Site Alteration
Site alteration in Haldimand County is regulated by the Ministry of Environment's Onsite and Excess Soil Management regulation and Haldimand County's Site Alteration By-law.
When you need a permit
You must apply for a Site Alteration Permit if your property receives more than 50 cubic meters (approximately 5 dump truck loads) of fill in a calendar year.
Follow the guidelines below based on whether the fill is sourced from inside or outside Haldimand County.
For Fill from Within Haldimand County
To apply for a permit, you must provide:
- A completed application form
- Source details (where the fill is coming from and the supplier)
- Planned transport route to your property
- A site plan showing where the fill will be placed
- Required approvals from relevant authorities (such as Conservation Authority, Roads Department, etc.)
- Anticipated start date (subject to approvals)
- Application fee
- Security or Road Damage Deposit (as applicable)
For Fill from Outside Haldimand County
Additional information is required for fill sourced from outside Haldimand County:
- A completed application form
- Full address and contact details for the fill source
- Past uses of the source site
- Details of the project generating the fill
- Volume of fill being transported
- A sampling and analysis plan with confirmation that the fill is safe and suitable
- Owner’s confirmation of all above details
- Haul route, daily truck volumes, and operating hours for truck traffic
- A site plan showing where the fill will be placed
- Required approvals from authorities (such as Conservation Authority, Roads Department, etc.)
- Anticipated start date (subject to approvals)
- Application fee
- Security or Road Damage Deposit (as applicable)
Apply for a permit
Complete the application below and submit it to the Building Division.
- Submit by email
- Submit in person at:
Haldimand County Administration Office, 2nd Floor
53 Thorburn Street South, Cayuga
Include a detailed site plan. Upon approval and completion of all requirements, you'll be notified to collect the permit and finalize the Site Alteration Agreement (required for fill exceeding 250 cubic meters). A Security Deposit of $2,500 is required, payable by cash, debit, credit, or certified cheque.
If an incorporated company owns the property, additional documentation is required:
- Articles of Incorporation listing the company directors
- The company president must attend the Haldimand County Administration Building, present identification, and sign the agreement.
Contact Us
53 Thorburn Street South
Cayuga, Ontario
Canada, N0A 1E0
Email the Building Division
Email Building Inspections
Phone: 905-318-5932, ext. 8300