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Planning Applications

Our Planning team is here to help. There are a variety of planning applications under the Planning Act that may be required to obtain approval for development proposals. Learn more about the standards and expectations for various planning and development applications in Haldimand County.

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A pre-consultation is the first step in the planning application process. The pre-consultation is an opportunity to meet with Planning Staff, and/or Authorized Agent(s) to discuss the proposed application. This will help you understand the requirements and timelines of the application process, and determine any potential concerns.

Before submitting a planning application, please connect with Planning Staff to determine if your development proposal will require a pre-consultation.

Planning Act applications and approvals

Review the different types of Planning Act applications and understand the standards and expectations in Haldimand County. A meeting for pre-consultation and development review is required before you submit an application for any of the following:

A Site Plan Approval application is a required process for most residential or commercial developments, including major building renovations or additions. The purpose of the application is to review and coordinate features of the site such as impact on surrounding lands, parking, placement of buildings, stormwater management, grading and drainage, etc.

Site Plan approval ensures Haldimand County’s design requirements are met.

An Official Plan Amendment is required in situations where the proposed use, though generally consistent with the Provincial policy, is not permitted in the Haldimand County's Official Plan.

Learn more about the process of applying for an Official Plan Amendment.

A Plan of Subdivision application is a proposal to subdivide land into two or more parcels. A Plan of Subdivision application includes how the property has been subdivided, information and conditions on how to develop a parcel of land, and details on roads and related infrastructure.

You can use lots of blocks created by a Plan of Subdivision for various purposes, such as residential or commercial use, based on the designation of the land within the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.

An application for a Plan of Condominium is required before you create and then sell individual condominium units. This applies to all types of condominiums including standard condominiums, vacant land condominiums, common-elements condominiums or the conversion of an existing use from rental to condominium.

In most situations, a Zoning By-law Amendment is required when the intended use, though generally in line with the Official Plan policy, is not specifically permitted under the current zoning. This can be used to change the zoning of the land or add special provisions to the zoning designation for a property.

If your proposed change is minor and only differs slightly from the provisions, you may be able to apply for a Minor Variance instead. Please speak with Planning Staff to discuss this alternative.

A Temporary Use By-law application is a type of Zoning By-law Amendment. It is meant to enact temporary use of land for a purpose otherwise prohibited by the Zoning By-law. The County may enact Temporary Use By-laws for:

  • A separate housing unit, such as a garden suite.
  • Unfamiliar or uncommon uses on a trial basis.
  • And/or where it is known that the use will be established for a brief, defined period.

To apply for a Temporary Use By-law, you must submit a Zoning By-law Amendment and applicable fees. Visit our Zoning page to learn more.

If a Temporary Use By-law has been granted, you may apply for an extension. Please contact the Planning Team to see if this is applicable. 

Part Lot Control regulates the sale or transfer of part of a lot or block within a registered plan of subdivision.

A Part Lot Control Exemption application is required where multiple lots are to be created out of a registered plan of subdivision for sale, and lot creation via severances is considered unnecessary. It is usually used for semi-detached or townhouse developments to accurately set the boundary lines between the units. 

A Public Consultation strategy is required for Official Plan amendments, Zoning By-Law amendments, plans of subdisions and consents before the application is deemed 'complete' as defined by the Planning Act.

We offer a Front End Financing initiative. This initiative was implemented to assist developers of employment-generating projects in financing the upfront costs of constructing municipal infrastructure necessary to facilitate development in areas not currently serviced.

To learn more about this initiative and see if your development qualifies, please contact our Planning Department.

For more guidance on submitting planning applications through our online CityView Portal, visit our Portal Help Page.

Applying for your permit

After you've completed all required forms and documents, submit your application through our online portal. Once you've started your application, you can save it at any time and finish your submission within 30 days. After 30 days, your incomplete application will be deleted and you must begin the process again.

Once registered on the portal, you will be able to apply, upload documents, pay fees, check your permit's status and request inspections.

If you require help at any time during the planning application process, contact staff in our Planning division for assistance. 

Application Fees

For all planning applications, payment of application fees must be made when the application is submitted. The payment is considered a requirement of a complete application. Application fees are non-refundable.

Refer to the Schedule Q - Planning Fees for a complete list of application fees.

Design Criteria

Design criteria in planning is the foundation for the design process to ensure that development proposals meet environmental requirements and safety standards. These guidelines and standards have been developed for use by outside agencies and applicants to ensure all final project outcomes are successful.

Planning applications and engineering design submissions will need to follow the guidelines set out by Haldimand County in the design criteria. Planning staff will confirm if your development project meets the design guidelines, or if additional analysis of specific technical components is required. 

For information regarding the design criteria please contact the Planning Division.


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