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Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee

The Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee offers advice and perspectives on what is happening within the business community and provides feedback on the success of Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism division strategic plans.

The committee also provides input on the division’s proposed annual work plan as well as the proposed operating and capital budgets that are submitted to Council for approval.

Contact our staff liaison for the Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee.


The Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee (“BDPAC” or “Committee”) is an advisory committee for the Haldimand County Council.

The Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee provides advice and recommendations to Council to assist in the development and implementation of Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism Strategies, and fosters alignment between local government and the Business and Tourism communities. 

The BDPAC also serves as the statutory Planning Advisory Committee as per the Planning Act, providing advice and assistance on major strategic planning initiatives that will have an impact on economic development within the County including land supply and servicing strategies, and Official Plan updates.


The goals and purpose of the Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee are to:

  • Provide community input and recommendations for the implementation of the Economic Development and Tourism strategies including the annual divisional workplan;
  • Provide insight and recommendations on strategic investments that further economic development and growth;
  • Work in partnership with staff and stakeholders to identify opportunities to attract, support , and promote the tourism industry in Haldimand County;
  • Advise on industrial and commercial land requirements, general zoning and use policy, municipal infrastructure and marketing strategy, and other County policies and programs which may impact on the County’s ability to implement the Economic Development and Tourism strategies;
  • Consult with stakeholders and community organizations to actively encourage coordination and cooperation;
  • Assist the County in promoting economic investment by various means including participating with staff and Council at tradeshows and conferences to promote business investment and tourism within the County and working closely with the federal and provincial governments; and
  • Function as the statutory Planning Advisory Committee, as per the Planning Act.


  1. Two (2) members of Council.
  2. Between six (6) and eleven (11) community representatives appointed by Council for the term of Council or until reappointed.  One (1) community member shall be a representative of the Grand Erie Business Centre, the remaining members should consist of local business owners/leaders and land developers with experience in business growth, attraction and retention preferably within Haldimand County.   
  3. Mayor is an ex officio voting member of the committee.
  4. A Chair and Vice-Chair will be elected by members at the first meeting annually.
  5. Council may terminate the appointment of any member without notice.
  6. The Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee, when applicable for special projects determined by the committee, be able to engage outside expertise on defined terms, to inform the committee.



  1. Members will actively participate, and provide support and expertise.
  2. The Chair will facilitate meetings, ensure participation by members, maintain decorum, and be the primary contact of the Committee.
  3. Council appointees will act as a liaison between the Committee and Council. They will serve as voting members and count towards meetings quorum.
  4. Staff will provide a committee liaison to manage administrative functions, including assisting the Chair with preparation of agendas and minutes, and attending Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee meetings.
  5. The Clerks Office will provide procedural and legislative guidance to the committee.


  1. It is the responsibility of all appointed members to comply and work with County procedures, by-laws and Provincial legislation, with guidance from staff:
    1. Municipal Act
    2. Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
    3. Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
    4. The Provincial Occupational Health and Safety Act
    5. Haldimand County’s Procedure By-law
    6. Council Code of Conduct
    7. Haldimand County Accountability and Transparency Policy
    8. Haldimand County Social Media Policy
    9. Haldimand County Media Relations Policy
    10. Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
    11. Other applicable Haldimand County by-laws and policies
  2. The Committee may make recommendations to Council on various issues related to the Committee’s mandate, through meeting minutes, motions, and reports.
  3. The Committee may take on additional initiatives as recommended or approved by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and/or the relevant General Manager.


The term of office for the Business Development and Planning Advisory  Committee will be the term of Council.

Staff Support

While the Clerks Office  and staff liaison staff provide administrative support, the entire Corporation will provide input and support to the Committee as required, with the approval of the CAO and/or the relevant General Manager.

Reporting Relationship to Council

The Committee will act as an advisory body and does not have any delegated authority. Recommendations for implementation must first be considered and approved by Council or recommended by the CAO unless otherwise stated in this terms of reference or other municipal policy or procedure.

The Committee will report to Council once per year with a written report and 10-minute presentation on its activities and its intended direction or projects.

All approved Committee minutes will form part of the next regular Council agenda.


No member shall receive remuneration for services.

The Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee (BDAPAC) has an allocated annual budget subject to Council approval through the tax supported operating budget.  Any expenditures from the committee budget must be authorized by the Manager of Economic Development and Tourism be utilized in alignment with the committee's strategic objectives, and must follow Council approved policy. 

Members may receive reimbursement for reasonable expenses related to specific activities approved in the Committee’s mandate and workplan including expenses to attend trade shows, conferences or client meetings.  Reimbursement requests must be pre-approved by the Manager of Economic Development and Tourism, and receipts/invoices must be submitted.


If a Committee Member is absent for three consecutive meetings, without being authorized to do so by a recommendation of the committee, they have forfeited their membership.


The Business  Advisory Committee shall meet a minimum of four times per year, and more frequently at the discretion of the Chair. Meetings shall be governed by The Haldimand County Procedure By-law as may be amended from time to time

The agenda for any regularly scheduled meeting, complete with all reports and attachments, will be made available to members of the public a minimum of two business days prior to the meeting.    Meeting minutes will be made available to the public once they have been approved by the Committee.

Meetings may be held electronically. A member may participate electronically in open or closed meetings. Any such member shall be counted toward quorum of members present at any point in time and shall be able to vote, as permitted by the Municipal Act. Virtual access to meetings may be provided to members of the public at the discretion of the Chair.  In the event Committee meetings are live streamed to the public, these meetings may occur in Council Chambers and members will be assigned seating to accommodate the technical requirements of the video recording system.

Citizen members:

  • Mike Lessard (Chair)
  • Tauri Caputo
  • Phil Hauser
  • Paul Makey
  • George Naylor
  • Adam Peet
  • Mark Reynolds

Council members:

  • Mayor Bentley
  • Councillor O;Neill


2025 meeting dates

The Committee meets bi-monthly at 9 a.m.  

  • January 27, 2025
  • March 31, 2025
  • June 2, 2025
  • September 29, 2025 (Optional)
  • December 1, 2024

Agendas and minutes

Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee meeting dates, agendas and approved minutes are available to view on our Council and Committees calendar.

Contact Us

Clerks Division
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Email Clerks Division
Phone: 905-318-5932

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