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By-law Enforcement (Municipal Law Enforcement)

Municipal Law Enforcement Officers respond to complaints and enforce the by-laws of Haldimand County.

It is important for property owners and occupants/tenants to become educated and aware of their responsibilities, and by doing so, the consequences of by-law violations may be avoided. 

Municipal Law Enforcement is located at the Haldimand County Administration Office, 53 Thorburn Street South, Cayuga ON  905-318-5932.

Haldimand County Law Enforcement Officers are available Monday to Friday during office hours.

Weekend daytime hours are Saturday and Sunday including Statutory holidays.

Municipal Enforcement Law Officers respond on a complaint basis.  Complaints can be made here

Haldimand County is broken into 5 enforcement areas as noted in the map below.

Area 1 – Hagersville/Selkirk/Townsend/Fisherville/ Kohler

Area 2 – Cayuga/ South Cayuga/Rainham/Canfield/South Cayuga

Area 3 – Dunnville/ Canbourgh/Low Banks/ Port Maitland

Area 4- Caledonia/ York, Seneca

Area 5- Hagersville/ Walpole/ Oneida

Below are some more common Bylaw that are inquired about.  For a full list of Haldimand County Bylaws please click this link

A cartoon image of a barking dog
  • Animal Control
    Dog licensing, barking dogs, exotic animals and livestock claims.
A diagram of a megaphone
  • Noise
    Residential-related noise and construction-related noise.
  • Parking
    On-street parking and parking on private property.
A cartoon image of a house holding a hammer and giving a thumbs up
A diagram of a bank wooden sign
  • Signs
    Information on signs, billboards and related building permit information.
A cartoon man shovelling snow
A diagram of an envelope flying through the air
  • Flyers
    Flyers are distributed by the following companies in Haldimand County.  To make a complaint or be removed from the distribution list please contact them directly.

Deliveries Unlimited

Lakeshore Shopper


A diagram of a coiled notebook with an icon of two people on the cover
  • By-law-Related Contacts
    Additional contact information for the by-law enforcement area offices, government agencies, organizations and associations, other Haldimand County departments and utilities.