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As a County, we’re committed to eliminating barriers and improving accessibility for all residents in a manner that respects independence, dignity, integration, and equal opportunity.

Accessibility in Haldimand County is guided externally by the the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA), Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Act. Internally, we are guided by our own Accessibility Advisory Committee, our Five Year Accessibility Plan (2023 To 2027), Accessible Design Standards, and our Accessible Customer Service Policy

On this page

Request an accessible format

If you require a County document in an alternative format, or have accessibility concerns you’d like to share with us, you can submit an online accessibility request here.

Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Accessibility Advisory Committee advises Council on matters specific to accessibility, and works to remove and prevent barriers for residents living with a disability.

Accessible Design Standards

Our Accessible Design Standards aim to ensure that any new construction or redevelopment of County-owned or leased spaces, buildings, and infrastructure meet the accessibility needs of Haldimand residents and visitors.

Across the corporation, these standards are understood to be:

  • Mandatory for all new construction and redevelopment of existing spaces and facilities, owned, leased or operated by Haldimand County.
  • Intended to apply to the greatest extent possible for retrofit, alterations or additions to existing spaces and facilities owned, leased or operated by Haldimand County.
  • Encouraged to be implemented by other sectors and organizations within Haldimand County.
  • Recognized as addressing the needs of diverse users, with or without disabilities, to ensure inclusive environments for all.

Inclusive spaces fund

Haldimand County Council has dedicated $50,000 annually to enhance existing County assets in need of accessible upgrades and introduce new accessible features that meet the community’s evolving needs.

Potential projects are reviewed with the Accessibility Advisory Committee to prioritize what will go ahead each year.

Learn more about the Inclusive Spaces Fund and our 2024 projects here.

Accessible services in our community

There are a number of private businesses and programs in our community that offer accessible services to residents.

  • The Haldimand Abilities Centre has community-based support services and recreational programs aimed at individuals with dementia, an acquired brain injury or visual impairment.
  • Special Olympics South Central Ontario provides quality sport training and competitions for Haldimand County athletes living with an intellectual disability.
  • Senior Support Services offers a number of services for residents over the age of 60 and individuals with disabilities. Recreational services include friendly visiting, diner’s club, adult day programs, and fundraisers and events.  

  • Best Care Agency offers private care options and leisure/hospitality transportation. Please note, this agency’s transportation services do not accommodate wheelchair or mobility devices.
  • Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation operates a Home and Community Care Unit that offers home support services for older adults and adults with disabilities.
  • Senior Support Services offers a number of services for residents over the age of 60 and individuals with disabilities. Services range from telephone reassurance and home maintenance to caregiver support and transportation.

Accessible parking permits

Accessible parking permits are issued by Service Ontario to either a driver or a passenger with a disability or health concern. There is not cost for this permit.

Accessibility requirements for contractors/vendors

All contactors and their employees who provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of the County have an obligation under the AODA and are required to have accessibility training.

Contractors must keep records of all training, including dates, the number of employees trained, and individual training records for their business. The information must be made available to the County and/or Province if requested.

Report an accessibility issue

Contact Us

Accessibility Coordinator
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Email the Accessibility Coordinator
Phone: 905-318-5932

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