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Official Plan Amendments

The Official Plan guides development in Haldimand by identifying where and under what circumstances certain types of lands uses can be located. If a proposal to develop land does not conform to the Official Plan policies and/or land use designation applied to those lands, an Official Plan Amendment will need to be made.

How to apply for an Official Plan Amendment

An Official Plan Amendment may take a minimum of four to six months to complete after we receive your completed application including any supporting studies. The level of complexity and issues related to your proposal will affect this timeline.

Before submitting an application, a Pre-Consultation Meeting is often required.

The purpose of this consultation is to:

  • Determine whether an Official Plan Amendment is necessary.
  • Provide initial feedback on the proposed amendment and identify any potential concerns.
  • Outline additional information, studies, or reports you may need.
  • Confirm if additional approvals, such as a Zoning By-Law Amendment, is required.
  • Confirm fees, timelines, and next steps.

Review the Development Application Fees for Haldimand County.

Fees for other external agencies may be applicable. Ensure you contact all relevant external authorities for confirmation of their fees. Fees for external agencies must be paid directly to them.

Application fees are non-refundable.

Complete and submit your application for an Official Plan Amendment through our CityView Portal.

Your application must be submitted with all requirements, studies, and applicable reports.

Payment of application fees must be made when the application is submitted. The payment is considered a requirement of a complete application.

There are three ways you can pay your permit fees to Haldimand County:

1. Online

If you submitted your application through the online portal, you can also pay your fees through your portal account.

Credit card and VISA debit payments are accepted. 

Note: Development Charges can also be paid online, subject to a 2.5% fee. Online payments are limited to a maximum charge of $100,000 per single transaction.

2. In person

You can pay in person at the Haldimand County Administration Building, 2nd Floor, 53 Thorburn Street South. 

Debit, credit card and cheque payments are accepted. 

3. By mail or drop-off

For all mail or drop-off payments, please ensure the Official Plan pending application number is included. This will be provided during your pre-consultation.

You can mail a cheque payable to Haldimand County to:

53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, ON
N0A 1E0

Or drop a cheque off at the drop box on the side of the building off Chippewa Street. 

After Submission

You can login to CityView Portal to see the status of your application. 

If you did not provide the required information or fees with your application, or we request revisions, you will be notified through the CityView Portal.

If the status of your application is deemed Waiting for Submittals: your application has been reviewed for completeness, however an element of your application is incorrect or missing. Refer to the Incomplete Application Notice document under Documents & Images to find the comments from circulated agencies required to be addressed.

If the status of your application is deemed Waiting for Revisions: your application has undergone formal review and elements of your application must be addressed. Refer to the Planning Review Corrections document under Documents & Images to find the comments from circulated agencies required to be addressed.

Find more information on submitting Planning Applications on CityView Portal Help.

Contact Us

Haldimand County
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0

Phone: 905-318-5932

After hours (Road, Sewer, Water or Park & Public Facilities Emergencies): 1-888-849-7345

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