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Community Survey: Haldimand County Ward Boundary Review

Haldimand County is undertaking a comprehensive review of the municipality’s ward boundaries. A ward boundary review is a task conducted on behalf of a municipality to assess whether the present electoral structure and wards constitute an effective, equitable and democratic system of representation and, if not, to propose alternatives.

The overall objective of this review is to establish fair and equitable representation of the residents at the municipal council table. The municipality is growing, and settlement patterns are changing. Have things changed enough within Haldimand County that the electoral wards need to be adjusted?

Haldimand County is committed to involving citizens, businesses and stakeholders in conversations about municipal decisions that interest and/or impact them, including this council composition and ward boundary review.

This survey is important because it will help the consultants to understand how the citizens of Haldimand County view the current electoral arrangement. Your wisdom and insight will enable the consulting team to provide thoughtful recommendations to your Council.

Learn more about the Ward Boundary Review

Take the survey