheep,
swine and fur bearing animals; cattle or goat dairying; raising or sale of chickens, ducks, geese,
turkeys, pigeons or other fowl, game birds, fish and frogs; egg production.

“Finished Grade” means the lowest of the levels of finished ground adjacent to the location
of the sign, exclusive of any artificial embankment.

“Height” means the vertical distance from the finished grade below the sign to the highest
physical point of the sign.

“Home Industry” means a small scale industrial operation that is carried on in accordance
with the provisions of the Municipality’s zoning by-laws, as accessory to a permitted single
detached dwelling.

“Home Occupation” means an occupation or business that is carried on in accordance will
all provisions of the Municipality’s by-laws within a dwelling as accessory to a permitted
residential use and includes a bed and breakfast.

“Inspector” means any Building Inspector, Municipal Law Enforcement Officer or any other
inspector appointed by Council pursuant to a by-law.

“Lane” means a road owned by the County that provides either the primary access to abutting
lots or the secondary access to abutting lots where the primary access/frontage is available
from a street. The term lane shall not include a street.

“Lot” means a parcel of land within a registered plan of subdivision or any land that may be
legally conveyed under the exemption provided in Section 50 (3)(b) or section 50 (5)(a) of the
Planning Act, or a remnant of a lot that remains in private ownership after part of the lot has
been expropriated.

Exterior Lot - A lot situated at the intersection of and abutting upon two streets, a street, and a private road, two private roads or the same street or private road, provided that the interior
angle of the intersection of the street lines is not more than 135 degrees. In the case of
a curved corner, the interior angle of the intersection shall be measured as the angle
formed by the intersection of the extension of each of the street lines.

Image of street/private road drawing intersecting with another street/private road

Interior Lot - A lot other than an exterior lot or a through lot.

Through Lot - A lot bounded on two opposite lot lines by streets and/or private roads. A lot that
qualifies as both an exterior lot and a through lot shall be deemed to be an exterior lot.

“Lot Line” means any boundary of a lot or the vertical projection thereof.

Exterior Side Lot Line - A side lot line abutting a street or private road on an exterior lot

Front Lot Line - In the case of an interior lot, a lot line dividing the lot from the street or private road shall
be deemed to be a front lot line. In the case of an exterior lot, the shorter lot line
abutting a street or private road shall be deemed to be a front lot line and the longer lot
line abutting a street or private road shall be deemed to be an exterior side lot line. In
the case of a through lot whether or not such lot is deemed to be an exterior lot, the lot
line where the principal access to the lot is provided shall be deemed to be a front lot

Interior Side Lot Line - A side lot line that is not an exterior side lot line.

Rear Lot Line - A lot line (or point of intersection of the side lot lines) furthest from and opposite to the front lot line.

Side Lot Line - A lot line other than a front lot line or a rear lot line.

“Motor Vehicle” means an automobile, truck, motorcycle, motor assisted bicycle and any
other vehicle propelled or driven by other than muscular power.

“Municipality” means the Corporation of Haldimand County.

“Municipal Agreement” means an agreement made with the Corporation of Haldimand

“Mural” means a painting, illustration, or decoration applied to a free standing sign or the
exterior wall of a building and that is otherwise not a sign as defined by this By-law.

“Owner” means the registered owner of the premises upon which any sign or sign structure is
located, or any person described on a sign or whose name or address or telephone number
appears on the sign, or who has installed the sign, or who is in lawful control of the sign, or who
benefits from the message on the sign, and for the purposes of this By-law there may be more
than one owner of a sign.

“Permanent” means physically existing or continuing indefinitely in a space, location, or
place. Permanently shall have the same meaning as permanent.

“Permitted” means permissible by this By-law.

“Person” means, but is not limited to an individual, sole proprietorship, partnership,
association, or corporation and any other entity to which the context can apply according to the

“Premises” means a lot or a building or a part of a lot or building. 

“Private Road” means a road, the fee simple of which is owned by a single person, that is
subject to one or more easements registered against title in favour of one or more abutting lots
to which the easements are appurtenant. Such easements entitle the owners of the lots to use
the private road for the purposes of access to and from the lots. The term private road includes
a private road shown on a registered plan of condominium plan but does not include a right-ofway, a street or a lane.

“Property” means a parcel of land having specific boundaries, which is capable of legal

“Province” means the Province of Ontario. Provincial shall have the same meaning as

“Public Authority” means any department or agency of Haldimand County, a
conservation authority, the Government of Ontario, or the Government of Canada.

“Right-of-Way” means an area of land on which has been created and registered against
the title of the lot on which it is located, perpetual easements appurtenant to one or more lots to
a street. The term right-of-way shall not include a private road.

“Road Allowance” shall have a corresponding meaning to that of a street.

“Sign” means any visual medium and its support structure used to convey information by way
of words, pictures, images, graphics, emblems, or symbols, or any device used for the purpose
of providing direction, identification, advertisement, business promotion, or the promotion of a
person, product, activity, service, event or idea.

“Sign, Abandoned” means a sign and/or a sign support structure located on a premises
which becomes vacant and unoccupied for a period of 90 days or more, or any sign that
pertains to a time, event, or purpose that no longer applies.

“Sign, Animated” means a sign which contains a video screen or any kinetic or illusionary
motion of all or part of a sign, including rotations; or any sign which is manually displayed by an
individual for the purposes of advertising, or any sign which is projected on a display surface by
electronic means, but does not include an electronic message board.

“Sign Area” means:

i) in the case of a sign having one display surface, the area of the display surface;

ii) in the case of a sign having two display surfaces, which are separated by the thickness
of the sign structure and the thickness is not used as a display surface, the area of one
display surface;

iii) in the case of a free standing number, letter, picture, image, graphic, emblem, symbol, or
shape, the smallest rectangle which will enclose the number, letter, picture, image,
graphic, emblem, symbol, or shape.

“Sign, Banner” means a sign made from cloth, plastic, or a similar light weight, non-rigid

“Sign, Barn” means a sign affixed parallel to the wall or other exterior of a barn and which
identifies the name of the occupant or the name of the farm on which the barn is located.

“Sign, Billboard” means an outdoor ground or wall sign erected and maintained by a
person, firm, corporation, or business engaged in the sale or rental of the space on the sign to a
client, upon which space is displayed copy that advertises a business, goods, products, or
services not necessarily sold or offered or conducted on the property.

“Sign, Canopy” means a sign which is contained within or affixed to the surface of a canopy
and which does not project beyond the limits of the surface of the canopy.

“Sign, Community Event” means a temporary sign advertising events conducted or
sponsored by charitable organizations or community associations.

“Sign, Directional” means a sign erected on a property to identify an entrance, exit, or
area for the purpose of directing persons and/or regulating the movement of traffic or
pedestrians on a property.

“Sign, Election” means a temporary sign advertising any political party or candidate or registered third party advertiser, as defined under provincial or federal legislation participating in the election for public office.

“Sign, Electronic Message Board” means a sign which has messages displayed by
electronic means.

“Sign, Ground” means a sign permanently affixed to the ground by one or more self supporting poles or supported by a free-standing masonry structure.

“Sign, Home Industry” means a ground or wall sign located on the premises of a home

“Sign, Home Occupation” means a ground or wall sign located on the premises of a home

“Sign, Inflatable” means a sign which is designed to be inflated by air or other gas and is
designed to be airborne or tethered to the ground, a vehicle, a roof, or any other structure.

“Sign, Mobile” means a temporary sign which is not permanently affixed to the ground or to
any structure, and typically designed for the rearrangement of copy of the sign face, and which
is capable of being readily moved from place to place, but does not include a portable sign.

“Sign, Off-Site Directional” means a sign providing directions to the site where a
business or service is located.

“Sign, Projecting” means a sign not directly supported from the ground but generally
erected perpendicular to a supporting building wall, but shall not be a wall sign as defined in this

“Sign, Permanent” means a sign permanently erected on or affixed to a premises.

“Sign, Poster” means a printed notice conveying information intended to be displayed for a
temporary period of time and includes but is not limited to a bill, handbill, leaflet, notice, or

“Sign, Personal” means a temporary sign used for a personal announcement or
congratulatory message which is located on a property zoned for residential uses.

“Sign, Portable” means a sign not permanently attached to the ground or a permanent
structure and which is designed to be moved readily and manually by one person from one
location to another, and includes signs commonly referred to as A-Frame, T-frame, and
sandwich board.

“Sign, Projection” means a sign that is displayed on a surface, building, or structure, by
the projection of a beam of light or other source of illumination.

“Sign, Promotional Development” means a sign advertising the sale of properties
within a plan of subdivision but not the realtor’s, developer’s or landowner’s business in general.

“Sign, Promotional Development Direction” means a portable sign providing
direction to a construction, reconstruction, or development site.

“Sign, Public Use” means a sign erected by or under the jurisdiction of a Public Authority.

“Sign, Real Estate” means a sign located on a property for the purpose of announcing the
sale, lease, or rental of such property or building or part of a building located thereon.

“Sign, Real Estate Open House Directional” means a temporary sign providing
directions to a residence that is offered for sale and where an open house is being conducted.

“Sign, Roof” means a sign the entire face of which is above the lowest point at which the roof
meets the building.

“Sign, A-Frame” means a freestanding temporary sign with no more than two faces joined at
the top of the sign that is intended for temporary use during the hours of the business to which it
applies and that is constructed in a manner and of materials such that it can be placed and
moved manually by a person without mechanical aid.

“Sign, Support Structure” means the framework, bracing and support of a sign.

“Sign, Temporary” means a sign not permanently erected and without foundations, that is
not permanently affixed to any other structure which is used to advertise an activity or event that
is transitory or not permanent in nature.

“Sign, Traffic Control” means a sign erected under the jurisdiction of the Highway
Traffic Act or the manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for the purpose of regulating traffic
on streets.

“Sign, Vehicle/Trailer” means a sign which is painted on or affixed to a motor vehicle or
trailer which is parked and visible from a public right-of-way and its intended use is as a sign,
unless said vehicle or trailer is used in the normal day-to-day operation of the business.

“Sign, Wall” means a sign which is painted on or permanently affixed to a single wall of a
building or structure.

“Sign, Window” means a sign placed, painted, etched or attached to the surface of a window
facing the outside and intended to be primarily visible from a street or parking area.

Storey” means the portion of a building, other than an attic, basement or cellar, included
between any floor level and the floor, ceiling or roof next above it. A mezzanine shall be
deemed to be a storey.

One-Half Storey means a storey located wholly or in part under a sloping roof in which
there is sufficient space to provide a height between finished floor and finished ceiling of
at least 2.3 metres over a floor area equal to at least 50% of the floor area of the storey
immediately below.

“Street” means a road or public highway under the jurisdiction of the County or the Province
of Ontario that is maintained so as to allow normal use by motor vehicles, or a road or public
highway located within a registered plan of subdivision that has not yet been assumed by a
public authority. The term street shall not include a lane.

“Street Line” means the limit of a street, private road or lane.

“Structure” means a man-made construction that is fixed to the earth or attached toanother structure on a temporary or permanent basis.

“Use” means the use of land, a building, or structure, as permitted in the Municipality’s zoning
by-laws and as identified in the Tables of this By-law.

“Visibility Triangle” means a triangular-shaped area of land abutting a lane, street or
private road that is required to be kept free of obstructions that could impede the vision of a
pedestrian or the driver of a motor vehicle exiting onto or driving on the lane, street or private

As illustrated below, a visibility triangle shall be determined as follows:

a) the visibility triangle adjacent to an exterior side lot line shall be the area enclosed by
each of the street lines measured to a point 5 metres back from the intersection of the
street lines, and a diagonal line drawn between these two points:

b) the visibility triangle from a driveway, lane, or right-of-way shall be the area enclosed by
the line along the limits of the driveway and the street line measured to a point 3 metres
back from the intersection of the street lines and the limit of the driveway, lane, or right of-way and a diagonal line drawn between these two points.

map of visibility triangle on a corner lot on a private road

“ZONE” means a designated area of land use shown on any schedule of the Municipality’s
zoning by-laws as enacted and amended by the Municipality pursuant to the Planning Act.

Section 4 - Administrative Provisions

4.1 The Chief Building Official and the Building Control and By-law Enforcement Division of
the County shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of this By-law.

4.2 Except for signs otherwise exempted in this By-law from the requirement for a permit, no
person shall erect, keep, or maintain a sign on any premises unless a permit is obtained
from the County prior to the erection or display of the sign.

4.3 Every person applying for a sign permit shall apply on the application form or forms as
may be prescribed by the County and shall submit the required plans and information
and pay the applicable fees.

4.4 The County shall refund the fees paid for a sign permit where the applicant in writing
requests a refund and the County has not commenced its review of the permit
application for compliance with this By-law.

4.5 There shall be no refund of fees where:

i) the County has issued the permit as the result of false, mistaken, incorrect, or
misleading information, statements, or undertakings on the application; or,

ii) the sign for which the permit application is made, has been erected, located, or
displayed prior to the issuance of the permit; or

iii) the County has already undertaken the review.

4.6 Where the applicant for a permit is not the owner of the premises where the sign is to be
erected, the applicant shall provide written authorization from the owner of the premises
where the sign is to be located or erected.

4.7 A permit shall be refused if the proposed sign does not comply with this By-law and all
other applicable law.

4.8 A permit may be revoked where the permit was issued as the result of false, mistaken,
incorrect, or misleading information, statements, or undertakings on the application.

4.9 Where a sign is subject to the regulations of a public authority other than the County by
virtue of its location or type:

i) An applicant for the sign shall provide the County with the written permission of
the public authority having jurisdiction prior to making an application to the
County for a permit; and,

ii) Approval of the sign by a public authority does not exempt the sign from
complying with the provisions of this By-law

4.10 Despite any other provision of this By-law, where a sign is located within 400 metres of a
Provincial highway, the approval of the Ministry of Transportation may be required for
the erection of the sign.

4.11 A sign permit is not required from the Ministry of Transportation for properties within 400
metres of a Provincial highway for:

i) Signs that identify the name and/or occupation of the owner of the land, or the
name of the premises. The size of the sign is limited to 0.60 metres by 0.30

ii) Signs displaying information about the sale of agricultural products, other than
tobacco, that are produced and offered for sale on private land that is zoned
agricultural. Two signs that are facing in different directions, with a maximum
size of 1.22 metres by 1.22 metres, or one sign with a maximum size of 1.22
metres by 2.44 metres, can be installed; and 

c) Signs displaying directions to a place where agricultural products, other than
tobacco, are offered for sale, provided that the owner of the sign is the owner or
the tenant of the land, the sign is on private land that is zoned agricultural, and
the sign is displayed only during the season the products are offered for sale.
The maximum size of the sign is the same as above.

4.12 Every permit issued by the County for a permanent sign shall expire six (6) months from
the date of issuance unless the sign is erected for its intended purpose and the permit
shall become null and void upon the removal of the sign.

4.13 Where a permit has been issued for a permanent sign and before it has expired, a
written request may be made to the Chief Building Official to extend the permit for a
further six (6) months.

4.14 Nothing in this By-law shall exempt a person from the requirement to obtain a building
permit where the Ontario Building Code Act requires a building permit for the sign
proposed to be erected.

4.15 No permit is required to erect the following signs provided the signs otherwise comply
fully with the provisions of this By-law:

i) Election signs;

ii) Home occupation or home industry signs;

iii) Real estate signs;

iv) Real estate open house directional sign

v) Off-site directional signs;

vi) Personal signs;

vii) Portable signs;

viii) Promotional development direction signs;

ix) A sign having a sign area less than 650 cm2;

x) Window sign;

xi) A community event sign;

xii) A sign advertising the sale of seasonal farm produce; and

xiii) A sign erected on a farm that is a sign permitted in Table 2 of this By-law.

4.16 The following signs shall be exempt from the provisions of this By-law:

i) Public use signs including signs required by and approved by the County or signs
erected or displayed for in connection with any activity or matter conducted by
the County;

ii) A sign erected for the purpose of public safety;

iii) Flags or emblems of patriotic, civic, educational or religious organizations;

iv) Commemorative plaques or cornerstones of that do not advertise;

iv) Murals that do not advertise;

v) A sign erected by a non-profit agricultural society for an event or fair it operates;

vi) A sign erected at a farmers market operated by the County or a non-profit
agricultural society;

vii) A barn sign;

viii) A temporary sign associated with a sidewalk sale operated within a Business
Improvement Area or by a merchants association; and

ix) A sign containing advertising copy that is erected on premises owned by a public
authority and used for sports and recreation or for community events. 

Section 5 - Enforcement Provisions

5.1 It shall be the duty of every person who erects, uses, maintains or causes a sign to be
erected, used or maintained to ensure that the sign complies with all the provisions and
requirements of this By-law.

5.2 A sign erected in contravention of any provision of this By-law may be removed by the
County immediately and without notice, if such sign, unless otherwise authorized, is
located wholly or partially on or over a road allowance or on any other lands owned by or
under the jurisdiction of the County.

5.3 The Inspector may cause a notice to be sent to any owner of a property, owner of a sign,
or to both, by means of registered mail or by hand delivery where any sign is found to be
in contravention of any provision of this By-law.

5.4 Any sign found in contravention of any provision of this By-law may be removed by the
Inspector or any person directed by him/her, without notice and such sign may be
disposed of or impounded at the discretion of the Inspector.
(Amended by By-law 1203/11)

5.5 Any sign impounded by the County shall be held for a period of thirty (30) calendar days
from the date of the sign being impounded and at 12:01 a.m. of the thirty first (31st) day
the sign, if not released to the owner upon payment of the expenses incurred by the
County, may be disposed of in a manner at the discretion of the Inspector, without
compensation or notice to any person.

5.6 The reasonable expense as determined by the Inspector for the removal and disposal of
any sign removed by the County shall be the responsibility of the sign’s owner and such
costs are recoverable under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and
shall be collected in the same manner as taxes.

5.7 Every person who fails to comply with any provision or requirement of this By-law shall
be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine as prescribed by the Provincial Offences Act.

5.8 For contravention of sections of this by-law for which a short form wording is provided in
Column 2 of Schedule “A” (where Column 3 is the corresponding Section reference), an
authorized by-law enforcement officer or other agent as appointed by Council may issue
an Offence Notice (in accordance with Section 3 of the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O.
1990, Chapter P.33) with the associated fine value shown in Column 4 of the
Schedule. The Offence Notice shall be in the form as prescribed in Ontario Regulations
made under the Provincial Offences Act.

5.9 Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and
upon conviction is liable to a fine as provided for by the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O.
1990, Chapter P.33.

Section 6 - Prohibitions

6.1 No person shall erect or maintain, or cause or permit to be erected or maintained any of
the following signs:

i) A sign located on premises which does not specifically identify or advertise a
business, service, or occupant of the premises where it is located, unless
otherwise specified in this By-law;

ii) Roof sign;

iii) Animated sign:

iv) Vehicle/Trailer sign on non-motorized vehicles where the purpose of the sign
meets the definition of a sign under this by-law;

v) A sign which may cause confusion with a traffic control sign or a traffic control

vi) An abandoned sign.

6.2 Prohibited Locations

i) No person shall locate a sign or sign structure in a manner which, in the opinion
of the Inspector, impedes the necessary view of a pedestrian or motorist.

ii) No person shall locate a sign or sign structure in a manner which obstructs or
impedes any fire escape, fire exit or door, any window required for natural
ventilation or natural lighting or required as an emergency escape, or a fire
fighter’s access panel or skylight, or so as to prevent or impede free access from
or to any part of a building;

iii) No person shall erect a sign which obstructs or otherwise impedes the utilization
of a parking space, loading space, driveway or aisle unless additional parking
spaces or loading spaces are provided to comply with the requirements and
regulations of the County;

iv) No person shall locate a sign which obstructs or impedes the functioning of any
flue or air intake, or any exhaust system;

v) No person shall nail, screw, tape or otherwise fasten a sign to a tree;

vi) No person shall erect a ground sign less than 1.0 metre from a street line;

vii) No person shall erect a sign higher than 0.75 metres within 3 metres of any road
allowance where the sign may impede the visibility of an access from any
improved public street to any lot;

viii) No person shall erect a sign within any road allowance other than a sign installed
by Municipal agreement or a poster sign, a real estate open house directional
sign, or a portable sign otherwise permitted by this By-law;

ix) No person shall erect a sign within a visibility triangle;

x) No person shall erect a wall sign above the first storey of a building or above the
sill of the lowest window located at the second storey of a building.

Section 7 - General Provisions for all Signs

7.1 In the event that an existing building is located within a road allowance, signs are
permitted on the façade of the building within the road allowance subject to complying
with all the provisions of this By-law.

7.2 In the event a sign that is lawfully erected on the day this By-law comes into force is
altered or removed, all applicable provisions of this By-law shall apply.

7.3 No person shall erect, cause or permit to be erected an illuminate sign unless, the sign
and source of illumination is designed and located so as to prevent light trespass beyond
the sign support structure and the display surface area. Only down-lighting and backlighting will be permitted. Down-lights shall be of a full cut-off design.

7.4 A billboard sign, directional sign, election sign, ground sign, home industry sign, home
occupation sign, mobile sign, off-site directional sign, portable sign, projecting sign,
promotional development direction sign, promotional development sign, real estate sign,
and real estate open house directional sign may have two display surfaces attached
back to back.

Section 8 - Permitted Signs

8.0 No person shall erect, cause or permit to be erected a sign unless it is expressly
permitted by this by-law and it complies with all applicable provisions.

8.1 Section 8 and Section 9 of this By-law are interdependent and shall be read together.

8.2 If a sign is specifically defined in this By-law but not listed as a permitted sign in any
Table to this By-law, then the sign shall not be permitted.

8.3 A sign that is listed as being permitted shall only be permitted if it satisfies all applicable
provisions of this By-law.

8.4 In the Tables to this By-law, the letter “P” indicates that a particular sign is permitted.
The letter “N” indicates a particular sign is not permitted. The letters “N/A” indicates that
this requirement is not applicable.

8.5 For the purposes of this By-law, the type of sign permitted on a property is based on the
use of the property. The following uses are established by reference to the zone
categories as set out in the Municipality’s Zoning By-law and are identified in the Tables
to this By-law:

RES - Residential

Zone Categories: R1, R1-A, RI-B, R2, R3, R4, R5, RM, RH, RS, RV

IND - Industrial

Zone Categories: MH, MG, ML, MP, MR, MD, MX

COM - Commercial

Zone Categories: CD, CG, CH, CN, CHA, CM, CR, CS, CMT

INS - Institutional

Zone Categories: IC, IN, IR

AGR - Agricultural

Zone Categories: A, D

OS - Open Stage

Zone Categories: OS, OST, HL

8.6 Where the use of the property does not correspond to a zone category set out above,
the zone category permitting a use most similar to the use of the property shall apply for
the purposes of this By-law.

8.7 The uses contained in Section 8.5 are identified in the Tables to this By-law.

8.8 The sign types listed in Column 1 of Table 2 below, shall only be permitted in the
property use category indicated in Column 3. The section of this By-law applicable to
each sign type is indicated in Column 2.

Table 2

Signs Permitted by Property Use

Column 1 - Sign Type Column 2 - Section Column 3 - RES Column 3 - IND Column 3 - COM Column 3 - INS Column 3 - AGR Column 3 - OS
Banner Sign 9.1 N P P P P N
Billboard Sign 9.2 N P P N N N
Canopy Sign n/a N P P P P N
Community Event Sign 9.3 P P P P P P
Directional Sign n/a P P P P P P
Election Sign 9.4 P P P P P N
Electronic Message Board 9.5 N P P P N P
Ground Sign n/a P P P P P P
Home Industry Sign n/a P P P P P P
Home Occupation Sign n/a P P P P P P
Inflatable Sign 9.6 N N P N N N
Mobile Sign 9.7 N P P P P N
Off-Site Directional Sign 9.8 N N N N P N
Portable Sign 9.9 N P P P P N
Poster 9.10 P P P P P P
Projecting Sign  9.11 N N P N N N
Promotional Development Direction SIgn 9.12 P P P P P N
Promotional Developmental Sign 9.13 P P P P P N
Real Estate Sign n/a P P P P P N
Real Estate Open House Directional Sign n/a P P P P P N
Wall Sign 9.14 P P P P P


8.9 Maximum number of signs - The maximum number of signs permitted on a property shall be in compliance with Table 3.

Table 3

Maximum number of signs for a property

Sign Type  
Banner Sign 1
Billboard Sign 1
Canopy Sign 1 per first floor entrance or window
Community Event Sign No maximum
Directional Sign No maximum
Election Sign No maximum
Electronic Message Board 1 as part of a ground sign
Ground Sign 1 for each street line of a property
Home Industry Sign 1 non-illuminated ground or wall sign
Home Occupation Sign 1 non-illuminated ground or wall sign
Inflatable Sign 1
Mobile Sign 1 for each 75 m of street line of a property
Off-Site Directional Sign 1
Portable Sign 1 for each 75 m of street line of a property
Poster 1 per structure
Projecting Sign 1
Promotional Development Direction Sign 1
Promotional Development Sign 1 per road frontage of the property containing the development
Real Estate Sign 1 per street line
Wall Sign 1 per residential property; Unlimited for all other uses

8.10 Maximum sign area - The maximum area of a sign shall comply with Table 4.

8.11 Maximum sign height - The maximum height of a sign shall comply with Table 5.

Section 9 - Specific Sign Regulations

9.1 Banner Signs - Banner signs shall be erected in compliance with the following:

i) No person shall display a banner sign for more than two periods of 21
consecutive days in one calendar year.

9.2 Billboard Signs - Billboard signs shall be erected in compliance with the following:

i) Only one (1) billboard sign shall be erected on a property;

ii) No billboard sign shall be erected on a fence;

iii) No billboard sign shall be erected less than 150 metres from a residential zone;

iv) No billboard sign shall be erected less than 300 metres from another billboard

v) No billboard sign shall be erected within a setback required by a zoning by-law
between a building and a lot line or street.

vi) A billboard sign shall not be an animated sign. 

9.3 Community Event Signs - Community event signs shall be erected in compliance with the following:

i) A community event sign shall only be erected on private property with the
consent of the owner.

ii) A community event sign shall only be erected on a property owned by the County
or on the untraveled portion of a road allowance with the approval of the County
and shall comply with any conditions or requirements imposed by the County.

9.4 Election Signs - Election signs shall be erected in compliance with the following:

i) Election signs associated with a federal or provincial election shall not be erected
earlier than the date of notice of the dropping of the writ for any federal or
provincial election;

ii) Election signs associated with a municipal election shall not be erected or
displayed any earlier than 45 days before voting day

iii) Election signs shall be removed within forty-eight (48) hours after the election
polls close;

iv) Election signs shall be erected only on private property and with the permission
of the property owner;

v) Election signs shall not be erected on a road allowance, save and except as a
poster sign as permitted under section 9.10 of this by-law.

vi) A sign erected at a premises used for a campaign office shall comply with the
applicable regulations of this By-law. 

9.5 Electronic Message Board Signs - The minimum display time for any electronic message, without movement or change in colour, shall be 30 seconds, and the intensity of the illumination shall be maintained at a constant level.

9.6 Inflatable Signs - Inflatable signs shall be erected in compliance with the following:

i) Inflatable signs are permitted on a property for a maximum of 14 consecutive

ii) A maximum of 2 sign permits will be issued per property, for a total of 28 days,
per calendar year.

iii) All inflatable signs are to maintain a setback of 3.0 metres from any property line.

iv) All inflatable signs are to be secured to a fixed base and liability insurance shall
be obtained by the owner.

v) An inflatable sign is not permitted on a roof of a building.

9.7 Mobile Signs - Mobile signs shall be erected in compliance with the following:

i) A permit for a mobile sign shall expire forty five (45) days after the erection date
specified on the permit. Where an erection date is not specified, the effective
date for the purpose of this section shall be the date the permit is issued;

ii) Upon expiry of a permit for a mobile sign, the sign must be removed within
twenty-four (24) hours and the County must be informed of the removal of the
mobile sign. If the mobile sign is not removed in compliance with this By-law, the
County may remove the sign in accordance with Section 3.15;

iii) No permit for a mobile sign shall be issued advertising a business if the business
has received a permit for a mobile sign within the previous forty-five (45) days;

iv) In no case shall a business or person erect for its purpose a mobile and portable
sign at the same time on a property;

v) Mobile signs are not permitted on vacant property or on a road allowance;

vi) A mobile sign shall be located no closer than twenty-five (25) metres to another
mobile sign, portable sign, or ground sign erected on the same property;

vii) Home occupations or home industries are not permitted to have a mobile sign;

viii) Every mobile sign shall permanently display the name and telephone number of
the owner of the mobile sign.

9.8 Off-Site Directional Signs - A portable off-site directional sign providing directions to the seasonal sale of produce shall be located on the untraveled road allowance and the sign shall be located in a
manner that does not restrict the free and safe movement for any pedestrian, vehicle or
other conveyance on the road allowance and shall in no manner impede the visibility of a

9.9 Portable Signs - Portable signs not erected for an agricultural use, shall be erected in compliance with the following:

i) A portable sign shall only be used and displayed during the actual hours of
operation of the business that it is advertising.

ii) A portable sign shall only be used and displayed on or in front of the premises
where the business it is advertising operates.

iii) No portable sign shall be located in a manner that restricts the free and safe
movement for any pedestrian, vehicle or other conveyance on any sidewalk,
path, road allowance or driveway, or in a manner which impedes vision.

iv) A portable sign shall be located no closer than twenty-five (25) metres to another
mobile sign, portable sign, or ground sign erected on the same property;

v) In no case shall a person erect a portable sign and a mobile sign on a property
for the same business at the same time.

9.10 Poster Signs - Poster signs shall be erected in compliance with the following:

i) A poster sign erected on a community bulletin board shall:

a. Be displayed for a maximum of 21 days and not more than three days after
the end of an advertised event;

b. Not be erected more than 2.5 metres above finished grade;

c. Be printed on paper;

d. Be attached flush to the surface of the structure with water soluble paste or
removable tape;

ii) A poster sign not erected on a community bulletin board shall:

a. Not be erected in the median of a road allowance, on a sign or traffic control
erected by the County to control traffic and parking;

b. Not be erected closer than 30 metres from a community bulletin board;

c. Be printed on paper;

d. Be attached flush to the surface of the structure with water soluble paste or
removable tape.

iii) No person shall erect more than one poster sign with the same information on a
community bulletin board or other permitted structure.

iv) No poster sign shall overlap or cover in whole or part any other sign

v) The County may remove and dispose of a poster sign without notice or
compensation to any person.

9.11 Projecting Signs - Projecting signs shall be erected in compliance with the following:

i) No projecting sign shall be erected less than 2.5 metres above finished grade or
the surface of the road allowance or public sidewalk;

ii) Every owner of a projecting sign shall carry adequate liability insurance for any
such sign and that insurance coverage shall also name the County as an
additional insured, where the projecting sign is over a road allowance;

iii) An encroachment permit will be obtained from the County for the installation of
signs overhanging the road allowance, if required.

9.12 Promotional Development Direction Sign - Promotional development direction signs shall be erected in compliance with the following:

i) The sign shall only be used and displayed during the actual hours of operation of
the development sales office;

ii) No sign shall be located in a manner that restricts the free and safe movement
for any pedestrian, vehicle or other conveyance on any sidewalk, path, road
allowance or driveway, or in a manner which impedes vision;

iii) In no case shall a person erect a promotional development direction sign and a
mobile sign at the same time.

9.13 Promotional Development Signs - Promotional development signs shall be erected in compliance with the following:

i) Where the sign applies to development that is within an approved plan of

a. The sign shall not be erected until the subdivision being advertised has received
draft plan approval and the sign shall be located on the site of the development
and plan of subdivision;

b. The sign shall be removed within thirty days after the date of the sale of the last
property within the plan of subdivision.

9.14 Wall Signs 

i) A wall sign shall not project more than 0.3 metres from the wall of a building or

ii) No wall sign shall be erected above the first storey of a building or structure.

iii) A wall sign shall be erected only upon the wall of a building or structure
containing the business to which the sign applies.

Section 10 - Maintenance and Good Repair

10.1 A sign and sign structure shall be kept in good repair at all times and maintained without
any visible deterioration of the sign or sign structure.

10.2 A sign and sign structure shall be maintained in compliance with this By-law and any
other By-law that contains requirements for the upkeep and maintenance of signs.

Section 11 - Variances and Amendments

11.1 An application for a variance or an amendment from any provision of this By-law shall be
accompanied by the appropriate form and fee.

11.2 (Repealed by By-law 1203/11 – see Haldimand County’s User Fee By-law)

11.3 The County may on the application of a person:

(a) authorize a variance from the provisions of this By-law where in the opinion of the

i) there are special circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or
building where the sign is proposed to be erected and these circumstances or
conditions are not shared by others with similar properties or buildings; or,

ii) strict application of the provisions of this By-law would create practical
difficulties or unusual hardship for the applicant; or,

iii) the special circumstances or conditions were not created by the applicant; or,

iv) approval of the variance will not alter the character of the area where it is
located; and,

v) approval of the variance will not affect public safety; and

vi) approval of the variance maintains the general intent and purpose of this Bylaw.

(b) authorize an amendment to this by-law to permit a sign which does not comply with
this By-law.

11.4 A variance from the provisions of this By-law may be authorized by Council, or if Council
so delegates, by a Committee of Council, designated by Council.

11.5 Where Council has delegated approval of a variance to a Committee of Council and the
Committee of Council refuses the application, the applicant may appeal the refusal and
Council shall consider the appeal and decide on the variance application.

Section 12 - Severability

12.1 If a court of competent jurisdiction should declare any section or part of a section of this
By-law to be invalid, such decision does not affect the validity, effectiveness, or
enforceability of the other sections or parts of the provisions of this By-law unless the
court makes an order to the contrary.

Section 13 - Date Effective

13.1 This By-law shall come into force as of the date of its passing.

Read a first and second time this 16th day of February 2010.

Read a third time and finally passed this 16th day of February 2010.

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Set Fines

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Item Short Form Wording Provision Creating of Defining Offence Set Fine
1 Erect sign without permit Section 4.2 $150.00
2 Keep sign without a permit Section 4.2 $150.00
3 Maintain sign without permit Section 4.2  $150.00
4 Erect sign not specifically permitted Section 6.1(i) $150.00
5 Cause roof sign to be erected Section 6.1(ii) $150.00
6 Cause Animated Sign to be erected Section 6.1(iii) $150.00
7 Cause vehicle/trailer sign to be erected on non-motorized
Section 6.1(iv)  $150.00
8 Erect sign causing confusion with traffic control sign Section 6.1(v) $150.00
9 Erect sign causing confusion with traffic control signal Section 6.1(v) $150.00
10 Permit an abandoned sign  Section 6.1(vi) $150.00
11 Locate sign impeding view of pedestrian Section 6.2(i) $150.00
12 Locate sign impeding view of motorist Section 6.2(i) $150.00
13 Locate sign structure impeding view of pedestrian Section 6.2(i) $150.00
14 Locate sign structure impeding view of motorist  Section 6.2(i) $150.00
15 Locate sign obstructing fire escape Section 6.2(ii) $150.00
16 Locate sign obstructing fire exit Section 6.2(ii) $150.00
17 Locate sign obstructing door Section 6.2(ii) $150.00
18 Locate sign obstructing window Section 6.2(ii) $150.00
19 Locate sign obstructing fire fighter’s access panel Section 6.2(ii) $150.00
20 Locate sign obstructing skylight Section 6.2(ii) $150.00
21 Erect sign obstructing parking space Section 6.2(iii) $150.00
22 Erect sign obstructing loading space Section 6.2(iii) $150.00
23 Erect sign obstructing driveway Section 6.2(iii) $150.00
24 Erect sign obstructing aisle Section 6.2(iii) $150.00
25 Locate sign obstructing flue Section 6.2(iv) $150.00
26 Locate sign obstructing air intake Section 6.2(iv) $150.00
27 Locate sign obstructing exhaust system Section 6.2(iv) $150.00
28 Fasten sign to a tree Section 6.2(v) $150.00
29  Erect ground sign less than 1.0 metre of street line Section 6.2(vi) $150.00
30 Erect sign higher than 0.75 metres within 3 metres of
road allowance where sign may impede visibility
Section 6.2(vii) $150.00
31 Erect sign on road allowance without municipal
Section 6.2(viii) $150.00
32 Erect sign within visibility triangle Section 6.2(ix) $150.00
33 Erect wall sign above first storey of building Section 6.2(x) $150.00
34 Erect wall sign above sill of lowest window of second
storey of building 
Section 6.2(x)  $150.00
35 Locate illumination so as to permit light trespass beyond
sign support structure
Section 7.3 $150.00
36 Locate illumination so as to permit light trespass beyond
display surface area 
Section 7.3  $150.00
37 Permit sign not permitted by property use in Table 2 Section 8.8 $150.00
38 Exceed maximum number of signs for a property as per
Table 3
Section 8.9 $150.00
39 Failure to comply with maximum sign area as per Table 4 Section 8.10 $150.00
40 Failure to comply with maximum sign height as per
Table 5
Section 8.11 $150.00
41 Banner sign – displayed for more than two periods of 21
Section 9.1(i)  $150.00
42 Billboard signs – erect more than 1 on property Section 9.2(i) $150.00
43 Billboard sign – erected on fence Section 9.2(ii) $150.00
44 Billboard sign – erected less than 150 metres from a
residential zone
Section 9.2(iii) $150.00
45 Billboard sign – erected less than 300 metres from
another billboard sign
Section 9.2(iv) $150.00
46 Billboard sign – erected within a setback required by
zoning by-law between building and lot line
Section 9.2(v) $150.00
47 Billboard sign – erect animated sign Section 9.2(vi) $150.00
48 Community event sign – erected on private property
without owner’s consent
Section 9.3(i) $150.00
49 Community event sign – erected on County property
without approval of County
Section 9.3(ii) $150.00
50 Community event sign – erected on road allowance
without approval of County
Section 9.3(ii) $150.00
51 Federal Election sign – erected before Writ issued Section 9.4(i)  $150.00
52 Provincial Election sign – erected before Writ issued Section 9.4(i) $150.00
53 Municipal Election sign – erected more than 45 days
before voting day
Section 9.4(ii) $150.00
54 Municipal Election sign – displayed more than 45 days
before voting day
Section 9.4(ii) $150.00
55 Election sign – failure to remove no later than 48 hours
after election polls close
Section 9.4(iii) $150.00
56 Election sign – erected on private property without
permission of owner
Section 9.4(iv) $150.00
57 Election sign – erected on a road allowance and not a
poster sign 
Section 9.4(v) $150.00
58 Electronic message board sign – message display
moved within 30 seconds
Section 9.5 $150.00
59 Electronic message board sign – message display
changed colour within 30 seconds
Section 9.5 $150.00
60 Electronic message board sign –intensity of illumination
not maintained at a constant level
Section 9.5 $150.00
61 Inflatable sign – erected for more than 14 consecutive
Section 9.6(i) $150.00
62 Inflatable sign – erected less than 3.0 metres from
property line 
Section 9.6(iii) $150.00
63 Inflatable sign – fail to secure to fixed base Section 9.6(iv) $150.00
64 Inflatable sign – fail to obtain liability insurance Section 9.6(iv) $150.00
65 Inflatable sign – erected on roof of building Section 9.6(v) $150.00
66 Mobile sign – failure to move sign within 24 hours after
expiry of permit 
Section 9.7(ii)  $150.00
67 Erect mobile sign and portable sign at same time on
Section 9.7(iv) $150.00
68 Mobile sign – erected on vacant property Section 9.7(v) $150.00
69 Mobile sign – erected on road allowance Section 9.7(v) $150.00
70 Mobile sign – erected closer than 25 metres of another
mobile sign on same property
Section 9.7(vi) $150.00
71 Mobile sign – erected closer than 25 metres of another
portable sign on same property
Section 9.7(vi) $150.00
72 Mobile sign – erected closer than 25 metres of ground
sign on same property
Section 9.7(vi) $150.00
73 Mobile sign – erected where home occupation Section 9.7(vii) $150.00
74 Mobile sign – erected where home industry Section 9.7(vii) $150.00
75 Mobile sign – erected with name of owner not displayed Section 9.7(viii) $150.00
76 Off-Site directional sign – located restricting safe
movement of pedestrian
Section 9.8 $150.00
77 Off-Site directional sign – located restricting safe
movement of vehicle
Section 9.8 $150.00
78 Off-Site directional sign – located restricting safe
movement of conveyance on road allowance
Section 9.8 $150.00
79 Off-Site directional sign – impedes visibility of driveway Section 9.8 $150.00
80 Portable Sign – displayed not during actual hours of
operation of business 
Section 9.9(i)  $150.00
81 Portable sign – used other than on or in front of premises
where business operates
Section 9.9(ii) $150.00
82 Portable sign – displayed other than on or in front of
premises where business operates
Section 9.9(ii) $150.00
83 Portable sign – located restricting safe movement of
Section 9.9(iii)  $150.00
84 Portable sign – located restricting safe movement of
Section 9.9(iii) $150.00
85 Portable sign – located restricting safe movement of
Section 9.9(iii) $150.00
86 Portable sign – located in a manner which impedes vision Section 9.9(iii) $150.00
87 Portable sign – located closer than 25 metres of a mobile
sign on same property
Section 9.9(iv) $150.00
88 Portable sign – located closer than 25 metres of a
portable sign on same property
Section 9.9(iv) $150.00
89 Portable sign – located closer than 25 metres of a ground
sign on same property
Section 9.9(iv) $150.00
90 Erect portable sign and mobile sign on property for same
business at same time
Section 9.9(v) $150.00
91 Poster sign – displayed on community bulletin board for
more than 21 days
Section 9.10(i)a. $150.00
92 Poster sign – displayed on community bulletin board for
more than 3 days after advertising event
Section 9.10(i)a. $150.00
93 Poster sign – erected on community bulletin board more
than 2.5 metres above finished grade
Section 9.10(i)b. $150.00
94 Poster sign – not made of paper and erected on
community bulletin board
Section 9.10(i)c. $150.00
95 Poster sign – not attached flush to the surface on
community bulletin board 
Section 9.10(i)d. $150.00
96 Poster sign – not attached with water soluble paste or
tape on community bulletin board
Section 9.10(i)d. $150.00
97 Poster sign – erected on a sign erected by the County to
control traffic
Section 9.10(ii)a. $150.00
98 Poster sign – erected on a sign erected by the County to
control parking
Section 9.10(ii)a. $150.00
99 Poster sign – erected on a traffic control erected by the
Section 9.10(ii)a. $150.00
100 Poster sign – erected closer than 30 metres to a
community bulletin board 
Section 9.10(ii)b. $150.00
101 Poster sign – not printed on paper  Section 9.10(ii)c. $150.00
102 Poster sign – not flush to surface with soluble paste or
removable tape 
Section 9.10(ii)d. $150.00
103 Poster sign – erect more than one with same information
on community bulletin board 
Section 9.10(iii) $150.00
104 Poster sign – erect more than one with same information
on permitted structure
Section 9.10(iii) $150.00
105 Poster sign – overlap or cover in whole or part of any
other sign
Section 9.10(iv)  $150.00
106 Projecting sign – erected less than 2.5 metres above
finished grade
Section 9.11(i)  $150.00
107 Projecting sign – erected less than 2.5 metres above
surface of road allowance
Section 9.11(i) $150.00
108 Projecting sign – erected less than 2.5 metres above
Section 9.11(i) $150.00
109 Projecting sign – failure to carry liability insurance naming
the municipality as an additional insured when over road
Section 9.11(ii) $150.00
110 Projecting sign – failure to obtain an encroachment
permit when overhanging road allowance
Section 9.11(iii) $150.00
111 Promotional development direction sign – used not
during actual hours of operation of development sales
Section 9.12(i) $150.00
112 Promotional development direction sign – displayed not
during actual hours of operation of development sales
Section 9.12(i) $150.00
113 Promotional development direction sign – located
restricting safe movement of pedestrian
Section 9.12(ii) $150.00
114 Promotional development direction sign – located
restricting safe movement of vehicle
Section 9.12(ii) $150.00
115 Promotional development direction sign – located restricting safe movement of conveyance  Section 9.12(ii) $150.00
116 Promotional development direction sign – located in
manner impeding vision 
Section 9.12(ii) $150.00
117 Erect promotional development direction sign and mobile
sign at the same time
Section 9.12(iii)


118 Promotional development sign – erected prior to
receiving draft plan approval
Section 9.13 (i)a $150.00
119 Promotional development sign – failure to remove sign
30 days after date of sale of last property within plan of
Section 9.13(i)b $150.00
120 Wall signs – projecting more than 0.3 metres from wall of
Section 9.14(i) $150.00
121 Wall signs – erected above first storey of building Section 9.14(ii) $150.00
122 Wall signs – erected on wall of a building which does not
contain business to which sign applies
Section 9.14(iii) $150.00
123 Wall signs – erected on wall of a structure which does not
contain business to which sign applies
Section 9.14(iii) $150.00
124 Failure to keep sign in good repair Section 10.1 $150.00
125 Failure to keep sign structure in good repair Section 10.1  $150.00
126 Failure to maintain sign without visible deterioration Section 10.1 $150.00
127 Failure to maintain sign structure without visible
Section 10.1 $150.00

Contact Us

Haldimand County
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Phone: 905-318-5932

After hours (Road, Sewer, Water or Park & Public Facilities Emergencies): 1-888-849-7345

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