Schedule A: Delegation of Powers and Duties
Chief Administrative Officer
1. Execute contracts, agreements and award tenders or proposals on behalf of Council during the summer recess period.
- Delegate: Chief Administrative Officer
- Conditions/Restrictions: Sections 4.2 and of the Procurement Police are waived to effect this authority.
2. Pay termination pay and/or severance pay, as necessary, in accordance with parameters outlined in Report HRD-09-2019, up to $50,000.
- Delegate: Chief Administrative Officer or designate as per Report HRD-09-2019
3. Address standard compensation framework adjustments for individual staff positions in which the financial impact for each change will be less than $10,000 annually.
- Delegate: Chief Administrative Officer
- Conditions/Restrictions: Changes considered "standard" as described in New Initiative approved through the 2015 Tax Supported Operating Budget
4. During a declared emergency, award any bids for goods, services and construction to an unlimited dollar value, and to reallocate approved budget funds as necessary to effect such purchases.
- Delegate: Chief Administrative Officer
- Legislative Authority: By-law 2156-20 as amended
- Conditions/Restrictions: Where the intent is to continue the core business of the municipality or for purchases directly associated with the emergency
5. Approve or extend temporary staff positions (duration of 2 years or less) or to adapt existing part-time positions provided that funds are available within current budgetary allocation.
- Delegate: Chief Administrative Officer
6. Approve budget transfer outside Procurement Policy 2013-02 to an upset limit of $250,000 to allow a tender to be awarded so a project can proceed provided the overall budget within the service area is not increased.
- Delegate: Chief Administrative Officer
7. Approve property transactions that will allow federal, provincial or municipal capital projects to proceed and authority to bind the Corporation for projects/new funding opportunities with the Provincial and/or Federal governments in instances where time does not allow for obtaining Council authority.
- Delegate: Chief Administrative Officer
- Conditions/Restrictions: Where the contribution of other levels of government totals 66% or greater and where in consultation with the Treasurer the overall budget allocation will not be exceeded
8. Commence any action or other legal proceeding on behalf of the County where time does not allow for obtaining Council authority.
- Delegate: Chief Administrative Officer
- Conditions/Restrictions: After consultation with County Solicitor and where monetary value of claim does not exceed $100,000
9. Execute and implement releases, indemnities, minutes of settlement and other documents required for settlement of any legal claim, demand or other proceeding.
- Delegate: Chief Administrative Officer
- Conditions/Restrictions: Where the settlement does not exceed $100,000 and subject to the Treasurer's confirmation of sufficient funds being available. Excludes matters related to WSIB, long-term disability, HR-related claims and insurance-related claims