To serve in an advisory capacity to Haldimand Council on matters issues and policies that impact the quality of life of youth in Haldimand County.
The purpose of the Youth Advisory Committee (HCYAC) is to provide a forum for the exchange of information on youth needs, options and initiatives across Haldimand County. To provide youth with a better understanding of municipal structure and decision making. Participation on a HCYAC provides citizens with the opportunity to more actively engage in their local government. This works to strengthen community relationships and creates a mechanism for open and meaningful dialogue on municipal issues thereby enhancing the quality of life that Haldimand County youth residents enjoy.
Committee Composition
The Committee should be made up of at least 8 voting members, but not more than 12 voting members, led by the Supervisor, Programs and Events within the Division of Community Development and Partnerships.
The Committee term will coincide with Haldimand County Council term of office.
The Committee should include representation from the following:
- A minimum of one member of Haldimand County Council (voting member)
- Staff member(s) (non-voting members)
- Members between the ages of 16-24
Roles and Responsibilities
Role of Committee Members
- Working with staff, establish a vision and term of office workplan with action steps timelines and outcomes
- Establish annual priorities for implementation
- Act as a liaison for youth in Haldimand County and advise on ways to enrich and enhance the health and quality of life of youth in the community
- Provide advice to staff, partners and Council based on issues, programs, policies and services provided to youth in Haldimand
- Form partnerships in the community to educate, inform, promote and improve the quality of life for youth
- Assist with the organization of, and participate in youth events and activities driven by the Committee
- Members should notify the Chair through staff in advance of their intent to be absent from a meeting
- Prepare for meetings by reviewing materials
- Chair shall review draft meeting agenda and minutes prior to them be distributed to committee members
The Committee will not be responsible for the following:
- Undertaking or directing the daily operations of the County
- Administrative matters including directions to staff
- Reviewing staff structure, staff compensation, or other staffing related matters
- Preparing, approving or delivering the annual budget and capital projects
- Performing project and program implementation, unless assigned by Council
- Reviewing any matter that may be subject to the County’s closed meeting provisions
- Acting as a forum to debate decided matters of Council, or a forum to organize political advocacy for Council to reconsider decided matters
Role of Staff
- Provide meeting facilities and related support services for all HCYAC meetings
- To develop partnership networks within the community, provide youth related information share advisory committee ideas with community partners and Council and provide facilitative and administrative support for the committee
- County staff will take and circulate all meeting minutes, highlighting recommendations by the committee
- Make meeting minutes available to the public
Committee meetings will be rotated in various areas within Haldimand County should the Committee choose.
All meetings will be advertised and open to members of the public unless in camera sessions are justified as per the Municipal Act.
Chair and Vice Chair will be determined by HCYAC members at the second meeting of the term of office.
Quorum will be 50% of the HCYAC members.
Members of the HCYAC will be expected to declare any pecuniary conflict of interest at the start of each meeting, and if any such conflicts, either actual or perceived are declared, the member will not take part in the discussion or voting related to the items identified.
Each voting member of the Committee is an independent representative to the Committee and shall not represent the concerns of a community group.
The HCYAC has no decision making power over stakeholder groups / staff or standing committees. They will develop recommendations and proposals to provide to staff for consideration by Council.
The HCYAC will seek to achieve consensus on decisions. If no consensus is achieved, recommendations are “carried” if supported by a majority of those in attendance. Only resolutions as they appear in the adopted minutes may be considered as officially representing the position of the Committee.
In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall conduct meetings. If neither is present, the Committee shall appoint an Acting Chair from amongst those members present for that meeting.
Council shall have the power to remove any member(s) of the Committee at any time.
The HCYAC will report to Council, through staff reports updating them on activities and assessments of their progress on Council’s mandate. Reports containing recommendations for consideration will be made by the appropriate staff to Council for approval.