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Community Improvement Plans

A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) encourages rehabilitation initiatives and stimulates development through financial incentives for eligible businesses and property owners.

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Haldimand's CIP Program allows us to provide financial incentives to businesses and landowners within a defined area to help with physical improvements to private property and to assist more broadly with economic development.

We have two streams of CIPs:

  • Downtown Revitalization Community Improvement Plan
  • Rural Business and Tourism Community Improvement Plan

The programs operate with a combined annual budget of $150,000. Applications must be submitted before the start of any work to qualify, and are accepted first-come, first-served.

Downtown Community Improvement Plan

Our Downtown CIP program provides grants to eligible property owners who want to invest in the renovation, development, or redevelopment of their business spaces.

The program is available to property owners located within a defined boundary in the downtown areas of Caledonia, Cayuga, Dunnville, Hagersville, Jarvis or Selkirk.

The map below identifies the downtown CIP boundaries throughout Haldimand County. Please zoom in on each township to see the boundaries.

These boundaries are for a general guideline only. Please contact our Economic Development team to ensure your property is within one of the boundaries.

Grants available

The focus of this grant is on upgrades and interior renovations related to building, fire, and other code compliance. Eligibility is restricted to costs of converting vacant or under-utilized space to use as a commercial roofed accommodation, restaurant/market or place of assembly related to culture, recreation, or arts.

Grant amount: up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $25,000.

This grant offers funding to eligible commercial or mixed-use property owners for front, rear, or sidewall façade improvements.

Grant amount: up to 50% of eligible construction costs to a maximum of $10,000.

The maximum could increase up to $15,000 for projects related to accessibility improvements or for properties that are clearly visible from the Grand River.

For projects only involving signage, eligible applicants may apply for 50% of the construction costs to a maximum of $5,000.

This grant is available to eligible applicants for the provision of housing including rehabilitation of existing residential space or the conversion of non-residential to residential space.

Grant amount: up to 15% of eligible construction costs to a maximum of $15,000.

This grant is available to applicants with projects related to the preservation, restoration and/or enhancement of heritage properties (as designated by Heritage Haldimand).

Grant amount: up to 50% of eligible construction costs to a maximum of $10,000.

This grant is intended to lessen the financial costs of property rehabilitation and redevelopment by reducing the increase of the property’s annual taxes.

Applicants receiving this grant are ineligible for all other programs.

Grant amount: up to 50% of the annual County tax increase resulting from redevelopment for a maximum of 10 years.

This program offers eligible applicants with a refund for County planning application/building permit/development charge fees resulting from the development or re-development of a property.

Rural business and tourism community improvement plan

Our Rural Business and Tourism Community Improvement Plan (RBTCIP) is an innovative approach to supporting the local economy by offering incentives for business/property owners operating in designated hamlets or heritage buildings, or engaging in value-added agriculture or commercial roofed accommodations.

Grants available

This matching grant can be used for façade, signage or landscape improvements to publicly visible parts of buildings and properties. Please note, that applications just for window replacements are not accepted.

Grant amount: Up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $10,000 per property. Landscaping improvements can only make up 15% of the total grant.

This program assists with property re-development by reducing construction-related costs associated with development charges, planning fees and building permits.

Grant amount: 100% of development charges, planning and building permit fees.

This grant is intended to lessen the financial costs of property rehabilitation and redevelopment by reducing the increase of the property’s annual taxes.

Applicants receiving this grant are ineligible for all other programs.

Grant amount: up to 50% of the annual County tax increase resulting from redevelopment for a maximum of 10 years.

This grant provides funds for interior renovations and improvements including, but not limited to, the re-purposing of agricultural buildings, building expansions and additions, retrofitting, fire and other code compliance.

Grant amount: up to  50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $25,000.

This is a grant for the enhancement, restoration and/or preservation of designated heritage properties engaging in commercial uses.

Grant amount: up to 50% of construction costs to a maximum of $10,000.

Application process

  1. Confirm with our economic development team that your property is eligible
  2. Gather all materials required for application as applicable (such as two quotes for all work proposed, site plans, construction drawings, photographs of the existing property, etc.)
  3. Submit an application
  4. If your application is approved, you can proceed with the work, making sure to keep all receipts for materials and supplies. Depending on the grant value, your application may need to be approved by Haldimand County Council.
  5. We’ll confirm details with you, and provide funds to cover costs as outlined in the grant.

For more information or to get started, contact our economic development team.

To request full copies of our Community Improvement Plans, contact

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