Book a Pre-Consultation
To help make the development process easier, we recommend a pre-application consultation with planning staff before you start the application process for specific planning projects. They will help you understand the standards & expectations for Planning Act applications.
When you need a consultation
Review our Planning Application page to determine which type of development application you require for your project.
The first step before submitting any planning application is to contact our Planning Department. In many instances, a pre-application consultation (or pre-consultation) is recommended.
During this meeting, we will identify any studies and reports that you may need to include in your application(s) and discuss other relevant information.
Book a Pre-consultation
Download and complete our Pre-consultation Meeting Request Form (PDF) and follow the instructions on the form to include all necessary information and fees to go along with your form. You must include, at minimum:
- Your completed form
- The details of your proposed development (as described in the form)
- A pre-consultation fee, which you can find in the planning application fees.
You must submit your pre-consultation form online through our CityView Portal. Fees can be paid online through the portal, in person at our office, or through mail/courier to our office, attention: Planning Department.
Once we receive your submission, we will contact you directly with the date, time and location of your pre-consultation meeting with staff.
While every effort is made to schedule pre-consultation meetings as soon as possible, it may take up to six weeks from the time we receive your submission until the meeting. This allows staff to distribute the request to relevant departments and agencies for their input.
Pre-consultation meetings are held every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Contact Us
Planning and Development
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0