Description | 2025 fee |
Death registration | $37.75 |
Commissioner of Oath services | $23.50 |
Certification of True Copy | $23.50 |
Marriage Licence | $157.00 |
Retail Business Holidays Act exemption | $785.75 |
Roadside Trapping Permit | $23.50 |
Civil marriages - administration | $351.50 (+HST) |
Liquor licence - municipal information form and letter for Special Occasion Permits | $23.50 (+HST) |
Photocopies (per page) | $0.80 |
User Fees
Haldimand County's user fees and water/wastewater fees are updated annually and take effect on January 1 unless otherwise noted. These fees establish each year’s cost schedule of payment requirements for all applicable services, information, activities and use of County property.
2025 User Fees
The 2025 User Fees are effective January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, unless otherwise stated, and categorized by service area for ease of use. Any fees subject to applicable taxes are noted.
Read the full 2025 User Fees and Service Charges By-law.
Jump to section
- Schedule A: Clerks, Finance, Corporate Administration
- Schedule B: Licensing
- Schedule C: Roads Operations
- Schedule D: Environmental Operations
- Schedule E: Engineering Services
- Schedule F: Parks
- Schedule G: Facilities
- Schedule H: Arenas
- Schedule I: Aquatics
- Schedule J: Programs, Heritage and Culture
- Schedule K: Cemetery Services
- Schedule L: Emergency Services
- Schedule M: Grandview Lodge
- Schedule N: Permits
- Schedule O: By-Law Enforcement, Animal Control
- Schedule P: Community and Development Services
- Schedule Q: Planning and Development
- Schedule R: Fees and Charges Estimate Formula
Schedule A: Clerks, Finance, Corporate Administration
Description | 2025 fee |
Duplicate receipts, bill reprints, Statement of Account (per property/account) | $8.30 |
Income tax letters (per property) | $8.30 |
Arrears notice fee (per property) - paper copy | $5.50 |
Tax certificates | $73.50 |
Tax certificates - paper copy surcharge | $10.50 |
NSF/returned payment | $41.00 |
Non-Canadian fund charge | $77.00 |
New owner account maintenance | $38.00 |
Transfer arrears to taxes for collection | $38.00 |
Property tax transfer | $38.00 |
Property tax refund processing fee | $61.00 |
Agreement processing
Description | 2025 fee |
Subdivision per lot | $44.00 |
Subdivision (minimum) | $503.00 |
Site plan with servicing | $503.00 |
Site plan without servicing | $253.00 |
Administration for front-end financing - residential and non-residential | $5,740.00 |
Front-end financing - residential and non-residential - recovery of consulting, legal and other costs incurred | Full cost recovery |
Tax sale fees
Description | 2025 fee |
Advertising | Actual costs incurred |
Legal fee recovery - Process A - Tax Arrears Certificate, title search | $687.00 |
Legal fee recovery - Process B - notification, statutory declaration | $567.00 |
Legal fee recovery - Process C - 280-day notification, statutory declaration | $361.00 |
Legal fee recovery - Process D - Tax Arrears Cancellation Certificate | $410.00 |
Legal fee recovery - Process E - issue and registration of tax deed | $585.00 |
Administration of tax sale process | $305.00 |
Tax sale extension agreement | $305.00 |
Administration of tax sale tender | $152.00 |
Legal and Support Services division
Description | 2025 fee |
Subrogation of insurance claims administration fee | $142.00 |
Road closure - administration | $1,358.00 |
Administration fee - licence agreements, lease requests, easements over County property and encroachments | $264.00 |
Unsolicited offers for County real estate | $814.00 |
Schedule B: Licensing
Description | 2025 fee |
Parlour - owner | $1,914.00 |
Parlour - owner - late fee | $958.00 |
Parlour - operator | $400.00 |
Parlour - operator - late fee | $202.00 |
Entertainer | $160.00 |
Entertainer - late fee | $81.00 |
Adult sex film parlour - Class A | $958.00 |
Adult sex film parlour - Class A - late fee | $481.00 |
Adult sex film parlour - Class B | $481.00 |
Adult sex film parlour - Class B - late fee | $242.00 |
Charitable adult entertainment event | $160.00 |
Charitable adult entertainment event - late fee | $81.00 |
Description | 2025 fee |
Mobile food premises | $481.00 |
Mobile food premises - late fee | $81.00 |
Formula track
Description | 2025 fee |
Initial application | $3,194.00 |
Renewal with changes | $3,194.00 |
Renewal with changes - late fee | $679.00 |
Straight or oval track
Description | 2025 fee |
Initial application | $2,876.00 |
Renewal with changes | $2,876.00 |
Renewal with changes - late fee | $679.00 |
Description | 2025 fee |
Renewal with no changes | $761.00 |
Renewal with no changes - late fee | $271.00 |
Owner licence transfer fee | $138.00 |
Description | 2025 fee |
Pawnbroker licence | $318.00 |
Pawnbroker licence - late fee | $81.00 |
Description | 2025 fee |
Motor vehicle racing event licence | $916.00 |
Public entertainment licence | $1,358.00 |
Public entertainment licence - late fee | $520.00 |
Description | 2025 fees |
Owner of a salvage yard | $799.00 |
Owner of a salvage yard - late fee | $242.00 |
Description | 2025 fee |
Taxicab owner (per vehicle) | $247.00 |
Taxicab owner (per vehicle) - late fee | $121.00 |
Taxicab driver | $97.00 |
Taxicab driver - late fee | $47.00 |
Taxicab substitute vehicle (per vehicle) | $204.00 |
Taxicab - lost, damaged or stolen licences and plates | $40.00 |
Specialty vehicle owner (per vehicle) | $247.00 |
Specialty vehicle owner (per vehicle) - late fee | $121.00 |
Specialty vehicle driver | $97.00 |
Specialty vehicle driver - late fee | $47.00 |
Specialty vehicle - lost damaged or stolen licences and plates | $40.00 |
Schedule C: Roads Operations
Description | 2025 fee |
Entrance permit | $211.00 |
Excavation/occupancy | $263.00 |
Entrance permit open ditch - refundable deposit | $238.00 |
Entrance permit urban curb and gutter - refundable deposit | $953.00 |
Entrance permit commercial/industrial - refundable deposit | $2,314.00 |
Excavation open ditch - gravel - refundable deposit | $501.00 |
Excavation open ditch - hardtop - refundable deposit | $1,118.00 |
Excavation urban curb and gutter - refundable deposit | $2,044.00 |
Excavation commercial/industrial - refundable deposit | $2,771.00 |
Occupancy - refundable deposit | $126.00 |
Moving/oversized load - per trip | $122.00 |
Moving/oversized load - per trip - refundable deposit | $753.00 |
Moving/oversized load - annual fee | $490.00 |
Moving/oversized load - annual fee - refundable deposit | $753.00 |
Road damage fee | $126.00 |
Road damage deposit | $772.00 |
Site alteration permit | $263.00 |
Cost recovered services
The operation division also charges the cost for activities/maintenance required outside of the normal requirements of the municipality. These include, but are not limited to motor vehicle accidents, fire (both business and residential), environmental, etc. The operations division shall recover all costs to perform the required works in order to return the municipal property to current standards followed by the municipality. Recoverable charges include wages and benefits, administration (OH), supervision, equipment time, materials, outside resources, consultants, contractors, permits required, etc. as mentioned in Schedule R.
Schedule D: Environmental Operations
Description | 2025 fee |
Tipping fee (rate per tonne) | $148.00 |
Minimum tipping fee - transfer station | $22.00 |
Mississaugas of the Credit residential waste | Per agreement |
Sale of composter | $37.00 |
Wood chips (per load) | $6.00 |
Refrigerant containing units (per unit) | $58.00 |
Description | 2025 fee |
Storm sewer inspection (per hour) | $109.00 |
Schedule E: Engineering Services
Description | 2025 fee |
Subdivision, condominium, site plan, external works agreement review - 3% of work to be assumed | 3% of actual cost |
All other agreements | $314.00 |
Municipal drain reapportionment agreement | $236.00 |
Schedule F: Parks
Effective May 1 2024 to April 30, 2025.
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Pavilion rental (per day) | $66.00 (+HST) |
Picnic, bandshell, and gazebo areas (per day) | $40.50 (+HST) |
Lions Park building (per day - summer only) | $40.50 (+HST) |
Events - day/evening rate with alcohol | $181.00 (+HST) |
Events - day/evening rate no alcohol | $115.25 (+HST) |
Events - Setup/Takedown | $72.75 (+HST) |
Dunnville Farmers Market waterfront pavilion - public rental (per use) | $40.50 (+HST) |
Events - park rentals for County-approved community special events for non-profit service groups | No charge |
Events - key replacement | $25.00 (+HST) |
Ball diamonds
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Adults - major field (per hour) | $24.75 (+HST) |
Adults - minor field (per hour) | $10.25 (+HST) |
Youth - major field (per hour) | $10.25 (+HST) |
Youth - minor field (per hour) | $4.75 (+HST) |
Lights (per evening) | $27.25 (+HST) |
Youth practices | No charge |
Ballpark rentals - events and tournaments
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Day/evening rate with alcohol (per diamond, per day) | $123.25 (+HST) |
Day/evening rate no alcohol (per diamond, per day) | $90.50 (+HST) |
Youth day/evening rate (per diamond, per day) | $57.75 (+HST) |
Setup/takedown (per day) | $36.25 (+HST) |
Insurance premium (where applicable) | Per approved rates (+HST) |
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Sale of Haldimand County flags | $59.00 (+HST) |
Description | 2024/2025 user fee |
Purchase and installation of one (1) 50 mm tree | $614.25 (+HST) |
Purchase and installation of one (1) new bronze/granite commemorative tree plaque | $749.75 (+HST) |
Schedule G: Facilities
Effective May 1 2024 to April 30, 2025.
Applicable for Remax Room (Haldimand County Caledonia Centre), Almas Room (Hagersville Arena), and McSorley Family Hall (Cayuga Arena)
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Day/evening with alcohol | $269.00 (+HST) |
Day/evening with no alcohol | $137.00 (+HST) |
Hourly with alcohol | $78.50 (+HST) |
Hourly with no alcohol | $39.50 (+HST) |
Non-profit day/evening with alcohol | $161.00 (+HST) |
Non-profit day/evening with no alcohol | $81.25 (+HST) |
Non-profit hourly with alcohol | $48.25 (+HST) |
Non-profit hourly with no alcohol | $24.50 (+HST) |
Sports event - in conjunction with ice/floor rental (as per Facility Booking and Ice Allocation Policy) | No charge |
Insurance premium | Per approved rates (+HST) |
Damage Deposit | $322.00 (+HST) |
Community event trailer rental
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Per non-profit event - within Haldimand County | No charge |
Per corporate event - within Haldimand County | $1,120.75 (+HST) |
Per event - Outside Haldimand County | $3,213.25 (+HST) |
Schedule H: Arenas
Effective May 1 2024 to April 30, 2025.
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Adult/General - prime (per hour) | $222.00 (+HST) |
Adult/General - non-prime (per hour) | $111.00 (+HST) |
Recreational youth - prime (per hour) | $145.25 (+HST) |
Recreational youth - non-prime (per hour) | $94.50 (+HST) |
Youth - prime (per hour) | $128.75 (+HST) |
Youth - non-prime (per hour) | $90.25 (+HST) |
Stat holiday premium (applicable prime rate plus stat holiday premium) | $22.00 (+HST) |
Insurance premium (where applicable) | Per approved rates (+HST) |
Description | 2024/2025 rate |
Sports - youth rentals or adults, Monday to Friday - no alcohol (per hour) | $51.50 (+HST) |
Sports - weekends and stat holidays - no alcohol (per hour) | $103.00 (+HST) |
For-profit events with admission (per day) | $1,158.00 (+HST) |
Non-sporting events with alcohol (per day) | $1,158.00 (+HST) |
Non-sporting events with no alcohol (per day) | $745.50 (+HST) |
Setup/takedown (per day) | $166.50 (+HST) |
Insurance premium (where applicable) | Per approved rates (+HST) |
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
All arena programs | No charge |
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Prime arena board advertisement | $919.00 (+HST) |
Non-prime arena board advertising | $643.00 (+HST) |
Four prime arena boards for the price of three | $2,757.00 (+HST) |
Four non-prime arena boards for the price of three | $1,929.00 (+HST) |
Five prime arena boards for the price of four | $3,676.00 (+HST) |
Five non-prime arena boards for the price of four | $2,572.00 (+HST) |
Scoreclock | $1,838.00 (+HST) |
Ice resurfacer (single side) | $919.00 (+HST) |
Schedule I: Aquatics
Effective May 1 2024 to April 30, 2025.
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Rental with 2 lifeguards - covers a maximum of 75 kids (per hour) | $102.25 (+HST) |
School rate (per hour) | $62.00 (+HST) |
Additional lifeguards (per guard, per hour) | $31.00 (+HST) |
Insurance premium (where applicable) | Per approved rates (+HST) |
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Adults - recreational swim (public, family, length) | No charge |
Children - recreational swim (public, family, length) | No charge |
Family rate - recreational swim (public, family, length) | No charge |
Non-resident swim admission - Caledonia pool (per person) | $5.00 |
Aquafit | No charge |
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Parent and Tots (levels 1 to 3) - 10 classes | $62.25 |
Preschool (levels A to E) - 10 classes | $62.25 |
Swim Patrol (7-Rookie, 8-Ranger, 9-Star) - 10 classes | $70.50 |
Swim team (per season) | $83.50 |
Swimmer (levels 1 to 6) - 10 classes | $62.25 |
Teen lessons - 8 classes | $62.25 |
Adult lessons - 8 classes | $62.25 (+HST) |
Bronze Cross | $157.25 |
Bronze Medallion | $152.25 |
Emergency First Aid | $40.50 |
Bronze Cross/Bronze Medallion - manual fee | Cost recovery |
Bronze Star | $92.25 |
Distinction | $94.50 (+HST) |
Aquatic Supervisor Training (AST) | $94.50 (+HST) |
Junior Lifeguard Club (per season) | $70.50 |
Lessons - private (per hour) | $44.00 |
Lessons - semi-private (per hour) | $36.75 |
Wading pool attendant course | Cost recovery (+HST) |
NL (National Lifeguard) certification | $89.50 (+HST) |
Insurance premium (where applicable) | Per approved rates (+HST) |
Schedule J: Programs, Heritage and Culture
Effective May 1 2024 to April 30, 2025.
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Day camps (per week) | $126.75 |
Extended care - morning or afternoon (per week) | $30.00 |
Extended care - morning or afternoon (per day) | $5.50 |
One day (full day, non-trip) | $26.25 |
Trip day | $47.00 |
Full-day March Break camp | $126.75 |
Specialty camps (per week) | $173.25 |
Leadership training (per week) | $173.25 |
First Aid, CPR, AED | Actual cost |
Community Guide advertising | Cost recovery |
Museum membership fees
Description | 2025/2025 fee |
Adult/Senior membership (per year) | $29.75 |
Student membership (per year) | $15.00 |
Family membership (per year) | $44.75 |
Corporate membership (per year) | $148.75 |
Art sales
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Solo and juried exhibitions | 30% commission |
Workshops and programs
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Children - full-day program | $29.75 |
Children - half-day program | $15.00 |
Children - day program materials | Cost recovery |
Educational programs - half day (per student) | $3.75 |
Educational programs - full day (per student) | $7.50 |
Walking tour | Cost recovery |
Bus tour | Cost recovery |
Adult workshops - regular | Cost recovery (+HST) |
Adult workshops - series | Cost recovery (+HST) |
Meeting room rentals
Description | 2024/2025 fee |
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with no alcohol (per hour) | $34.75 (+HST) |
Evening and weekends with no alcohol (per hour) | $49.00 (+HST) |
Insurance premium (where applicable) | Per approved rates (+HST) |
Description | 2024/2025 fees |
Photocopies (per page) | $0.80 |
Research fees - non-members (per day) | $11.50 |
Research fees - members (per day) | $4.00 |
Contracted research (per hour - 2-hour minimum) | $29.25 |
Various speaking engagements (per hour + mileage and accommodation if required) | $59.00 |
Juried Art Show registration - up to 3 submissions (per artist) | $29.25 |
Schedule K: Cemetery Services
Description | 2025 fee |
Single lot - sold in a row | $1,097.00 (+HST) |
Single lot - standard | $1,227.00 (+HST) |
Single lot - preferred | $1,449.00 (+HST) |
Two-lot plot - standard | $2,457.00 (+HST) |
Two-lot plot - preferred | $2,818.00 (+HST) |
Three-lot plot - standard | $3,683.00 (+HST) |
Four-lot plot - standard | $4,917.00 (+HST) |
Four-lot plot - preferred | $5,639.00 (+HST) |
Cremation lot - flat marker only | $693.00 (+HST) |
Infant lot | $624.00 (+HST) |
Columbarium niche - Veterans Columbarium, Woodlawn Cemetery (including care and maintenance) | $558.00 (+HST) |
Columbarium niche - all locations excluding Veterans Columbarium, Woodlawn Cemetery | $1,653.00 (+HST) |
BAO consumer protection fee (per interment) | $30.00 (+HST) |
All in-ground lot prices include 40% for perpetual care and maintenance. Niche prices include 15% for perpetual care and maintenance. All interment rights sold to non-residents of Haldimand County will be sold at 50% higher than the prices shown.
Openings and interments (burials)
Single depth 1.52 m openings.
Description | 2025 fee |
Opening lots under 1.2 m in length | $338.00 (+HST) |
Opening lots 1.2 m to 1.75 m in length | $527.00 (+HST) |
Opening lots over 1.75 m in length | $987.00 (+HST) |
Opening lots for cremated remains including columbarium | $338.00 (+HST) |
Opening for a companion urn | $503.00 (+HST) |
Transfer of interment rights | $66.00 (+HST) |
Saturday, Sunday and holidays - full casket interment | $1,391.00 (+HST) |
Saturday, Sunday and holidays - cremation | $549.00 (+HST) |
Saturday, Sunday and holidays - companion urn | $659.00 (+HST) |
Description | 2025 fee |
Monument foundation (layout and inspection charge) | $141.00 (+HST) |
Setting markers (per 6.45 square cm of surface area) | $0.90 (+HST) |
Minimum marker-setting charge | $135.00 (+HST) |
Setting corner marker (each) | $44.00 (+HST) |
Flat marker care and maintenance (over 173 square inches) | $100.00 (+HST) |
Upright monument care and maintenance - up to 4 ft | $200.00 (+HST) |
Upright monument care and maintenance - over 4 ft | $400.00 (+HST) |
Disinterment including reburial at another location in the cemetery | $2,469.00 (+HST) |
Disinterment including lowering remains at the same location | $1,485.00 (+HST) |
Disinterment only | $1,485.00 (+HST) |
Disinterment of cremated remains and/or reburial in the same cemetery | $607.00 (+HST) |
Labour rate after 4 p.m. (per hour) | $64.00 (+HST) |
Schedule L: Emergency Services
Description | 2025 fee |
Copy of fire inspection report/compliance letter | $78.00 |
Copy of fire response incident report | $78.00 |
Ambulance call report | $78.00 |
Property file search | $78.00 |
Liquor licence fire inspection letter | $78.00 |
Description | 2025 fee |
Ambulance crew paid duty at special events - ambulance and 2 paramedics (per hour) | $199.00 |
Ambulance crew paid duty at special events - ambulance and 1 paramedic (per hour) | $113.50 |
Fire vehicle emergency response
Prices are subject to change as rates are based on those set by the Ministry of Transportation.
Description | 2025 fee |
Automatic aid agreement response fees - first hour (per vehicle) Minimum charge. | $570.50 |
Automatic aid agreement response fees - each additional 1/2 hour (per vehicle) | $285.25 |
Preventable false alarm response - 3rd and subsequent offences (flat fee) | $570.50 |
False alarm response due to failure to notify (flat fee) | $570.50 |
Standby charges - first hour (per vehicle) Minimum charge. | $570.50 |
Standby charges - each additional 1/2 hour (per vehicle) | $285.25 |
Motor vehicle accident response - first hour (per vehicle, maximum of 3 vehicles). Minimum charge | $570.50 |
Motor vehicle accident response - each additional 1/2 hour (per vehicle) | $285.25 |
Motor vehicle fire response - first hour (per vehicle, maximum of 2 vehicles). Minimum charge | $570.50 |
Motor vehicle fire response - each additional 1/2 hour (per vehicle) | $285.25 |
MTO billing for vehicle accidents and fires on provincial highways - first hour (per vehicle, maximum of 3 vehicles). Minimum charge | $570.50 |
MTO billing for vehicle accidents and fires on provincial highways - each additional 1/2 hour (per vehicle) | $285.25 |
Fire department response to a hazardous materials incident - first hour (per vehicle, maximum 3 vehicles). Minimum charge | $570.50 |
Fire department response to a hazardous materials incident - each additional 1/2 hour (per vehicle) | $285.25 |
Fire department response to a natural gas incident - first hour (per vehicle, maximum of 3 vehicles). Minimum charge | $570.50 |
Fire department response to a natural gas incident - each additional 1/2 hour (per vehicle) | $285.25 |
Fire department response to open-air fire burning by-law complaints - first hour (per vehicle, no vehicle maximum). Minimum charge | $570.50 |
Fire department response to open-air fire burning by-law complaints - each additional 1/2 hour (per vehicle) | $285.25 |
Illicit drug labs and/or marijuana grow operations - minimum charge | $570.50 |
Illicit drug labs and/or marijuana grow operations - each additional hour (per vehicle) | $285.25 |
Hazardous materials spill - minimum charge | $570.50 |
Hazardous materials spill - each additional 1/2 hour (per vehicle) | $285.25 |
Description | 2025 fee |
Additional fire department expenses | Actual cost |
Open-air fire burn permits | $29.50 |
Review of Level 1 propane storage risk safety management plan | $285.00 |
Review of Level 2 propane storage risk safety management plan | $569.00 |
Fire extinguisher training - group session (up to 20 people) | $188.00 |
Fire extinguisher training - additional cost per person | $12.25 |
Smoke alarm recovery cost | $25.25 |
Carbon monoxide alarm recovery cost | $50.00 |
Description | 2025 fee |
Residential - single-family dwelling (upon request). One-hour minimum | $78.00 |
Residential - two-family dwelling (upon request). One-hour minimum | $78.00 |
Residential - multiple-family dwelling of more than two units (upon request). One-hour minimum | $78.00 |
Commercial, industrial and institutional occupancies - less than 5,000 sq ft (upon request). One-hour minimum | $78.00 |
Commercial, industrial and institutional occupancies - greater than 5,000 sq ft (upon request). One-hour minimum | $78.00 |
Hotels and motels (upon request). One-hour minimum | $78.00 |
Licensed day care centres (upon request). One-hour minimum | $78.00 |
Private home daycare centres (upon request). One-hour minimum | $78.00 |
Foster care and group home (upon request). One-hour minimum | $78.00 |
Demolition permit approval (upon request) | $78.00 |
Fireworks application approval (upon request) | $78.00 |
Licensed marijuana grow operations inspection - one-hour minimum | $78.00 |
Care occupancy inspections and monitored fire drills (to meet provincial requirements). One-hour minimum | $78.00 |
Follow-up fire safety inspection to verify compliance with an inspection order issued as a result of fire code violations - one-hour minimum | $78.00 |
Schedule M: Grandview Lodge
Description | 2025 fee |
Cable charge - admin fee (per month) | Cost recovery + 15% |
Family overnight stay (per night) | $48.00 (+HST) |
Meal tickets - guests | $9.00 |
Special event meals - staff | Cost recovery |
Transportation (15-minute increments) | $20.25 |
Schedule N: Permits
The minimum fee for processing and issuing a permit is $290.00 (2025), except where specifically noted.
Group A (Assembly Occupancies)
Service index (SI) $/m2 unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
All recreational facilities, elementary schools, daycare facilities, libraries, places of worship, restaurants, theatres, arenas, gymnasiums, indoor pools, secondary schools, and all other Group A buildings | $19.15 |
Portable classrooms (flat fee) | $432.63 |
Shell only | $16.61 |
Finishing only | $4.34 |
Alterations/Repairs/Additions | $7.09 |
Non-residential - outdoor patio (flat fee) | $215.78 |
Group B (Institutional Occupancies)
Service index (SI) $/m2 unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
Institutional, hospitals, medical care facilities, nursing homes, and other Group B buildings | $19.15 |
Shell only | $15.30 |
Finishing only | $3.84 |
Alterations/repairs/additions | $7.09 |
Group C (Residential Occupancies)
Service index (SI) $/m2 unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
Single-family dwelling, semi, duplex, row house, townhouse | $18.40 |
Apartment buildings | $18.26 |
Hotels, motels | $24.14 |
Alterations/repairs/additions | $9.68 |
Group D (Business and Personal Services)
Service index (SI) $/m2 unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
Office buildings - up to 10 storeys (shell only) | $16.55 |
Office buildings - up to 10 storeys (finishing only) | $5.29 |
Office buildings - up to 10 storeys (finished) | $21.82 |
Office buildings - more than 10 storeys (shell only) | $20.04 |
Office buildings - more than 10 storeys (finishing only) | $5.62 |
Office buildings - more than 10 storeys (finished) | $25.65 |
Alterations/repairs/additions | $7.09 |
Service index (SI) $/m2 unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
Retail (shell only) | $16.34 |
Retail (finishing only) | $5.52 |
Retail (finished) | $21.84 |
Alterations/repairs/additions | $7.09 |
Service index (SI) $/m2 unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
Industrial (shell only) | $8.47 |
Industrial (finishing only) | $4.62 |
Industrial (finished) | $13.13 |
Parking garages | $7.73 |
Gas stations | $14.08 |
Alterations/repairs/additions | $7.09 |
Conditional or standalone permits
Flat fee unless otherwise indicated. In addition to the regular permit fee.
Footings and foundation
Permit | 2025 charge |
Residential under Part 9 of Division B of the Building Code |
$395.00 |
Residential, Commercial, Industrial and institutional under Part 3 of Division B of the Building Code (up to 1,200 m2) | $1,121.00 |
Residential, Commercial, Industrial and institutional under Part 3 of Division B of the Building Code (more than 1,200 m2) | $3,365.00 |
New water service - existing building (inspection only)
Flat fee unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
New water service (low-density residential only) | $120.00 |
New sewer service (low-density residential only) | $120.00 |
Flat fee unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
Communication tower | $521.00 |
Crane runway | $521.00 |
Exterior storage tanks - above and below ground (except for firefighting water reservoirs) | $521.00 |
Pedestrian bridge/walkway | $521.00 |
Retaining wall | $521.00 |
Silos | $521.00 |
Outdoor public swimming pool | $1,697.00 |
Fire protection systems (stand alone)
Excludes relocation of components for an existing system. Service index (SI) $/m2 unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
Electromagnetic locks/electric strikes | $184.00 each, maximum $733 |
Fire alarm systems (flat fee) | $433.00 |
Emergency lighting/exit signs (flat fee) | $433.00 |
Sprinkler system | $0.71 |
Standpipe system (flat fee) | $433.00 |
Combined sprinkler and standpipe system (flat fee) | $547.00 |
Mechanical systems (stand alone)
Permit | 2025 charge |
Commercial cooking exhaust system (flat fee) | $433.00 |
Complete or partial building - not issued under the Demolition Control By-law. Service index (SI) $/m2 unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
Residential - single/two-family dwellings and townhouses | $1.10 |
Accessory structures to residential use (flat fee) | $91.00 |
Non-residential and multi-residential | $3.18, $1,009 minimum |
Plumbing devices (stand alone)
Flat fee unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
Residential | $68.00 (flat fee) + $10.85 per fixture |
Non-residential | $87.00 (flat fee) + $19.17 per fixture |
Backflow preventer - first premise or zone device | $290.00 |
Backflow preventer - each additional premise or zone device | $120.00 |
Backwater valve | $290.00 |
Grease/oil interceptor | $290.00 |
Renewable (Green) energy systems
Flat fee unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
Geothermal system for a single/two-family dwelling | $486.00 |
Geothermal system for all other buildings | $651.00 |
Solar collector for a single/two-family dwelling | $270.00 |
Solar collector for all other buildings | $486.00 |
Wind turbine | $486.00 |
Flat fee unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
To construct a sewage system pursuant to the provisions of the Act | $740.00 |
To construct a Class 5 sewage system or repair a sewage system pursuant to the provisions of the Act | $444.00 |
Sewage system maintenance inspection program | $376.00 |
Other classifications (not previously listed)
Service index (SI) $/m2 unless otherwise indicated.
Permit | 2025 charge |
Accessory structures, garage, storage shed, new basement, cold cellar, unenclosed canopies, air-supported structures | $4.25 |
Farm buildings - new | $2.44 |
Farm buildings - alterations/repairs/additions | $1.78 |
Greenhouses | $1.94 (no maximum) |
Tents (flat fee) | $91.00 |
Tents on municipal property (approved as part of a special event) | |
Temporary structures - sales office (flat fee) | $91.00 |
Temporary structures - construction trailers (flat fee) | $91.00 |
Temporary structures - stages (flat fee) | $91.00 |
Other structures intended to be used for less than 6 months (flat fee) | $91.00 |
Residential greenhouses, deck, balcony, open porch, exterior stair, ramp, open carp (flat fee) | $91.00 |
Exterior barrier-free access in existing single- and two-family dwellings | $0.00 |
Re-roofing without any structural changes (except for buildings containing less than 4 dwelling units or townhouses) | $0.36 |
Flat fee unless otherwise indicated.
Description |
2025 charge |
Additional plan review (resubmission) Where a non-compliant resubmission is submitted above and beyond the first resubmission and/or any resubmission after permit issuance. |
$188.00 ($91.00 for each submission beyond the third submission) |
Application for an Alternative Solution under Section 2.1 of Division C of the Building Code (up to 4 hours review time) | $538.00 |
Alternative solution - each additional hour, or part thereof, of review time | $188.00 |
Change of use permit with no construction | $290.00 |
Occupancy permit of an unfinished building (per unit) Occupancy inspection prior to completion as per Subsection 1.3.3 of Divison C of the Building Code |
$188.00 |
Premature/additional inspections - single-family dwelling, semi, duplex, row house, townhouse (per inspection) Where an inspection request is premature and the inspector must re-attend the site to complete the necessary inspection or an additional inspection is requested or required. |
$244.00 |
Premature/additional inspections - all others (per inspection) Where an inspection request is premature and the inspector must re-attend the site to complete the necessary inspection or an additional inspection is requested or required. |
$304.00 |
Reinstatement of permit - where permits have been issued by have not commenced or reached substantial completion within one (1) year of issuance, and work is being requested to reinstate the permit start after one (1) year | $337.00 |
Transfer of permit - where the ownership changes on a property and there are no other changes to the project or the professional services required | $188.00 |
Refund of permit fees (under Subsection 6.4 of Building By-Law)
The permit fees that may be refunded under Subsection 6.4 of the Building by-law are to be a percentage of the permit fees payable as outlined above.
Description | 2025 charge |
Work performed: administrative functions only have been performed | 80% |
Work performed: administrative and zoning functions only have been performed | 70% |
Work performed: administrative, zoning and plan execution functions only have been performed | 45% |
Work performed: the permit has been issued and no field inspections have been performed subsequent to permit issuance | 35% |
Work performed: the permit has been issued and field inspections have been performed subsequent to the permit issuance | 35% reduced by 5% for each field inspection performed |
An additional fee is required to be paid as set out below when work is commenced without the required permit. These fees are intended to cover the additional costs associated with the additional administrative and regulatory action of the County made necessary by the commencement of work without the required permit. The additional fee is calculated as a percentage increase in the permit fee prescribed above, as follows:
Description | 2025 charge |
Work commenced/completed prior to permit issuance: footings/foundations or any other work requiring the issuance of a permit is commenced | 25% |
Work commenced/completed prior to permit issuance: structural framing commenced | 50% |
Work commenced/completed prior to permit issuance: structural framing completed | 75% |
Work commenced/completed prior to permit issuance: building or any other work requiring the issuance of a permit is completed | 100% |
Work commenced/completed prior to permit issuance: Demolition or partial demolition | 100% |
Permit | 2025 charge |
Permanent sign - less than 4.0 m2 | $105.00 |
Permanent sign - 4.0 m2 or greater | $204.00 |
Mobile sign | $38.00 |
Billboard sign | $685.00 |
Schedule O: By-Law Enforcement, Animal Control
Dog licence fees
Description | 2025 charge |
Spayed/neutered and microchipped/tattooed - on or before January 1st of the applicable year | $21.00 |
Spayed/neutered and microchipped/tattooed - after January 1st of the applicable year (includes $10 late fee) | $31.00 |
Spayed/neutered - on or before January 1st of the applicable year | $28.00 |
Spayed/neutered - after January 1st of the applicable year (includes $10 late fee) | $38.00 |
Non-spayed/neutered and microchipped/tattooed - on or before January 1st of the applicable year | $39.00 |
Non-spayed/neutered and microchipped/tattooed - after January 1st of the applicable year (includes $10 late fee) | $49.00 |
Non-spayed/neutered - on or before January 1st of the applicable year | $43.00 |
Non-spayed/neutered - after January 1st of the applicable year (includes $10 late fee) | $53.00 |
Dangerous dog - on or before January 1st of the applicable year | $116.00 |
Dangerous dog - after January 1st of the applicable year (includes $10 late fee) | $126.00 |
Kennel licence fees
Description | 2025 charge |
Purebred kennel - on or before January 1st of the applicable year | $116.00 |
Purebred kennel - after January 1st of the applicable year (includes $10 late fee) | $126.00 |
Commercial kennel - on or before January 1st of applicable year | $116.00 |
Commercial kennel - after January 1st of the applicable year (includes $10 late fee) | $126.00 |
Description | 2025 charge |
Dog tag replacement | $5.00 |
Muzzle order appeal fee | $134.00 |
Impound offence fees
Description | 2025 charge |
First offence, first day | $36.00 |
First offence, second day | $66.00 |
First offence, third day | $79.00 |
First offence, four or more days | $106.00 |
Second offence, first day | $41.00 |
Second offence, second day | $79.00 |
Second offence, third day | $106.00 |
Second offence, four or more days | $145.00 |
Third offence, first day | $79.00 |
Third offence, second day | $106.00 |
Third offence, third day | $145.00 |
Third offence, four or more days | $158.00 |
Four or more offences, first day | $79.00 |
Four or more offences, second day | $106.00 |
Four or more offences, third day | $145.00 |
Four or more offences, four or more days | $158.00 |
After-hours pick-up fee | $21.00 |
Other costs | Cost recovery |
Description | 2025 charge |
Clean Yard By-Law order - County work/cleanup/cut | $75.00 plus cost recovery |
Snow Clearing By-Law order - County work | $75.00 plus cost recovery |
Weed Control By-Law order - County work/cut | $75.00 plus cost recovery |
Boulevard Maintenance By-Law order - County work | $75.00 plus cost recovery |
Property Standards order - County work/cleanup | $125.00 plus cost recovery |
Property Standards appeal to order | $184.00 |
Application for noise exemption | $145.00 |
Building division letters/certificates
Description | 2025 charge |
Renewable energy land use certificate/opinion fee | $205.00 |
Building Construction Compliance letter | $78.00 |
Current Zoning of Property and Outstanding Municipal Work Order Letter | $149.00 |
Liquor licence letter | $78.00 |
Vehicle sales letter | $78.00 |
Building Code Order Administration Fee | $500.00 |
Building Permits - Minimum Refund Fee | $100.00 |
Building Records Routine Disclosure Application Fee |
$5.00 |
Building Records Routine Disclosure Fee - Per 15 Minutes of Staff Time |
$7.50 |
Description | 2025 charge |
County-owned Tree Permit | $309.00 |
Minor Exception Permit - less than one (1) hectare | $414.00 |
Minor Exception Permit - greater than one (1) hectare | $2,366.00 |
Reforestation - one (1) hectare of woodlands | $5,158.00 |
Good Forestry Practices Permit | $29.50 |
Schedule P: Community and Development Services
Economic Development and Tourism
Description | 2025 charges |
Per day on County property | Cost recovery |
Use of municipal resources | Cost recovery |
Description | 2025 charges |
Type 1 gateway sign | Cost recovery (+HST) |
Type 1 gateway sign - maintenance | $297.00 (+HST) |
Type 2 way-finding sign | Cost recovery (+HST) |
Type 2 way-finding sign-maintenance | $297.00 (+HST) |
Type 3 urban directional sign | Cost recovery (+HST) |
Type 3 urban directional sign - maintenance | $297.00 (+HST) |
Description | 2025 charges |
Advertising within guides, maps, etc. | Cost recovery (+HST) |
Sidewalk patio permit
Description | 2025 charges |
First-time/full application fee | $331.00 (+HST) |
Renewal fee | $116.00 (+HST) |
Description | 2025 charges |
Dunnville Farmers Market | $1,560.00 (+HST) |
Agricultural Impact Assessment Administrative Fee | $730.00 (+HST) |
Agricultural Impact Assessment Peer Review | Cost Recovery (+HST) |
Description | 2025 charges |
Digital aerial photography - Spring 2010 - per 1 km tile (on CD), colour | $125.50 (+HST) |
Digital aerial photography - Spring 2006 - per 1 km tile (on CD), colour | $125.50 (+HST) |
Digital aerial photography - April 2000 - per 6.6 km (on CD), black and white | $125.50 (+HST) |
911 map booklet - Full booklet (11x17 inches) | $15.75 (+HST) |
911 map booklet - Single sheet (11x17 inches), black and white | $1.75 (+HST) |
911 map booklet - Single sheet (11x17 inches), colour | $8.25 (+HST) |
County map - small (8.5x11 inches), colour | $2.75 (+HST) |
County map - medium (11x17 inches), colour | $8.25 (+HST) |
County map - large (2x3 feet), colour | $15.75 (+HST) |
County map - small (8.5x11 inches), black and white | $1.75 (+HST) |
County map - medium (11x17 inches), black and white | $3.00 (+HST) |
County map - large (2x3 feet), black and white | $7.25 (+HST) |
OCE copier (wide bed) - black and white, per foot | $1.75 (+HST) |
Official Plan schedules - small (8.5x11 inches) | $3.00 (+HST) |
Official Plan schedules - medium (11x17 inches) | $8.25 (+HST) |
Zoning schedules (11x17 inches) | $3.00 (+HST) |
Plots - aerial photo (8.5x11 inches), black and white or colour | $47.00 (+HST) |
Plots - aerial photo (11x17 inches), black and white or colour | $63.25 (+HST) |
Plots - aerial photo (2x3 feet), black and white or colour | $78.75 (+HST) |
Custom work including electronic copy (per hour) | $97.75 (+HST) |
Description | 2025 charge |
Documentations/publications - Design Criteria - full booklet (8.5x11 inches), black and white | $74.75 (+HST) |
Documentations/publications - Design Criteria - electronic copy | $15.25 (+HST) |
Documentations/publications - Master Servicing Plan - full booklet, black and white | $450.00 (+HST) |
Documentation/publications - Master Servicing Plan - electronic copy | $44.75 (+HST) |
Copy of engineering drawings, maps, plans, plan/profile etc. (22x34 inches), black and white | $17.50 (+HST) |
Copy of engineering drawings, maps, plans, plan/profile etc (22x34 inches), colour | $44.75 (+HST) |
Copy of engineering drawings, maps - per square foot, black and white | $2.75 (+HST) |
Copy of engineering drawings, maps - per square foot, colour | $8.00 (+HST) |
Schedule Q: Planning and Development
Description | 2025 charge |
Major | $3,986.00 |
Minor | $2,758.00 |
Deed stamping | $372.00 |
Application indicated changes to conditions after approval by Committee of Adjustment - no recirculation required | $550.00 |
Application indicated changes after approval by Committee of Adjustment - recirculation required | $580.00 |
Validation of title | $1,836.00 |
Description | 2025 charge |
Minor variance deferral - applicant's request | $211.00 |
Minor variance - complex | $2,858.00 |
Minor variance - standard | $1,900.00 |
Sign variance - standard (no sign erected) | $315.00 |
Sign variance - complex (sign already erected) | $626.00 |
Official plan and zoning amendments
Description | 2025 charge |
Official Plan amendment - regular | $5,333.00 |
Official Plan amendment - major | $9,048.00 |
Combined Official Plan and zoning amendment - regular | $8,049.00 |
Combined Official Plan and zoning amendment - major | $12,506.00 |
Zoning amendment - major | $8,433.00 |
Zoning amendment - regular | $4,483.00 |
Condition of severance | $2,377.00 |
Removal of holding provision | $954.00 |
Description | 2025 charge |
Minimum fee | $6,158.00 |
Each additional lot/unit | $79.00 |
Minor Red Line revision to draft plan | $1,430.00 |
Major Red Line revision to draft plan | $2,377.00 |
Extension to draft plan approval | $1,430.00 |
Exemption from draft plan (condo) | $1,536.00 |
Final approval of the plan of subdivision/condominium | $1,587.00 |
Clearance of Conditions for final plan approval | $1,268.00 |
File maintenance fee | $334.00 |
Condominium conversion | $4,760.00 |
Hydrant testing | $151.00 |
Description | 2025 charge |
Site plan amendment - minor | $2,025.00 |
Site plan amendment - major / Site plan approval - minor | $4,223.00 |
Site plan approval - major | $8,873.00 |
Waiving site plan control | $791.00 |
Part lot control | $3,849.00 |
Part lot control extension | $1,190.00 |
Deeming by-law | $1,056.00 |
Description | 2025 charges |
Subdivision/condo minimum agreement preparation - with pre-servicing agreement | $9,840.00 |
Subdivision/condo minimum agreement preparation -without pre-servicing agreement | $8,655.00 |
Subdivision/condo agreement review - for third and subsequent reviews, each review | $1,745.00 |
Subdivision/condo administration fee | $954.00 |
Street naming for subdivisions | $834.00 |
Development - with or without services | $1,587.00 |
Site plan agreement preparation (first two revisions) | $5,796.00 |
Site plan review - agreement and drawings (each additional revision) | $1,309.00 |
Site plan agreement administration fee | $954.00 |
Discharge of a registered agreement | $1,190.00 |
Amendments after registration | $1,587.00 |
Subdivision or development assumption by-law | $3,173.00 |
All other agreements | $1,935.00 |
Description | 2025 charge |
Standard temporary use by-law application | $4,490.00 |
Temporary use extension - Major | $3,886.00 |
Temporary use extension - Minor | $960.00 |
Temporary use extension | $1,587.00 |
Application deferral at the applicant's request | $320.00 |
OLT appeal | $2,755.00 |
Preparation of OLT appeal record | $237.00 |
Recirculation of public notice | $554.00 |
Application recirculation | $188.00 |
Civic address signs (purchase of signs) | $112.00 |
Green energy proposal review | $1,190.00 |
Communications tower review/assistance | $1,190.00 |
Mapping fees per hour | $112.00 |
Property status letter | $112.00 |
Official plan opinion letter | $156.00 |
Zoning Books and Official Plan | $75.00 |
Official Plan books, colour | $108.00 |
Servicing allocation administration fee - Minor | $71.00 |
Servicing allocation administration fee - Standard | $217.00 |
Servicing allocation administration fee - Major | $580.00 |
Routine disclosure application fee | $5.00 |
Routine disclosure fee - 15 minutes of staff time | $7.50 |
CLI/ECI application amendment for MECP review | $1,000.00 |
SS1 sanitary sewers gravity and/or forcemain - adding, modifying or extending | $1,800.00 |
SS2 sanitary sewer pump station - adding, modifying, replacing or extending | $5,000.00 |
SS2 sanitary sewer appurtenances - adding, modifying, replacing or extending | $1,800.00 |
SW1 storm sewers - adding, modifying, replacing or extending. (Includes standard system components) | $1,800.00 |
SW2 stormwater management facility - adding, modifying, replacing or extending | $5,000.00 |
SW2 storm appurtenances - adding, modifying, replacing or extending | $1,800.00 |
Description | 2025 charges |
Lot grading fee | $185.00 |
Consent - additional engineering required | $174.00 |
Subdivision/condominium Draft Plan and Functional Servicing Review - Minimum | $1,745.00 |
Subdivision/condominium Draft Plan and Functional Servicing Review - Maximum | $5,239.00 |
Subdivision/condominium Draft Plan and Functional Servicing Review - peer review costs | Cost recovery |
Subdivision/condominium Draft Plan and Functional Servicing Review - first 10 lots/units, price per lot | $86.00 |
Subdivision/condominium Draft Plan and Functional Servicing Review - each additional lot/unit | $34.00 |
Minor revision to Draft Plan - no public notice | $350.00 |
Major revision to Draft Plan - public notice | $700.00 |
Development pre-consultation | $1,038.00 |
Sanitary modelling cost recovery | Cost recovery |
Water modelling cost recovery | Cost recovery |
Description | 2025 charge |
Lot grading deposit | $2,015.00 |
As-built/As-constructed drawing deposit | $10,075.00 |
Schedule R: Fees and Charges Estimate Formula
Calculation for Additional Fees
A required fee not listed in Schedules "A" through "Q" will be calculated using the following formula:
Direct Costs + Indirect Costs - Ancillary Revenues = Calculated User Fee (plus any applicable taxes)
Direct Costs
Wages and Benefits
- Staffing Costs: Hours x Hourly Rate
- Staffing Benefits Costs: 48% of County Average Benefit Cost
- Supervisory Costs: Hours x Hourly Rate
- Supervisor Benefits Costs: 48% of County Average Benefit Cost
Vehicle Costs
Administrative Costs
- Inspection Costs: Number of Staff x Hours x Hourly Rate
- Benefits: 48% of County Average Benefit Costs
- Photocopying: Cost of Photocopying and Paper
- Mailing: Cost for Regular Mail
- Filing: Copying and Filing Internal Copies
- Other Costs: Cost per Unit
Indirect Costs
Department Overhead Allocation: Allocation to Department Allocation (%)
County General Admin Overhead: Council, CAO, Finance, Clerks and General Overhead (%)
Ancillary Revenues
Grants and Offsetting Revenues
2025 Water and Wastewater Fees
Each year, the County also establishes fees and service charges related specifically to water and wastewater services.
The 2025 Water and Wastewater Fees and Service Charges By-Law and schedules are in effect as of January 1, 2025. Read the full 2025 Water and Wastewater Fees and Services Charges By-Law.
Jump to section
- Schedule A: Metered Charges
- Schedule B: Bulk Water Charges
- Schedule C: General Fees
- Schedule D: Refusal and Tampering
- Schedule E: Fees and Charges Estimate Formula
Schedule A: Metered Charges
Consumption charges
Description | 2025 charge |
Rate | $1.2864/m3 |
Basic charges
Charge per month based on domestic service size.
Description | 2025 charge |
R1/C1 (service size: 16 and 19 mm, 5/8 and 3/4 in) | $27.36 |
R2/C2 (service size: 25 mm, 1 in.) | $27.36 |
R3/C3 (service size: 37 mm, 1.5 in.) | $154.57 |
R4/C4 (service size: 50 mm, 2 in.) | $335.95 |
C5 (service size: 75 mm, 3 in.) | $591.19 |
C6 (service size: 100 mm, 4 in.) | $1,175.81 |
C7 (service size: 150 mm, 6 in.) | $2,187.20 |
C8 (service size: 200 mm, 8 in.) | $3,735.89 |
Flat rate
Consumption charge of 15 m3/month + R1/C1 Basic Charge ($27.36)
Description | 2025 charge |
Total flat rate | $46.65 |
Standby Charge
When a property temporarily discontinues the supply of water or when a property is being developed or re-developed, a standby charge is billed based on the basic rate for the applicable service size until the connection is in place. The standby charge represents the Basic Water charge.
Consumption charges
Description | 2025 charge |
Rate | $1.5001/m3 |
Basic charges
Charge per month based on domestic service size.
Description | 2025 charge |
R1/C1 (service size: 16 and 19 mm, 5/8 and 3/4 in) | $25.06 |
R2/C2 (service size: 25 mm, 1 in) | $25.06 |
R3/C3 (service size: 37 mm, 1.5 in) | $141.60 |
R4/C4 (service size: 50 mm, 2 in) | $307.76 |
C5 (service size: 75 mm, 3 in) | $541.59 |
C6 (service size: 100 mm, 4 in) | $1,077.16 |
C7 (service size: 150 mm, 6 in) | $2,003.70 |
C8 (service size: 200 mm, 8 in) | $3,422.45 |
Flat rate
Consumption charge of 15 m3/month + R1/C1 Basic Charge ($25.06)
Description | 2025 charge |
Total flat rate | $47.56 |
Standby Charge
When a property temporarily discontinues the use of the wastewater system or when a property is being developed or re-developed and discontinues the use of the wastewater system, a standby charge is billed based on the basic rate for the applicable service size until the connection is in place. The standby charge represents the Basic Wastewater charge.
Transfer to taxes
Non-payment will result in the outstanding amounts due being transferred to the current property owner's tax account within 60 days.
Transfer to taxes - Tenants
Non-payment by a tenant will result in the outstanding amount due being transferred to the property owner's tax account within 60 days.
Schedule B: Bulk Service Charges
Description | 2025 charge |
Consumption rate | $3.53/m3 |
Administration fee (for months with billable consumption) | $20.23 |
Account activation fee | $33.17 |
Re-activation fee (accounts are deactivated if there is no consumption for 12 consecutive months) | $33.17 |
New Credit wholesale rate (12% reduction of metered water charge based on agreement) | $1.13/m3 |
Description | 2025 charge |
Leachate - local volumetric charge | $19.54/m3 |
Leachate - base charge | $724,200 |
Leachate - Haldimand leachate capital charge (annual) | $27,137 |
Effluents exceeding the wastewater use by-law | Cost recovery plus admin fee |
Blended septic/holding toilet waste | $16.88/m3 |
Septic/holding tank/portable toilet hauler administration fee (per month) - for months with billable disposable volumes | $20.23 |
Schedule C: General Fees
Description | 2025 charge |
Missed appointment fee | $109.00 |
Water connection - main to street line (includes inspection and main tap). Contractor to supply all materials. |
$417.00 |
Water meter for new construction - 5/8 in. or 3/4 in. meter | $327.00 |
Water meter for new construction - 1 in. meter | $385.00 |
Water meter for new construction - 1.5 in. meter | $752.00 |
Water meter for new construction - 2 in. meter | $1,023.00 |
Water main service connection 100 mm (4 in.) diameter and larger Inspection includes operating valves to isolate main, installation inspection, pressure test verification, meter and backflow installation, hi-range chlorine sampling and flushing (Contractor to tap main and supply all materials.) |
$108.00 per hour |
Bacteriological testing for new 100 mm (4 in.) diameter and larger - water mains and services. Includes sampling and transport to accredited laboratory per sampling site. |
$226.00 |
Water disconnection inspection - inspection only (contractor to supply all materials) |
$109.00 |
Sanitary sewer connection 100 mm (4 in.) diameter - main to street line. Includes inspection and main tap (contractor to supply all materials) |
$417.00 |
Sanitary sewer connection 150 mm (6 in.) or greater- main to street line, inspection only |
$198.00 |
Sanitary sewer disconnection inspection - inspection only (contractor to supply all materials) |
$109.00 |
Connection fee - existing house to connect to the water system - per development charges by-law for singles and semis |
Per Development Charges By-Law |
Connection fee - existing house to connect to the sewer system - per development charges by-law for singles and semis |
Per Development Charges By-Law |
Monthly fee for new construction prior to the meter installation. Based on a flat rate of 20 m3 volume for water and wastewater. The monthly fee will be charged until a water meter is installed. |
Flat Rate water and wastewater |
Customers may request that their water meter be tested. If the meter is found to be accurate, the customer must pay carrying charges and the cost of testing, in addition to payment in full of the bill(s) in question. The following is an excerpt from Haldimand County's Water Use By-Law describing how the charge for testing meters works.
No person shall test any meter except the Water Purveyor. The Water Purveyor shall remove and test any meter by an owner or agent of the owner. If the meter is found to be inaccurate, Haldimand shall adjust the water bill accordingly. A new or rebuilt displacement meter from 17mm (5/8) to 50mm (2") in size will be deemed to be inaccurate if it records outside of the accuracy limits of 98.5 to 101.5 percent on high and intermediate flows and 95.0 to 101.0 percent on low flows. New and rebuilt compound meters, turbine meters, multi-jet meters and
propeller meters from 50mm (2") to 250mm (10") in size will be deemed to be inaccurate if they record 2 percent higher or lower than the manufacturers' recommended accuracy limits. Repaired meters of all sizes will be deemed to be inaccurate if they record outside of the accuracy limit of 90 percent minimum. A rebuilt meter is defined as one that has had the measuring element replaced with a factory-made new unit. A repaired meter is defined as one that has had the old measuring element cleaned and refurbished.
Description | 2025 charge |
Testing done at customer's request - includes meter removal, shipment and cost of test | 100% cost recovery |
A customer may request their water be turned on or off due to internal plumbing problems or for seasonal protection of the plumbing. Haldimand County Finance may initiate a turn-off due to non-payment of a bill. The following is an expert of Haldimand County's Water Use By-law.
No person shall turn off or turn on a water service except the Water Purveyor. If the Water Purveyor is requested to turn off or turn on a water service, a service charge as detailed Miscellaneous Charges is to be paid, it being understood that no water service will be turned off or turned on unless the customer or another person authorized in writing to act on his behalf, is present on the premises.
During normal working hours
Description | 2025 charge |
Water turn-on | $109.00 |
Water turn-off | $109.00 |
Water turn-on/turn-off same day for fix and repair | $122.00 |
Water turn-on and meter reconnection | $122.00 |
Water turn-off and meter disconnection | $122.00 |
Water meter removal or install | $24.00 |
Outside normal working hours
Description | 2025 charge |
Water turn-on | $240.00 |
Water turn-off | $240.00 |
Water turn-on and meter reconnection | $288.00 |
Water turn-off and meter disconnection | $288.00 |
Water meter removal or install | $47.00 |
During normal working hours
Description | 2025 charge |
Thawing frozen water service line (1-hour minimum) | $163.00 per hour |
Replacement of water meter due to frost plate damage | Meter cost* plus $108.00 |
Outside normal working hours
Description | 2025 charge |
Thawing frozen water service line (2-hour minimum) | $287.00 per hour |
Replacement of water meter due to frost plate damage | Meter cost* plus $283.00 |
*Meter costs (as listed in Connection Permits and Fees)
- 5/8 in or 3/4 in meter - $327.00
- 1 in meter - $385
- 1.5 in meter - $752
- 2 in meter - $1,023
Sanitary sewer rodding/teley video
If County staff determine that a sewer line blockage is the property owner's responsibility, the charges below will be billed. Services provided outside of normal working hours will be charged a minimum of 2 hours.
During normal working hours
Description | 2025 charge |
Sanitary sewer rodding (minimum 1 hour) | $320.00 per hour |
Sewer video* (minimum 1 hour) | $271.00 per hour |
Dye testing (minimum 1 hour) | $160.00 per hour |
Vactor charge (minimum 1 hour) | $333.00 per hour |
Outside normal working hours
Description | 2025 charge |
Sanitary sewer rodding (minimum 2 hours) | $561.00 per hour |
Dye testing (minimum 2 hours) | $282.00 per hour |
Vactor charge (minimum 2 hours) | $610.00 per hour |
*Sewer videos are available only during normal working hours.
Sewer sludge storage costs
Description | 2025 charge |
Sludge storage - Townsend Lagoon | $5.455/m3 |
Sanitary discharge agreement
Description | 2025 charge |
Over-strength discharge fee formula "R" value ("R" means the rate for sewage treatment in $/m3 of sewage flow as set out from time to time by the County) |
$1.199/m3 |
New discharger information report administrative fee | $290.00 |
Existing discharger information report administrative fee | $290.00 |
Sanitary discharge agreement annual administration fee | $1,741.00 |
Sanitary discharge agreement amendment request application processing fee | $290.00 |
Application for a hauled sewage discharge permit processing fee | $290.00 |
Annual hauled sewage discharge permit processing fee | $290.00 |
Haldimand County assistance with all other additional requests | 100% cost recovery |
Wastewater discharge program
Description | 2025 charge |
Application fee | $290.00 |
Engineering compliance report | 100% cost recovery |
Meter testing, meter calibration, meter installation, and other administrative costs | 100% cost recovery |
Description | 2025 charge |
Inspection of external services | 100% cost recovery |
Installation of communication antennae system on County facilities - other agencies or departments of the County | No charge |
Installation of communication antennae system on County facilities - local emergency services, Provincial and Federal agencies or ministries, per year, per mounting | $3,175.00 |
Installation of communication antennae system on County facilities - private enterprises | Per contract |
Administration fees and late payment charges
The following charges may be administered by a 3rd party on behalf of the County.
Description | 2025 charge |
Arrears certificate | $20.00 |
Non-sufficient funds charge (NSF) | $41.00 |
Credit reference/credit check | $20.00 |
Account setup charge | $38.10 |
Late payment interest charge - per month | 1.25% |
Late payment interest charge - per year | 15.00% |
Transfer to Property Tax Account for collection | $38.00 |
Schedule D: Refusal and Tampering
These fees outline the applicable charges to residents who refuse access required for maintenance, inspection, installation, repair, or replacement of meters/equipment, including privately owned laterals.
Description | 2025 charge |
Monthly meter read estimate | $70.00 |
Police attendance for enforcement | 100% cost recovery |
Court costs to gain access | 100% cost recovery |
Meter Pit installation - applicable for owners who refuse access to the property | 100% cost recovery |
Description | 2025 charge |
Disconnection from the system - applicable to non-paying derelict properties. Costs to be recovered by the owner. Unpaid charges will be added to the property tax account following the proper process. Disconnect at the property line or main is at the discretion of the County. |
100% cost recovery |
Shut-off - this is only an option if the owner is refusing access and not paying their bill | 100% cost recovery + continuation of monthly basic charge fee |
All costs of repairs to services and equipment will be recovered 100% in addition to the tampering and estimated consumption charges.
Description | 2025 charge |
Charge for tampering with water meter and/or water service | $609.00 |
Schedule E: Fees and Charges Estimate Formula
Calculation for Additional Fees
A required fee not listed in Schedules "A" through "D" will be calculated using the following formula:
Direct Costs + Indirect Costs - Ancillary Revenues = Calculated User Fee (plus any applicable taxes)
Direct Costs
Wages and Benefits
- Staffing Costs: Hours x Hourly Rate
- Staffing Benefits Costs: 48% of County Average Benefit Cost
- Supervisory Costs: Hours x Hourly Rate
- Supervisor Benefits Costs: 48% of County Average Benefit Cost
Vehicle Costs
Administrative Costs
- Inspection Costs: Number of Staff x Hours x Hourly Rate
- Benefits: 48% of County Average Benefit Costs
- Photocopying: Cost of Photocopying and Paper
- Mailing: Cost for Regular Mail
- Filing: Copying and Filing Internal Copies
- Other Costs: Cost per Unit
Indirect Costs
Department Overhead Allocation: Allocation to Department Allocation (%)
County General Admin Overhead: Council, CAO, Finance, Clerks and General Overhead (%)
Ancillary Revenues
Grants and Offsetting Revenues
Contact Us
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0