Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Downtown Street Tree Revitalization Projects - Haldimand County

Downtown Street Tree Revitalization Projects

Haldimand County’s Forest Strategy and Management Plan identifies the goal of transitioning towards proactive tree establishment and replacement, applying the right place principle and using new technologies in selected areas to integrate trees within hardscapes such as downtown cores.

Project Goals

  1. Promoting collaboration between the County, service groups, volunteers, businesses and residents who live, work and contribute to the downtown cores. Development of a comprehensive design for street tree planting within the hardscape areas of the downtown cores.
  2. Maximizing canopy cover within the downtown cores as well as the associated community benefits the trees provide.
  3. Planting the right tree in the right place to minimize future maintenance costs.
  4. Reusing existing tree hardware and developing a standard for tree hardware.
  5. Reduce conflicts between street trees and other infrastructure.
  6. Utilizing the existing planting infrastructure such as structural soils and planting pits.
  7. Increase the beautification of the downtown cores as gateways to their communities.
  8. Successful implementation and installation of the design.

The scope of work for each downtown project involves:

  1. Pre-design and data collection, surveying, preparing topographic maps and survey of utilities with our landscape architectural consultant.
  2. A detailed review of the existing tree infrastructure including the suitability of the existing tree placement and quality of existing hardware (grates, guards and electrical).
  3. Preliminary design proposing trees to be refurbished, removed or new trees planted and their locations.
  4. Public Consultation
  5. Detailed Design for Tendering
  6. Tender Preparation
  7. Contract Administration of the contractor installing the trees.

Project Status

  • Pre-design and data collection: Completed
  • Review of existing infrastructure: Completed
  • Preliminary design: Completed
  • Public Consultation: View the public meeting presentation.
  • Tendering: In progress
  • Construction: July to December 2024
  • Design and public consultation: 2024
  • Construction: 2025
  • Design and public consultation: 2025
  • Construction: 2026