Development of the 2023-2027 Accessibility Plan
Under the AODA, municipalities must develop multi-year accessibility plans with input from the Accessibility Advisory Committee and the public. The 2023-2027 Accessibility Plan – approved by Council in January 2023 – outlines the actions that Haldimand County will undertake to identify, remove and prevent barriers for people with disabilities who utilize the goods, services, and facilities of Haldimand County.
To ensure the 2023-2027 plan was informed by community needs and insight from individuals with disabilities, a survey was conducted to gather input on what elements members of the public would like to see included in the plan, as well as areas of importance to focus on. With consideration given to community input received, the 2023-2027 Plan identifies several areas where improvements can be made to increase accessibility, as well as next steps to ensure barriers are removed, no new barriers are formed, and an inclusive community is created and sustained. The 2023-2027 Accessibility Plan is available on the county website.